North Carolina has the third strictest COVID-19 restrictions in the country.
Of the 50 states and District of Columbia, only Pennsylvania and California are currently more restrictive than North Carolina under the executive orders of Gov. Roy Cooper according to a study by WalletHub.
The North Carolina legislature passed several bills in an effort to ease the restrictions and get people back to work, such as a bill to allow gyms and fitness centers to open, but Cooper vetoed all of them.
States in the Southeast with which North Carolina competes economically are far more lenient in COVID-19 restrictions. Georgia is ranked 10th by WalletHub compared to 49th for North Carolina. South Carolina is ranked 15th. Tennessee is 16th. Florida is 18th. Washington, DC is 28th. Virginia comes closest to North Carolina at 41st.
As far as COVID-19 cases and deaths, North Carolina ranks in the middle of the pack, but it is one of only six states to still require gyms and fitness centers to remain closed.
In May according to WalletHub North Carolina was ranked 28th and in June 21st which means that other states have lessened their restrictions and Cooper has kept the severe restrictions in place in North Carolina keeping people out of work and refusing to allow the economy to open back up.
According to WalletHub, Texas, Arizona, Tennessee, South Carolina, Florida, Mississippi, Louisiana, Georgia, Idaho, Nevada and Alabama all have higher death rates, but fewer restrictions.
WalletHub ranked on a number criteria including:
- Requirement to wear a face mask in public
- Travel restrictions
- Large gathering restrictions
- Statewide school restart
- Reopening of restaurants and bars
- State guidance on customer health checks at restaurants
- Reopening of nonessential businesses
- Workplace temperature screening
- Working from home requirements/recommendations
- Childcare programs reopening
- Strictness of “shelter in place” order
- Enforcement or penalties for COVID-19 legislation non-compliance
- Presence of mandated contact tracing program
- Suspension of postponement of legislative sessions
- State court closure or suspension
- Guidance on elective surgery and medical procedures
- Guidance for Assisted living facilities related to COVID-19
So the comparison was extensive and, in the entire country, only two states were found to have more severe restrictions than those Cooper has placed on North Carolinians based on “science, facts and data.”
You can read the full report here:
No matter what the fail-safe Coop does, the virus will have its’ own way. U.S. citizens are more mobile than any other country, and the people will spread it, regardless.
Da Coop’s crown restrictions are arbitrary and autocratic. Gyms no, protesters OK?
Da Coop and his party will inflict as much economic pain as they can until the election, and even more so afterwards. They want control, only.
De-Coop-it, or loozit.
I am thankful for a Governor who is concern about all the people and not a select few. Those complaining would not be so happy if it was them or their loved one who either died from COVID19 or suffered and still suffering the effects of it. Nobody want to see their livelihood taken away but the truth is, there are people who have lost their businesses before and they have rebounded. People need to stop being complainers and be more thankful for what they do have. Also a good antidote to complaining is to think about others rather than themself.
He’s not concerned about the public at all. He wants to use this as an excuse to push mail in voting so they can cheat and have more dead people voting. Party lines aside, you must see this…
Margaret I appreciate your sentiments but the point is that lockdowns don’t stop the virus or even make a significant improvement over other areas that did not lock down. Formal, published research is now backing this up. Everyone cares about health, but some people (aka Cooper) act like it’s the only priority, and in the process are destroying jobs, mental health, etc. All while failing to stop a virus that was never going to be stopped anyway, without immediately closing travel from China, which nobody was willing to consider because it wasn’t politically correct.
You know, I might be willing to somewhat agree with you but as has been pointed out many times His Lord High Ruler Cooper has not only allowed protests but participated in them but won’t let businesses that have a solid plan for being able to operate, albeit at a reduced capacity, safely because that would cut into his iron fist grip on his power and control over us, the citizens he considers his subjects.
As for the subjects of deaths, I’m still waiting for someone to look at these reported Covid deaths and see how many REALLY are from the virus. There are plenty of documented cases to back up questioning the numbers.
If the governor really cares, explain these hypocrisies:
* Wear a mask, unless you’re Roy Cooper. Then you can go into a large gathering of people, in close proximity, without a mask
* Establishments that are bars can’t serve alcohol, but restaurants and breweries that have bars can
* Alcohol in general can be served at a restaurant or brewery at 9:59, but at 10:01 it is a deadly vector for Covid
* Large gatherings outdoors are ok, but only if I believe it’s politically beneficial to my base. If they’re not, they’re a deadly vector for Covid. For that matter, if it were up to me, I’d keep churches closed, but some pesky federal judge told me I should abide by the 1st Amendment. Even then, I won’t stop trying to shame people into stopping.
Yeah, Roy really cares. Too bad Dan isn’t a fighter. Think I’ll write in John Hammer, or Alan Marshall for Governor.
I agree with Margaret, although it is not a popular viewpoint on the Rhino Times world.
Uncle Roy, you’re slacking off. I thought you wanted NC to be #1. Step up you’re game.
There’s only one solution to the madness.
Make your vote count and send Gov back to his coop along with the other looney birds this fall.
Yes Roy is a looney bird. He needs to be back picking cotton or planting tobacco. If he even knows how. But being an old southern boy
He must remember something from his youth. Certainly it was not education. This state ranks low in education. Thankyou Cooper….is there anything you can do R I G H T……