It’s what’s not on the agenda for the last scheduled meeting of the Greensboro City Council in 2023 that’s the big story.
What’s not on the agenda for the Tuesday, Dec. 19 meeting is a resolution in support of a ceasefire in Gaza.
At the Tuesday, Dec. 4 meeting, the Council Chamber was filled to overflowing with people and, during the public forum, speaker after speaker asked the City Council to pass a resolution in support of a ceasefire in Gaza.
Those in support of the ceasefire were fairly disruptive and Mayor Nancy Vaughan had to ask several times for order in the Council Chamber. However, the disruptions didn’t reach the point that anyone was banned from attending meetings for three months.
After the speakers, At-large City Councilmember Marikay Abuzuaiter said that she would have a resolution in support of a ceasefire prepared and presented at a future City Council meeting. City Councilmember Hugh Holston said he would support the resolution, but there was also opposition to a resolution voiced by several members of the City Council.
One of the speakers in support of a ceasefire resolution was Isa Abuzuaiter, the husband of Councilmember Abuzuaiter.
When Councilmember Abuzuaiter spoke, she went into some detail about her in-laws in Gaza, about how they had been forced to move and were just trying to survive.
But there is no resolution on the agenda from Councilmember Abuzuaiter or anyone else in support of a ceasefire in Gaza.
Because there is no resolution on the agenda and no agenda items relating to the fighting in Gaza, speakers either for or against a resolution calling for a ceasefire won’t be allowed to speak at the Dec. 19 meeting, according to City Council policy.
The City Council holds one public forum a month on the first meeting of the month where people are invited to come to the podium and speak about the topic of their choosing. It is also called speakers from the floor on non-agenda items.
However, there is no public forum at the second meeting of the month, and while people can speak on any item on the agenda, they are not allowed to speak about items that aren’t on the agenda.
Maybe the council can use the time saved to solve some real city problems like high taxes, wasted tax dollars on council member pet projects, reduced city services and increased murder rate and other crimes. Maybe.
These people are dumb.
Yet they will raise our taxes and cut our services with no debate.
A question for Marikey Abuzaiter :
* Did her In-Laws vote for Hamas?
[ Palestinians voted overwhelmingly for Hamas in 2006. They are a terrorist organization.
We waged war on the German people when only about a third of Germans supported the Nazis ]
If they support terrorism, they can hardly complain when they are on the receiving end of violence.
“What goes around, comes around”.
This is such a BS argument. 2006! That was the last election in Palestine. Plus, Hamas won a bare plurality of votes (44 percent to the more moderate Fatah party’s 41 percent). Hamas has been authoritarian and clearly failed to deliver on their promises made during that election decades ago. Claiming that decades old election means the people of Gaza fully support Hama is just BS.
Takes you BS somewhere else.
Yet there they are……
And since Hamas wad elected by Palestinians, there hasn’t been an election since. You know, like the Nazis. January 1933 saw them win the election, and that was the last election – until after the war.
Polling since then has shown GAZA support for Hamas at almost 90%. We waged war on the Germans whose popular support for the Nazis in 1933 was about 35% (a plurality).
So if the war against the Nazis was justified, how much more justified is the Israeli war against Hamas and their supporters?
Furthermore, the Nazis had a degree of civility that the barbaric Islamists do not possess. The Nazis never beheaded babies or randomly shot at crowds of innocent civilians.
These points I make are not bull. Your points are.
PS Why not let Abuzaiter answer the question, eh?
You just make stuff up don’t you?
Per A Washington Institute poll from July 2023 found that only 57% of Gazans held a “somewhat positive” opinion of Hamas.
You can set up a poll to get whatever result you want, Einstein.
More misinformation and lies from Austin. Classic. I share sources and he clearly doesn’t. Hmmmmm. Justmaking things up because we know he doesn’t care about facts.
People who support terrorists can’t complain when they become the victims.
At first I thought this was satire. As many problems this city has and this is up for debate?? I knew these folks were crazy but by goodness this takes the damn cake.
The people in Gaza and other areas in or near Israel need to know Hamas is not there for them, but for their own push for the antihalation of Israel. Kind like the Chicago and New York mobs when they controlled everything in Chicago and New York and other cities. The sooner they root out those who are in control, the sooner their lives will change.
The city council needs to concentrate on the city’s business, not concern itself with what happens to some terrorist’s organization thousands of miles away.
If I were a councilman, I would just say NO! How about a cease fire in Ukraine? How is the UN doing with all the world’s military aggression?
Because all the actors in the Middle East are waiting with bated breath to learn the opinion of Greensboro, NC’s Councilmembers…
Vladimir Putin is also losing sleep worrying about their thoughts on his invasion of Ukraine. And the Indonesian separatists are just dying to learn the opinion of Nancy Vaughan….
Talk about delusions of grandeur…