Some Tough Choices In March 5 Republican Primary
Dear Editor,
Who are the best candidates?
Bill Graham has just unleashed a viciously disgusting ad slandering Mark Robinson. That and Sen. Tom Tillis endorsing him should eliminate Graham as anyone a conservative or libertarian person would want to vote for. Mark Robinson and Dale Folwell both really seem like excellent candidates for governor. I invite anyone on this site to make the case for one over the other, as I am having trouble deciding which one to vote for.
In a similar vein, there are a number of candidates running for the Republican nomination for the 6th District Congressional seat being vacated by Swamp creature Congresswoman Kathy Manning. I can eliminate one: In 2022 Castelli spent a lot of money on ads to get the nomination (even as said Yankee didn’t even live in the district); yet in the general election, he barely went through the motions of running a campaign at all—as though he might have been a Manning shill.
The issues being emphasized by the other five candidates on their websites make them all rather appealing. Trump has endorsed the sketchiest of the five, Addison McDowell, but Trump has endorsed any number of losers (from Tillis to Dr. Oz). A pro-free market group has endorsed Bo Hines. But the regularity with which Republican politicians turn out to be slugs is alarming. It is why our country is on the verge of being suicided by its ruling class. The Rhino Times could do a service by asking each of the candidates if they will enthusiastically join the Freedom Caucus, as an indicator they aren’t “controlled opposition” type Republicans.
So again, if anyone has insight as to the goodness of one of these five candidates, I hope you’ll enlighten us on this page. Give people wanting individual freedom and limited government that isn’t so corrupt a candidate to coalesce behind if you can.
Will Ferrell
“Bill Graham has just unleashed a viciously disgusting ad slandering Mark Robinson.”
I’m sorry but how much worse could Bill Graham possibly “slander” Mr. Robinson?
Mr. Robinson has openly and unapologetically insulted and degraded women, immigrants, minorities, and members of the LGTQ communities without compassion or care. To say that he would be a lap dog to special interests and the MAGAt treason lobby would be an insult to lap dogs the world over.
No, my friend, to endorse or support Mr. Robinson is an act of lunacy; for no worse, a candidate can be found, except perhaps for the orange man from Florida – currently sitting on the record for indictments (97 and still coming) for a former president and holding the dubious distinction of being the first former president found to be a rapist – should the orange man from Florida choose to run for office in the fair state of North Carolina.
Jimmy. . . is the sky falling?
Well said.
Hey,sweetie boy Chris is back. Here is the Christian choices. Mark Robinson, Alan Branson, Mark Walker, and of course Donald Trump.
Biden is far more a Christian that Trump. Has Trump even gone to a Church? My favorite is when Trump said his fav verse was from “Two Corinthians” versus saying 2nd Corinthians as anyone how heard an actual sermon would know. MAGAs have been conned if they believe Trump is a Christian.
Trump was NOT found to be a rapist; he was found guilty of sexual assault with no proof or even evidence, by a New York City jury, on the say so of a strange old cat lady who publicly fantasises about sex. And the non-event supposedly took place decades ago! She sure took her time reporting her rape, didn’t she?
His conviction only proves that NYC is true deep blue, and that Democrats are so unscrupulous that they will do anything in their spite and “hate” to bring down a successful former President.
And one more thing. Mark Robinson has not insulted immigrants. I am one, and I support him.
None of the left-right hucksters can come up with a well-liked, centrist candidate on their side of the fence. I wouldn’t want an elected job in Washington. In my lifetime, the people who would fit my definition of a good candidate would be Truman, Ike, JFK, Ford, Reagan, Bush 41, & McCain. Pres. Carter is a good man; I have read two of his books, and I have personal correspondence with him. He just wasn’t the right man for the job. From the first Democrat, Andrew Jackson, there have been few Democrats that I have liked, for obvious reasons: Polk, Tyler, Cleveland, FDR. Jackson and Wilson were rabid racists; LBJ was more subtle about it.
They are lots of people that would have the stuff for the Big Job, they just don’t want all the baggage that comes with it.
For governor, Dale Fowell. He has experience. State legislator, four terms and in leadership. The then ran for and won the NC Treasurer position and has held that office since 2013. Fiscal conservation and a CPA. He does a good job in a steady and boring way. Just what I want. If you want a republican for governor, he’s my pick.
I like Robinson, but his careless speech can be insulting to a lot of people. There is no need to pick on people not like you. If his speech at the city council meeting about citizen rights to own guns hadn’t gone viral on youtube, I doubt anyone would know who he is and certainly would not be Lt Governor. I like the guy personally, but he is nowhere near ready to be our governor.
I concur Mr. Ferrell, anybody endorsed by Tillis is in fact a democrat, as he is in principle, and should be dismissed immediately. Fortunately, more people are waking up to the fact that what we have is a Uniparty form of government, which is diametrically opposed to the interests of the citizens. Democrats have succumbed to the full communist regimen and operate with the criminal mind that the ends justify the means and are doing everything possible to fulfill Obama’s edict of transforming the country. Well, they almost have, but only with the assist of the professional republicans who don’t care as long as they get their kick backs from it.
Mark Robinson has the gift of speaking eloquently about the truths the DEI scam and pronoun BS harm has inflicted upon our youth and praises the social order embraced by decent citizens. He has valiantly called out the lifestyle perversions and criminal behavior endorsed by the democrats and mainstreamed by the tv networks but can be the tip of the spear in this state for turning that around.
I will be donating to and voting for this man along with Donald Trump and Mark Walker. It’s time to wake up and stop pretending the gaslighting the media is telling you is true, it’s not…they are lying to you. Look at your own cost of living, the invasion at the border, festering middle east wars, the quality of your kid’s education, out of control federal debt…but pudding brain will tell you it’s Trumps fault.
What a bunch of gibberish. To claim that democrats have succumbed to communism is just ignorant propaganda that is supposed to sound scary but has zero substance. It is Trump that seems to have a love affair with the communist leader Putin if either party leans towards a communist mindset.
Maybe you should diversify your source of reading material and social media engagements away from the propaganda of the conservative movement (which the communist leader Putin is rooting for by the way…).
LMAO…gibberish indeed.
I notice conservative’s never have a response to Trump’s love of Putin. What’s the matter Jv, can’t deny Trumps love for Putin given all the public quotes and tweets Trump makes praising his communist love interest?
Provide ONE quote or Tweet demonstrating Trump’s “love for Putin”.
And I’m a conservative, and have already addressed your absurd claim (when I referenced the UraniumOne deal). So you’re wrong. Just wrong.
Former President Donald Trump said there is “a lot of love” behind Russian President Vladimir Putin’s efforts to make “his country larger” on Sunday as Russian troops continued to invade Ukraine
2013 – “Will he become my new best friend?” Trump asked of Putin in a tweet wondering whether Putin would attend the 2013 Miss Universe pageant Trump brought to Moscow.
2015 – “I think I’d get along very well with Vladimir Putin. I just think so,”
2015 – “It is always a great honor to be so nicely complimented by a man so highly respected within his own country and beyond,” Trump said in a statement. “I have always felt that Russia and the United States should be able to work well with each other towards defeating terrorism and restoring world peace, not to mention trade and all of the other benefits derived from mutual respect.”
2022 – “I went in yesterday and there was a television screen, and I said, ‘This is genius.’ Putin declares a big portion of the Ukraine — of Ukraine — Putin declares it as independent. Oh, that’s wonderful,”
2023 – “I knew Putin very well. I got along with him great. He liked me. I liked him. I mean, you know, he’s a tough cookie, got a lot of the great charm and a lot of pride. But the way he — and he loves his country, you know? He loves his country. He’s acting a little differently, I think now.”
Trump’s praise of Putin then is a feature, not a glitch. He says it – and keeps saying it – because he is genuinely admiring of the supposed might the Russian president is showing in invading Ukraine. It’s that simple.
And Margaret Thatcher complimented Mikhail Gorbachev as “a man we can do business with” in an all smiles impromptu press conference outside No. 10.
Yet there was no greater foe of the USSR than Thatcher & Reagan. Right?
Lol All you got is deflection? LOL And a silly deflection at that.
Comparing Putin and Gorbachev shows you lack any understanding of the history between US and Russia. Gorbachev is considered one of the most significant figures of the second half of the 20th century. The recipient of a wide range of awards, including the Nobel Peace Prize, he is praised for his role in ending the Cold War, introducing new political and economic freedoms in the Soviet Union, and tolerating both the fall of Marxist–Leninist administrations in eastern and central Europe and the German reunification.
Putin is an authoritarian leader who has invaded a free democratic country and uses death and violence to hold onto his power. THAT is who Trump loves.
So is that why Putin pushed forward with his territorial ambitions during an Obama Administration (Crimea) and this Biden Administration (Ukraine), but paused them when Trump was President?
And I am not ignorant of historic US/USSR history. Quit with the personal insults.
Or maybe you should diversify your reading material. I suggest “Red Handed” by Peter Schweitzer, which outlines exactly how Joe Biden and his family have been bought by the CCP (Chinese Communist Party).
The senile octogenarian even likes to brag publicly about how he used public money to corrupt foreign investigations of his and his son’s venality (Ukraine’s Burisma deal).
What a rotten, pro-communist administration we have.
Again, the conservative in the room can’t even attempt to deny that Trump has a love affair with Putin.
And the liberal can’t defend his absurd claim.
You will need a better source that Peter Schweitzer from Brietbart News. He is clearly a far-right extremist that has shown much distaste for facts and truth. “He thinks it, therefore it is true” is the stable of his approach to writing.
For Example: Two Sunday Times reporters following up on his reporting in his second book, Friendly Spies, discovered that meetings described by Schweizer did not check out, that named sources did not exist or could not be found, and that there was no Paris Sheraton Hotel during the time period when the meetings allegedly took place.
Any creditable sources Austin or just other conspiracy nutters who don’t let facts or lack of facts get in the way their ‘belief’?
Oh and let’s not forget that the rhetoric that Robinson loves to spew about hatred of the LGBTQ community is very much in line with the Communist view on the subject. Just sayin.
Someone wrote asking why the Jefferson Building was not reconized at being 100 years old and the history of the building both on a national level as well as the local level. I think I know why. There was no sit in at the building, it was not built by slaves, it was and still is a symbol of hard work and fairness and accomplishments by the working class. which is viewed by some as a sign of greed and not equal to all.
It’s a private building that had a private celebration within the company. What are you going on about?
Will, the only insight I can provide is that I have emailed both Mark Robinson and Dale Folwell with a suggestion that I believe would energize their campaigns and help the people of North Carolina.
Initially I sent a comprehensive and lucid exposition of my idea to Robinson, but heard nothing back. Okay, he’s a busy guy. So a few months later I tried again, and was more concise and compelling. Still no answer. In fact I never got any response at all.
In January I decided to put my proposal to Dale Folwell. He replied the same morning! He said he appreciated my policy idea, was in favor of it, and would try to implement it as Governor. His tone was friendly and his responses were timely and thoughtful.
I provide this information for what it’s worth. I still like Mark Robinson, but maybe his team need to be more responsive. Dale Folwell has certainly gone up in my estimation.
I’m old enough to remember 1997. People were making $12-$13 an hour, gas was 90 cents a gallon, and a months groceries were $100 for one person. It’s 2024 and folks are making maybe $15 an hour, and gas is $4 a gallon and a months groceries for one person are $400.
Slowly but surely the “blob,” the ruling class, the elites are strangling the middle class on purpose and I don’t see any Dem or GOP candidate who will improve things.
Trump is the only one who is a threat to the Uniparty elite. That’s why they’re trying to destroy him and replace him with a Haley/Bush/Romney type.
He’s a threat to them because he represents us.
Big business has them in their pockets for sure. I do suggest Democrats over Republicans as Trump’s record is to give corporations and wealthy big tax breaks while actually increasing working class taxes.