Two Tiered System
Dear Editor,
I spent time watching the difference between the coverage of the news regarding Uncle Joe and the report on the classified documents. As I expected, FOX, MSNBC, and CNN had their own spin on the report, and in one case, MSNBC had a scorecard-like banner that said Trump 91 Biden 0 referring to the charges pending.
But what I found really fun to watch is the MSNBC crew getting near apoplectic trying to defend Uncle Joe. Did President Trump do wrong with the handling of classified material? Based on what I’ve learned so far, most likely. But to have him being prosecuted and Uncle Joe being given a total and complete pass for the same thing is a true and obvious injustice.
They are saying ‘well, Uncle Joe gets a pass because he’s old and confused’…for the past 17+ years. Not just illegally kept that long, but kept in boxes in a garage, a basement, and a closed down office. At least Trump had some semblance of security having the documents in secured locations.
The portions of the report that talked about Biden’s actions outlined quite a bit about his apparent diminished mental capacity and implied it’s been obvious to those close to him. If even a small percentage of it is true, why is this man allowed to access the nuclear football? And what truly makes this report bizarre is the writer says he should not be charged for doing the same thing the (National Socialist) Democrat Party has put President Trump on trial for, the reason being Uncle Joe is an old man with reduced mental capacity.
Ladies and gentlemen, this whole thing proves, IMO, that there is a two tiered system in this country and those who are supposed to represent us consider themselves our keepers, not our representatives. Those in Washington (on both sides of the aisle) appear to consider themselves our keepers. In fact the overwhelming majority of our “elected representatives at almost every level see their roles as our parents, not our employees.
Folks, it is past time to stand up, confront these dangerous clowns, and tell them, in no uncertain terms, “You work for the US! WE put you in that position!”
I’d suggest people do a quick review on how a Representative Republic is supposed to work and learn from it.
Remember the words of Captain John Parker.
Carpe Diem
Alan Marshall
In referring to the dimocrat party. . . .the old saying is “The king wears no clothes”
Good article Alan. I can’t wait to read the disagreements that will be posted from all your left leaning friends! 🙂
Thank you Jv.
Chris has already started with his/her semi-factual replies to include President Trump exercising his Jedi mind powers to motivate thousands of people to march on DC. Funny how he overlooked things like the government agents that have been reported or how the only person shot and killed was an unarmed female military veteran peacefully protesting, shot by a Federal employee/agent who has yet to be held responsible.
Again, remember the words of Captain John Parker.
Ashli Babbit was murdered. Shot in the neck at close range by a Capitol cop. Bled out in a couple of minutes.
Zero consequences for the cop. She was the only person killed .
Jedi mind tricks? Try continually telling people the lie that the election was stolen by mass fraud. Telling people the other big lie that he could still win the election if his VP did as he was told. Then planning a rally to ‘march on the capital’ the day that the election was to be certified.
Of course the words that he loved to use the most during his Jan 6 rally speech.
‘If you don’t fight like hell you’re not going to have a country anymore’
Sure he tossed in a few words about ‘Peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard’ but he of course followed that up with more rants about taking back what was stollen…yada yada yada lie lie lie.
If not Trump. Who else spiked the anger in the crowd that led to violence?
Let’s not forget that Babbit was warned numerous times that she would be shot if she breached the chamber where congress members where still escaping in fear for their lives. What is that conservatives say when ever an unarmed person is shot by police….’all they had to do was comply’.
For Leftists, everything is relative. They don’t acknowledge absolutes like right and wrong, or reality and fantasy. All that matters is their team, and they are determined to prevail over the other team. Politics is a tribal sport for them, disassociated from reality and morality. That’s why they are so easily led astray – by people and entities that are evil.
So when Hillary Clinton is shockingly irresponsible in handling classified documents – and boldly erases 30,000 documents – it’s no problem.
When the senile angry old man who’s our President throws Top Secret documents in cardboard boxes in his garage, no problem. And did you see the photos? What a disgusting pigsty of a home. Is that how Biden lives, when he lacks lackeys to clean up?
None of this is a problem for Democrats – so long as you’re a Democrat.
Ethics that are relative are no ethics at all. And so Democrats have no ethics at all.
For republicans, everything is relative. They don’t acknowledge absolutes like right or wrong, or reality or fantasy. All that matters is their team, and they are determined to prevail over the other team (even tried to overthrow a fairly elected president). Politics is a tribal story for them, disassociated from reality and morality. That’s why they are so easily led astray – by people and entities that are evil.
Republicans used one set of rules for a lame duck President appointing SC Justice for themselves and a different set of rules for a lame duck President appointing SC Justice for Obama.
Republicans chanted ‘lock her up’ over Hillary Clinton’s emails yet want a pass for Donald’s handling of documents.
Conservatives point to every gaff made by President Biden as a sign of his mental decline but ignore every non-sensical gaff made by The Donald during his speeches.
Republicans ignore subpoenas during democrats’ investigations then have hissy fit over Hunter ignoring subpoenas.
And my favorite…Conservatives love to call Democrats communists but ignore their Dear Donald’s love of Putin.
Very weak response, Chris.
Are you feeling alright?
Again Austin is unable to counter a very clear argument that his comment was biased and lacked any depth of meaning other than sharing his hate of democrats. Not shocked at all.
No-one agrees with you, Chrissy.
Have you figured that out, blowhard?
It’s ok Austin. I think for myself and I don’t believe the regular group of commentors here on the Rhino Times are the definitive point of view on any of these topics. I choose to comment here because the comments are mostly only updated daily so I avoid the rabbit hole of hate and misinformation that makes up Twitter and Facebook.
I started commenting here to counter the massive misinformation around covid and offer a different point of view on liberal policies and woke thinking. You don’t have to reply to me. You can go the path of Alan and ignore me. I personally like the back and forth. But just once a day is good for me.
Best wishes.
Putin is no communist, and the communist USSR disappeared a third of a century ago.
You really should try harder not to look so ignorant about history, Chrissy.
Oh right. He is technically a totalitarian who is trying to rebuild the USSR to its communist glory days. Soooooo much better a guy for the potential President of the United States to admire and offer to encourage his attacking of NATO members.
At least you’ve conceded that Putin is no communist, but it would be better if you also admitted that the USSR is long gone. And so admitted your errors.
Twice in the last month I have agreed with comments you made. That’s because I do not view this as a contest. I am here to seek truth, through debate.
You are incapable of commending me when I am right. That’s because you are a petty little man, and because you are here to score points, not seek the truth.
In other words, you are a despicable little blowhard with an oversized (and insecure) ego.
Seek help. I pity you.
USSR is long gone. Now we just need to convince Putin.
I don’t commend you at any time. You are a hateful person in general and often refuse to counter valid points a make and then limit your follow-up to strictly name calling. Sure I use silly names like nutter, drama queen etc… but only in the context of providing a counter point of view in my response first. I notice your habit is end our exchanges when you have had enough with nothing BUT calling me some childish name.
Again, the name calling doesn’t bother me as long as you address the counter points I have made as well. Simply calling me Chrissy and blowhard and saying no one agrees with me it not a counter point. If you have nothing more to add….simply don’t reply.
But you be you.
Now, when are you going to agree that Donald’s love of Putin is a problem, or can you make the case that it isn’t. I gave several quotes where he shows his admiration of Putin and you ended the exchange with some deflection about Thatcher and Gorbachev as if there was some comparison to Gorbachev who brought down the Berlin wall and Putin who invaded a free democratic European country.
One of us is certainly a hateful person. He’s so bitter and full of hatred that he can’t even bring himself to agree with someone on the opposing team even when his opponent is right.
And that is the definition of pettiness and spite.
You are truly a sorry and sad little man.
Lol. you make me laugh with your inability to have a mature dialog. Again you avoid the fact of Trump loving Putin. Guess I win that argument.
Best wishes.
We all know you’re a genius Chrissy, but we didn’t know that you can see into Trump’s mind and heart.
Is there any limit to your brilliant perspicacity?
“Republicans chanted ‘lock her up’ over Hillary Clinton’s emails yet want a pass for Donald’s handling of documents.”
Then again, Uncle Joe’s mishandling of documents was OK? Sounds like a liberal bias against Trump vs comparing the reaction of the FBI to Trump’s documents, at night, with helicopters and search lights, armed guards storming his compound, etc. Trump had already told them they were welcome fo come in and inspect his residence, but Biden chose to make it a national story about Trump vs the documents.
The key difference is that Biden cooperated with investigators and Trump attempted to either ignore them or actively worked to undermine them (depending on your point of view). Do recall that twice before the FBI conducted the raid, Trump and his team said they had no more documents, but evidence showed they clearly did. So what was the government to do? Just say “aww shucks Donald, you are so cool we trust you over all the evidence that says you are lying?”.
The idea that Trump ever said they could just come into his home and search for documents is new to me…any reference or did you just ‘hear’ he said that on some conservative chat room?
While I likely wouldn’t trust Biden to safely look after my dogs over the weekend, I wouldn’t trust Trump to look after my dead cat.
If you believe “Biden cooperated with investigators”, you don’t know much about politics. Do you think the FBI was going to raid Biden’s home, college office, beach house, and other places on their own without getting his permission like they did with Trump? If so, you don’t understand politics.
Biden did this as a photo op to repudiate Trump in the national media. See how this works?
I try not to make things up that didn’t happen to fill in the blanks based on my personal bias.
You say photo opt, I say cooperation with investigators, and he admitted he made a mistake versus Trump who said he could just ‘think it’ and the documents were no longer classified so not a big deal. Just saying.
We will have to agree to disagree on this one.
Biden acknowledged his errors and cooperated with authories, while Trumped denide, then gave a few docs back and claimed he was done, then denied and still was holding documents until feds forced his hand with a search warrant to get their documents back. Two very different scenarios. And yes news is biased. Plenty of of news biased either side you stand on. Stop acting shocked at one side with out acknowledging the same on the other side. Ypu know, like foxnews bent over backwards to make Jan 6th not a big deal.
“denide”? I know you can at least check your spelling. And “Plenty of of news biased either side you stand on” is a way of saying. . .they all do it, so move along. And the “of of” is another example. Take a breath Chris and re-read your post to ensure everyone can follow your thoughts.
Yeah, my head moves faster than my fingers. I take the time to proof when I have time but it is busy season for work, so just slapping em out there to stay engaged. But thanks for reading. I will try to do better.
“Yeah, my head moves faster than my fingers.”
Think about what you want to say, then reread it, then post it. Once you click the “post comment” button, it’s done. Remember this saying in the future. . . .It’s better to be thought of as a fool than to open your mouth and removing all doubt.
Chris only speakee Pidgin English.
Him no smart.