Dear Editor


All of a sudden, SE Guilford County has gone from the family’s red-headed stepchild to ‘what can we do for you’ while high end Summerfield is suddenly looking at losing a chunk of their town.

Pleasant Garden is finding itself (to some extent) in the catbird seat. After years of being a simple quiet country haven, we suddenly find ourselves being looked at with a higher level of seriousness by the County and (to their regret) the city of Greensboro.

With the proximity of PG to the Toyota plant, the rail line that runs thru our town, and the availability of close proximity properties like the old brick plant and the empty furniture factory, not to mention our very low property tax and close, easy access to 421 and the interstates, they have to pay us attention.

We were supposed to be getting water and sewer into a portion of our town, primarily down PG Road to help our business district be able to grow and prosper but due to some sort of oversight on someone’s part I was told that somehow Greensboro was not informed, so the schedule is being rewritten. I also understand Greensboro is not overly happy with the idea.  In Ohio where I was born and raised, 99% of the time there has always been a city/county agreement on providing such services to areas outside the cities. From what I’ve been told by some, Greensboro seems to use these services as their club to bring property into the city, especially after the state changed the law doing away with involuntary annexation.

I have been told by some people I know in the city government that some (*cough cough* city council folks) are not happy about all this and will undoubtedly work to find a way around it. It’s going to be interesting to watch and see if/how long Greensboro will drag their feet on this.

Stay tuned.

Carpe Diem

Alan Marshall