When the Democrats celebrated Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s brilliance for initiating the nuclear option to be able to insert numerous liberal judges into the judiciary, I wonder if the Greensboro fishwrap called it a divisive rules change. You can bet your life they did not.

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I’m just noticing in the last few weeks the comments regarding President Obama. Obama is no longer president. We now have President Donald Trump. With Donald Trump, it’s not a fact – I mean, it doesn’t matter if you like him or not like him. He’s still the president. The one thing I would like to see is Democrats and Republicans come together and work together. But this presidency is starting on a very rough and bumpy path.

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People are so quick to judge, and people are so quick to talk about people and make fun of people who are on government assistance. They will make fun of these people and say they don’t need it. They’re just taking advantage of the system and stealing from taxpayers. How do you know that person’s situation? Let me ask you this. Even if that is true, how is that different from a government employee who is lazy and sorry, and doesn’t do their job and gets paid for doing almost nothing? How is that different? I think the government employee is doing something worse, because he’s actually getting paid for doing something he’s not doing. Some of these governmental employees are as lazy and worthless as they come.

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I realize there’s some good Christian people that’s Democrats. But what I think they do not realize, they want to be a Democrat so bad, is that Barack Hussein Obama and John Kerry gave Iran $150 billion, and all they told him was they wouldn’t build a nuclear weapon, which anybody with good, common sense that can tie their shoes, get out of bed on their own knows that they will not tell the truth. Do you realize that what he done, they’re going to make weapons that’s going to try to come over here and kill you, and your grandchildren if you’re already dead? That’s the man that you put in. And that’s the man that some people think is the second coming. The man was not for this country, but he went in because he had the gift of gab and was nice looking. But we’re all going to pay for what they done. I don’t know what’s going to happen with Donald Trump, but something surely should have been done about Obama giving him that money to build them bombs that they’re going to shoot over here.

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In the latest example of EU arrogance, the general secretary of Germany’s main opposition party has stated that Britain needs to hold a second referendum on leaving the EU, since the British people didn’t really understand what it meant. How patronizing. How condescending.  The latest poll, conducted by YouGov and taken after the German politician›s remarks, show the highest support ever for continuing with Brexit, at 69 percent. Well done, Ms. Katarina. If the EU keeps up its hostility, vindictiveness and pompous rudeness towards the British people, it won’t be long before 100 percent of the British people are sick of the EU, and not before time. Just sign me off as An Independent Thinker.

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The lies, the deceit, having the questions put to her before the debates – and we know that’s true now – the voter fraud, the illegal campaign contributions, the Clinton Foundation, hiding the emails, smashing up cellphones, hiding the fact that she had her own special server, even after all of this, she still lost. She still lost. Thank you.

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Well, I see the news and fish wrap has already cut the horoscopes out of the paper to try to save a little ink. It’s a real shame. It was the only thing in there that made any sense.

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Now that HB2 has been repealed, and Greensboro is so enamored of everything that Greenville, South Carolina, does, guess that means we can bring out the Confederate flag during the next ACC or NCAA event here. Keep them handy. We might need them this year.

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Yes, a recent caller called me a fool regarding the column I had called in regarding ACC champions. From the ACC website, since July 1, 1951, the ACC’s bylaws have included the phrase, and the winner shall be Conference Champion, in referring to the tournament. You can look it up on the ACC website. Duke has won 11 championships: 1999-2003, 2005 and 2006, 2009-2011 and 2017. UNC during that same period with Roy Williams has been there won it three times: 2007, 2008 and 2016. Maryland won in 2004, Florida State in 2012, Miami 2013, Virginia in 2014 and Notre Dame in 2015. Now who’s the fool?

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This call is in response to the many people who always comment on Obamacare and Obama lying when he said you could keep your insurance, you could keep your doctor, your premiums won’t go up, etc., ad nauseam. But what they fail to understand is those were proposals for the Affordable Care Act, but the insurance companies and the medical community are the ones who decided whether the premiums would go up. The medical community decided which doctors would see people who had affordable care. These were only proposals that he put forth. So, they ought to have a better understanding of why those things didn’t happen when they’re saying Obama lied. He wasn’t lying. These were the things that he was proposing. However, the insurance companies and much of the medical community …

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This is to all the people that own a trailer. Don’t buy no more tags. Don’t pay no more taxes on them. These people around here, they don’t have tags on trailers. I’ve got two. I had to pay taxes on them. Had to buy tags. A friend of mine, he’s got three. He has to pay taxes and buy tags. If you’ve got a car, don’t worry about it anymore. These other people that’s got these cars, they don’t even put tags on them. If they got them white tags, they change the date with a magic marker. But the police can’t do anything about it. If they turn the blue light on them, if they run, they can’t chase them. That’s really upholding the law, ain’t it? Thank you, again, Guilford County commissioners. I’m telling people if you own a trailer, don’t pay taxes on them. Don’t buy no tags, because I’m not doing it anymore. Thank you, Beep.

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I’m an ordinary law-abiding taxpaying citizen trying to raise a family. Let me read you a headline. Quote, Trump Travel Ban Defended by 15-State Coalition Led by a Texas Attorney General, end quote. A Texas attorney general has led a 15-state coalition Monday defending President Trump’s revised immigration order amid lawsuits opposing the plan to halt immigration from six countries. It is not a halt of immigration. It is a halt of a temporary restraining order of issuing visas without proper vetting. Let me read you further on here. Well, can’t quote it. Call you back.

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Let me continue in a more intelligent way. So, the quote is, the headline of the article is, Trump Travel Ban Defended by 15-State Coalition Led by Texas Attorney General, end quote. That is from Fox News on April 10. The Texas attorney general led a 15-state coalition Monday defending President Trump’s revised immigration order amid lawsuits opposing the plan to halt immigration from six countries. OK, that was a temporary ban, ladies and gentlemen. But listen to this. Texas has been joined in the amicus brief by Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Florida, Kansas, Louisiana, Montana, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, West Virginia, Mississippi. Now, dear old Gov. Cooper, who just got the job, does he not realize that we are like number three or number four in the nation for receiving illegal aliens?

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Someone on television asked Republican Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell if he thought Mexico would pay for Mr. Trump’s border wall. He just laughed and said, uh, no. Folks, that’s what the man said. In other words, we will pay for the wall, not Mexico. And new independent cost estimates put the total at $15 billion to $25 billion by the time you add maintenance, guards and surveillance technology. You could pay for a lot of job training for unemployed Americans for $25 billion.

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Editor’s Note: The Senate majority leader does not outrank the president of the United States.

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Three cheers for MSNBC. They have now been reclassified as a fiction and fantasy channel, or fiction and fantasy network. I also would like to question who took those polls saying that Trump has got a low approval rating and that 60 percent of North Carolinians favor Obamacare. Seems to me that that’s because they didn’t favor Obamacare is the main reason Trump got elected. So I just guess that the same people who took those polls are the people who predicted that Hillary was going to win by a landslide. Thank you.

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Well, you’re going to love this. Each week when I pick up a copy of the Rhinoceros Times, I also pick up a copy of the Yes! Weekly. And browsing through the Yes! Weekly, I found this story about how ICE agents were rounding up and detaining immigrants throughout the City of Greensboro. And the story went on to talk about children being ripped from their families, and fathers and mothers being taken from their children, and how this was being done to immigrants. Well, this couldn’t possibly be legal. You can’t round up an immigrant for no reason. I went straight to the source. I managed to talk to someone at ICE, and they told me the story was a complete farce. That they did not arrest nor detain immigrants. They said they had picked up some people that were in the country illegally. Of course, these people are not immigrants. They are illegal aliens. And there’s a difference. So, the Yes! Weekly can just be added to the stack of fake news media.

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Our mayor of Greensboro said that she would not – I forgot exactly what she said – she said she would not enforce police checking for illegal immigrants when they pull them over. I guess technically if they’re illegal, if they have a valid North Carolina drivers license and valid insurance, valid tags on their car, I guess you’re supposed to let them go. Now this makes no sense. Because Trump is saying that people like that be put out of office. My question is, if our Democratic mayor wants the Police Department to look the other way when they encounter illegal aliens …

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I find it interesting how you correct some callers. And right above the one about Hillary selling uranium, you correct somebody about the massacre slaughter, but you let that one go. That particular caller should know that also on the internet we put a B29 on the moon; Jesus has returned; 98 million cancer cases come from polio vaccine; Hillary also sold chemical weapons to Syria; and Big Foot is walking around up in the mountains of North Carolina. These people who see stuff on the internet amaze me. They believe anything that’s printed, I believe.

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Um, isn’t bribery against the law? I always thought that it was. And here we go again. Donald Trump didn’t get his way with repealing the Affordable Care Act and replacing it with his Trumpcare. So now he’s threatening to try to reduce funding for the Affordable Care Act any way that he can to force Democrats to work with him. That’s bribery, right? He’s not allowing someone to vote or do what they feel is the right thing for the people they represent by trying to bribe them. Well, if you don’t vote our way, we’re just going to take the funding away. That is just slack.

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You said you know of massacres committed by persons using only a knife but did not give any details. We asked you to tell us of some. And, again, you weasel out of it this time by simply telling us to look it up. We’re beginning to think you don’t know of any.

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I have a question. Are you as sick as I am of seeing these guys walk around with their pants hanging down? Why don’t they pull their pants up? Do they think it’s cool? I don’t get it, man. I just don’t get it. If they knew the story behind it, they probably wouldn’t do it. It got started in Riker’s prison in 1986. They were telling the other inmates that were ready for them. That’s what it means. That’s how it got started. So, you think you want to keep doing it now? That’s what it means. I’m sick of looking at it.

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Someone called into the Beep and said Barry O. sure made a mess out of these United States of America. Well, I suppose he did. But he had a little help. I don’t blame Barry so much as I do his supporters, the voters, the ones who put him in office. Those are the ones who have made a mess of the USA.

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Supposedly, after Obama drew the line in the sand in Syria, he wanted to launch Tomahawk missiles against Syria, but he was wanting to get congressional approval like the president is supposed to do. Well, the Republicans drug their feet and did not do anything to support the president in launching Tomahawk missiles against Syria. Now, when Donald Trump goes over there and drops some big bombs and stuff in Syria, those same Republican congressmen are now highly supportive of Donald Trump doing it. Sounds like those guys were playing politics with some messed-up situation in the Middle East. So, if anybody is to blame for what is going on over there, it is those Republican congressmen.

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