The City of Greensboro is holding a virtual public hearing for ideas on how the city can reduce its carbon footprint, what is called the Strategic Energy Plan (SEP).

The virtual event, what is being called “public listening session,” which is evidently the new politically correct term for the old standard public hearing, is being held via Zoom from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday, Jan. 27.

Those who wish to participate need to register and can do so by going to Zoom Register or, if that link doesn’t work, going to the city website,

You can log in at any time during the two-hour session and stay for as much or as little of the session as you like.

At the beginning of the meeting there will be a brief introduction about Greensboro’s SEP, complete with goals, strategies and a timeline.

Jeff Slovich, senior planner with the Greensboro Planning Department, in the press release said, “The SEP will help Greensboro achieve its goals for reducing greenhouse gas emissions.  SEP will also include ways to reduce residents’ energy cost burden and ensure a just transition to renewable energy for our community.”

Here is an easy way for Greensboro to reduce its carbon footprint and also reduce the annoyance of drivers who travel around the city at non-peak hours.  It is not new, and cities all over the world use it to make traveling around the city simpler.  During low traffic periods, flash the traffic lights so that those on the through street don’t have to stop and wait for non-existent cars to clear the intersection.

Having cars idle at an intersection when there isn’t another car in sight doesn’t accomplish anything other than upping the city’s carbon footprint. 

It’s simple, easy to do and the cost to the city is minimal.  When everyone is driving electric cars, it won’t reduce carbon emissions, but it will still make traveling around the city less annoying.