Everyone knows Piedmont Triad International Airport (PTIA) is looking for some low-cost carriers.
But, on Tuesday, Feb. 22, PTIA announced that it’s also trying to find some high-quality artwork from artists in its service areas. The Piedmont Triad Airport Authority – the board that oversees airport operations – just opened this year’s search for artists and their artwork.
PTIA is seeking “two-dimensional paintings, photographs, mixed media, small, three-dimensional sculpture, and large outdoor sculpture.”
The artworks chosen will be on loan at the airport for one year.
The artists will each be paid an honorarium of $100 for the use of their work. An agreed-upon fee will also be paid for installation, time and transportation costs for large-scale sculptures.
The artworks will be insured by the airport while on display.
The real advantage to the artists will be exposure. The artists’ names and contact information will be on a label for each work so viewers can call to inquire about the work or the artists. If someone wants to buy an airport artwork, the artist can put a similar work on display to replace the one sold.
This request is open to any artist in North Carolina or in the southern Virginia counties that border the Piedmont Triad. If you’re an artist in those counties who wants to know more, you can learn all you need to know online at https://flyfrompti.com/2022-call-to-artists/
The available display sites include a wall on the lower level and two walls at the bottom of the central escalator, as well as pedestals in the meet-and-greet area of the departure level and in the main terminal ticketing area.
There are also eight outdoor sculpture spaces on cement pads at PTIA.
Artists in Alamance, Caswell, Davidson, Davie, Forsyth, Guilford, Montgomery, Randolph, Rockingham, Stokes, Surry, and Yadkin counties will be favored in the selection process. Artists from Grayson, Carroll, Patrick, Henry, Pittsylvania, and Halifax counties in Virginia are also invited to submit their masterpieces.
The deadline for submissions is on Monday, March 21, 2022.
There are a lot of detailed requirements regarding applications, so artists should check out the information online before applying.
Emailing information is preferred. Submissions can be sent to Cheryl Stewart, Public Art Consultant at ccstewart44@gmail.com.
Also, artists can contact Stewart with any questions about the selection process using the same email address.
Information can also be mailed to:
PTI Public Art Project
c/o Stephanie Freeman
1000A Ted Johnson Parkway
Greensboro, NC, 27409
ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS! Wowzers! What a deal!
How disingenuous of PTI to offer a hundred bucks to artists for the rental of their artwork to decorate the airport walls and outdoor space for one year. Oh, and the “honor” of having their work mentioned to the public. Artists need to be paid a fair price for their work, not to have it “mentioned” to the public that is just running to catch a plane. This work will be hanging in places that people don’t linger for long and outside where no one spends time looking at sculptures. Normally work that’s rented or leased for such showings would cost a place much more than one hundred dollars, but PTI who has garnered MILLIONS OF TAX DOLLARS for multiple versions of runways and roads over the last years will offer an artist ONE HUNDRED BUCKS to take their work off the market for a year. Perhaps that’s why the work I’ve seen there is often so strange, shall we say.
Cool deal for the starving.
Agreed – but even the starving won’t get much food for $100. It certainly won’t keep them alive for a year.
This isn’t an opportunity, it’s an insult.
We have a 10 X 20 foot historical painting by Wendy Wallace. This painting Greensboro in 1927 was previously done for a bank that later went out of business. They, thoughtfully returned this painting to the artist. Could such a painting (historical) be of interest? Mrs Wallace has done many historical paintings many of which were commissioned and sold privately.
Larry Wallace 336-312-4835(M).
200 Woodbourne Rd
Greensboro NC 27410
It is also a cool deal for those willing to contribute on a short term basis to this wonderful part of the country in which we are privileged to live.
My wife has become a superb oil painter over the last decade, when she first started dabbling. So I clicked on tis story. And the deal they’re offering is…. “We won’t buy any of your work, but hey, let us put it on our wall for a year and we’ll give you a hundred bucks”.
Are they TRYING to insult local artists?