Saturday, Nov. 2 at Greensboro Country Park over a thousand people walked in the JDRF Greensboro One Walk to raise money to find a cure for diabetes.
The walk raised over $300,000 which is fitting number because this walk unlike previous walks had three chairs. Lane Schiffman, Kelly Harrill and Jay Harris who were high school friends and joined together some 40 years later to raise money to help find a cure for Type 1 Diabetes (T1D).
November is National Diabetes Awareness Month and JDRF’s Piedmont Triad Chapter will be celebrating it with events throughout the month.
One event in November that just about everyone can participate is Wendy’s Spirit Night For JDRF on Tuesday, Nov. 12 from 5 to 8 p.m. when 15 participating Wendy’s in the Triad will donate 10 percent of their sales to JDRF. The participating Wendy’s include three in Greensboro at 1500 West Gate City Boulevard, 913 Summit Ave. and 2517 Battleground Ave. and in High Point at 2619 NC 68 South.
After my DIABETES TYPE 2 diagnosis, I had typical symptoms of thirst, lethargy, severe tiredness, urinary frequency, hearing loss and ringing in the ears, vision problems, dehydration and weight gain. I was placed on metformin twice daily for several months, the symptoms only seemed to worsened. I began to do a lot of research and learnt about a DIABETES HERBAL TREATMENT from Rich Herbal Garden and their success rate with the Diabetes treatment, i immediately started on the treatment, i started experience decline in major symptoms, the severe thirst, dry mouth, tiredness, urinary problems, dehydration and fatigue. My doctor took me off the metformin and other medications i was placed after the diabetes herbal treatment. Visit rich heral gardens ww w. richherbalgardens. c om . I did another blood test after the treatment, i am diabetes free. I have also lost over 35 pounds since treatment.