Greensboro is on track to break another record that nobody wants to see broken.
As of Friday, March 19, 2021, Greensboro had 11 homicides reported this year. At the same date in 2020, six homicides had been reported in Greensboro.
That sounds like bad news, but it is much worse when you consider that in 2020, Greensboro set an all-time record for homicides with a total of 61 for the year.
The previous record was set in 2019 with 45 homicides.
It is also worth noting that 2020 started off the year with a triple homicide on Jan. 1, so at the very beginning of 2021, the 2020 figures were higher than 2021.
If the homicide rate in Greensboro continues to almost double the 2020 homicide rate, Greensboro could have over 100 homicides in the year. When you consider that in 2018 there were 40 homicides, that would be an enormous increase in just three years.
The last work session the City Council held on the Greensboro Police Department was Dec. 7, 2020, and that was the second of two work sessions held during 2020 on the GPD, despite the fact that the city was setting a record for the number of homicides.
The City Council took no action to offer the GPD assistance during or after that work session.
The homicide rate is the most talked about, but it isn’t only homicides that have been increasing. At the Dec. 7 meeting, Police Chief Brian James reported that aggravated assaults were up 8 percent from 2019 and assaults with firearms increased by 17 percent.
Councilmember Justin Outling has been asking for at least one work session a month on the GPD and violent crime, but Outling has frequently requested work sessions on topics of concern and rarely gets them.
Mayor Nancy Vaughan recently noted that the salaries for GPD officers were well below some cities in the state but proposed no action to raise the salaries before the 2021-2022 budget is approved in June.
No help for our apparently overwhelmed police department. Perhaps if Mandate Mayor didn’t have our PD acting as security guards for public parks downtown and keeping them busy enforcing curfews and forced business closures or tying them up thru the years with things like enforcing rooftop tent ordinances or having our PD act as arbiters of ever changing noise ordinances they could have spent that time actually policing neighborhoods with real organized gang activity instead of being de facto security force for a handful of downtown donor class oligarchs.
John’s pants moisten at the prospect of more murders in GSO allowing his business to flourish by sowing discord amongst the anti-election crowd.
It’s called freedom of the press. You’re also enjoying freedom of speech, imagine that.
I’m not. The Rhino does not practice free speech for its comments. They censor things every single week.
The Rhino is a private business and has no obligation (legal or otherwise) to allow freedom of speech. You should really understand how the first amendment works, specifically to whom it applies, before you self identify as un-American.
These are statistics. Data. Numbers. What discord does it cause to state numbers?
I am at a loss to talk about why our leaders aren’t leaders.One example is when the glamorous BLM was Rampant in the Northwest,and we had some dumb radicles in Greensboro who wanted to show their ignorance.They tried to riot and destroy.What did our Mayor do?She blamed White people for the episode/problem. When will the good people of Greensboro get rid of the whole bunch and start over.It wouldn’t hurt to get some Republicans on this board!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It seems that most disruptions occur with Democrats in charge.We not only have In Greensboro A female mayor, all members of the board are female or minority.I believe now the statement I heard at a school ,The most endangered being on earth is the white male There are businesses in America that have instructed their HR people to not even interview a white person for any of their openings.
Black Lives Matter did not “try to riot and destroy” anywhere in this city. And, there have been evidence of whites causing property damage at many protest sites all around the country. You mentioned that some companies have instructed HR departments not to even interview whites for some jobs. In case you didn’t know and I’m sure you don’t care, but many companies never seriously consider hiring Blacks or people of color. For them, it’s a common practice. And, when they do hire Blacks, they pay them on average 30 percent less for the same job. White males have always been in charge and control in this country since it was founded—especially in the South. Now you want to cry, play the victim and the race card. That’s hilarious.
What’s a shame is
You believe this horse crap
You ever had to run a business based on production
If so … you wouldn’t say such nonsense
Its all about Productivity
radicals…. sp
Also a number, reading comprehension scores on standardized tests.
The numbers aren’t sowing discord, the murders are. The comment isn’t about presenting data, the comment is about The Rhino getting their jollies off of murders that will enrich their business. It’s commentary the John is excited for this (hence so eager to publish this or a similar story at least once a month) and probably wanks to each and every click on his website. Glad I can give him some release. Click. Click. Click.
I’m curious who the anti election crowd is. I’m thinking that’s the Chinese
Civil discourse means that when you disagree with someone, you may or may not be right; but there is no need to be ugly about it.
And speaking of yellow journalism, do you read the local fishwrap, or USA Today, etc?
Looks like you need to add one more to the list. Had one last night from what I hear.
Our Mayor wants to run again on a new platform to reduce the violent crime rate. Gee! She’s been the mayor during the meteoric rise in crime and now wants ” reduce the violence” to be part of her reason to run again for office. Makes no sense to me! I hope it makes no sense to lots of others too.
Outling again! He deserves our sympathy-it must be a heavy burden to furnish all the common sense for our local government.
our police are underpaid, understaffed,underequipped,taken for granted and held in contempt.It is local government’s job to deal with these issues and solve the crime problem.Pretty soon we will see good businesses leave,and good corporations decide to locate elsewhere.
Then, folks who don’t want to get robbed,shot,molested,or live in a violent city will move to safer places.
perhaps listening to law enforcement officials and acting on what they say would be a start——Hey all you local politicians-can you listen and act—or just act?
Hey namestat if the Rhino didn’t tell us you would never know our local media won’t tell us as I’m sure you know about the fights at 4 Seasons mall recently that’s caused a curfew for people under 18 on the weekends you never hear thi on the newscast or local fish wrap so get over it. We love you John and Thank you.
TU. I was unaware of 4 Seasons’ problems. I haven’t been there in years. I guess my decision to avoid 4 Seasons was right. Has to be really tough on any merchants who are there now.
Gone the way of Carolina Circle Mall …
White privilege destroyed them i guess
No need to worry. when the “Cure the Violence” program kicks in everything will be alright. How long will it be before we see the result of the City Councils decision to give OUR tax money to one Council member instead of supporting the hard working police? Maybe what we are seeing IS the result of their actions. Paying the criminal for crimes that they commit is NOT the way to decrease crimes.
When the mayor gets off of top dead center, and decides that Bars are not the problem, perhaps an effort can be made to start policing the streets of the city. Rhetoric does not work.
And speaking of homicides, these “Spa Killings” where eight people were killed in Atlanta. It was known from the start that these were not “hate killings”, yet the yellow press goes nuts over it. Seize any event and politicize it. Hate or not, the perp is a murderer. There are laws on the books for that.
In the last year of statistics (2019) available from my sources, there were 16,425 murders in the U.S. It’s obvious that hate, revenge, or felony was the cause of most. That comes to 45 per day, nationwide. Conversely, 38,800 people died from auto accidents – 106 per day. And of that 38,800; 10,142 people were murdered by drunk drivers – 27 per day. One victim of a drunk driver was my 1st cousin. So, by extension; we should ban automobiles, and alcohol.
My point is, that our National Flag flew at half mast for several days. So if this is what The President wants, our Flag should be flown at half mast – all day, every day. All that courtesy is now is just a sop to please one group or another.
As an ex-military, I am disgusted by all this. And I am disgusted by our “leaders” who condone this practice.
Thank god you aren’t in the military anymore!
The Greensboro Mayor is clueless. She made a big deal out of requiring that all bars and lounges buy expensive metal detectors, and employ security guards to stop the murders when we were sitting on a record 61 murders last year. The fact was (and she did not take the time to discover the facts) there were THREE murders in the vicinity of a bar last year. One was in the parking lot after the bar closed and a fight broke out. One happened in the parking lot of a bar long after it had closed, and people were chasing one another and wound up in the parking lot of a bar. (They could just as easily stopped in the front yard of the Mayor) ONE was actually in a bar. So there were 60 murders outside of a bar, and she made a point of saying bars were the problem. That just proves she is so far out of the loop it is disgusting. A leader would get the facts rather than make an absolute fool of themselves. There is nothing that has been acted on that would make our city safer. There is one, maybe two, Council people who are interested in reducing the crime rate. Marikay Abuzuaiter and Justin Outing have both attempted to press the issue, but the other council members are more interested in either pulling the race card, or pressing for more arts venues. We need at least five candidates to replace the naysayers, and support the police chief. Otherwise, we are looking at another record setting year.
Good luck on getting in front of the city council with this argument. This is why they have shut this venue down.
Our Lt. Governor PROMISED to stop the violence…Oh well political rhetoric to get votes!