The Fairness in Women’s Sports Act passed another milestone in the North Carolina legislature this week on its way to becoming law.
The NC Senate Higher Education Committee passed the House version of the Fairness in Women’s Sports Act.
The House passed the Fairness in Women’s Sports Act in April with a veto-proof majority. The main difference in the Senate bill and the House bill was that the House bill included protection for collegiate women athletes, while the Senate bill only covered middle school and high school athletics.
The bill states, “Athletic teams designated for females, women or girls shall not be open to students of the male sex.”
Then the bill defines sex by stating, “For the purposes of this sub-subdivision, a student’s sex shall be recognized based solely on the student’s reproductive biology and genetics at birth.”
The bill effectively prohibits biological male transgender athletes from participating in athletics designated for females.
The bill would not prevent transgender athletes from participating on teams that are co-ed or designated for their biological sex at birth.
If the bill becomes law in North Carolina, the state would join 20 other states that have passed similar legislation protecting the rights of female athletes to compete against other females and not be forced to compete against biological male transgender athletes who supporters of the bill say have an unfair competitive advantage.
According to a survey conducted in January by NC Values and NC Faith & Freedom Coalition, 70 percent of North Carolinians believe that biological males should not be permitted to compete on female athletic teams.
A Gallop poll showed that 69 percent of Americans agree that female athletes should be protected from being forced to compete against biological male transgender competitors.
However, the Biden administration is attempting to amend Title IX laws that protect women’s sports to allow athletes to compete on either male or female athletic teams consistent with their gender identity.
Wow. Some common sense is being used.
El Presidente will have a difficult time amending Title IX. I am sure there are lawyers lined up to take that action to court, should it come to pass.
About time. I don’t know just why the entire population needs to adjust people that make up .o4%. My dad told me years ago “Cheaters never win”.
It is amazing that common sense should have to be legislated like this. North Carolina has been slow to react. The NC volleyball player should have never been subjected to a medical emergency because of a spiked serve by a male at birth person who chose to participate as a female. A male at birth male should have never been able to win a female bike race by outdistancing the females in the race by five minutes. There are differences between male and female and thank God for it. No amount of medicine or surgery to my knowledge has ever changed a XX chromosome to a XY chromosome or vive versa.
Now for you that want to call me transphobic, go ahead. Your opinion is just that and I support you having it. I could care less what you want to be, you have to live with that. In the name of equity and fairness I don’t believe you should be forcing your choices on others. I have many gay friends who I have supported with jobs, attending their weddings and enjoyed being a guest in their homes. I have family members that are gay. Their decisions are between them and their God. I don’t judge them, but appreciate them being part of my life. They respect my choice as a straight person and I respect theirs to be who they are or want to be. The point I make is live and let live, but do it fairly. No female should ever be subjected to a disadvantage by having to compete with a genetic gene pool not like them, nor should they be forced to share a bathroom or dressing room with someone science and common sense says is a biological male. This opinion is shared from a father and grandfather of females. It’s the opinion shared by he majority of the American population. It’s just common sense..
I agree on the sports issue and locker rooms are certainly not as clear cut as some in the Trans community make out. But the bathroom issue is silly though. Who looks at genitals in bathrooms? If you look female and present as female use the girls bathroom. Who cares?
There are too many stories popping up of people accusing more mescaline looking females of being trans even though they were born female. It has gotten silly from both ends. But I guess it makes for a good distraction for conservatives ignoring the other issues that are more important to the average American…such as growing wage gaps, access to affordable housing, climate change, etc….
“Be what you is, cause if you ain’t what you is, you is what you ain’t!”
As a strong supporter of LGBTQ rights, some might be surprised that I support the idea of not allowing Trans athletes to compete in sports other than their original gender. Especially if they transitioned after puberty. There are plenty of coed sports teams for Trans kids to have fun and compete. Completing in D1 sports is not a right. It is a privilege that only a few earn. There are plenty of alternatives for Trans women to continue to benefit from sports other than D1 sports.
Thank you NC Legislature for stepping up when you had the chance. This non sense has got to stop. The left was going way to far. We’ve went from accept us for being gay and marrying to if you don’t allow your kids to have gender mutilating surgery and hormone damaging drugs we’ll take your kids away.
I was going to make a commett but CAN NOT compete with what the great sheriff said and the way he said it, Thank you B.J. !!
As far as the current administration seeking to amend title IX rules, didn’t even Barack Obama say that Biden always makes the wrong decision?
I haven’t heard it said better BJ. I’ll support you any day.