Mayor Nancy Vaughan won another four-year term for what she calls, “The best job in Greensboro.”
Vaughan won but she didn’t walk away with a victory. Vaughan, according to the unofficial vote totals, had 13,932 votes for 43 percent. District 3 City Councilmember Justin Outling had 13,507 votes for 41.7 percent and write-in candidates received 15.2 percent. It is assumed that most of those write-in votes were for Chris Meadows, who announced on June 13 he was running a write-in campaign for mayor.
Outling won the vast majority of the precincts in predominantly black East Greensboro, which is a switch from the primary when Vaughan won most of those precincts. It indicates that the Simkins PAC no longer controls the vote in East Greensboro. In the past a Simkins PAC endorsement resulted in overwhelming vote totals in East Greensboro for those endorsed.
Outling also did well in District 3, which had elected him to the City Council twice.
Other than in District 3 Vaughan dominated the precincts in northwest Greensboro.
When the early voting totals were posted before any precincts had reported Vaughan had 5,980 votes for 47.2 percent to Outling’s 4,762 votes for 37.6 percent. Every time precinct totals were added to the count Vaughan’s lead diminished, but it never went away.
Outling announced he was running for mayor in December 2020 and Vaughan announced she was running for reelection in February 2021. At that time the City Council election was scheduled for October and November 2021.
Since then the election was delayed twice with the primary held along with the statewide primary on May 17 and the stand alone general election held Tuesday, July 26.
The long campaign with two mayoral candidates serving on the City Council made for some tense meetings. Because she was mayor Vaughan usually got the last word, but Outling didn’t make it easy.
“Best job in Greensboro” Has Mandate Mayor ever even had another job other than Mayor. City Council Membership isn’t usually considered a full time Job, and volunteering is great but not a job, even the Mayor position here is not designed to be a full time”job” (the city manager should be doing all the day to day administration and Mayor just leading meetings and voting on budgeting).
So someone who has never had a full time job in Griftsboro and gets elected to Mayor still doesn’t have any real knowledge of what working really means. Maybe that’s why Mandate Mayor tries to rule by decree and force.
Don’t count your chickens just yet chick
“Best job in Greensboro” from someone who hadn’t had a real job in Greensboro for many decades……..what a laughing stock Griftsboro will continue to be. A lack of principles, ethics, proper recusals, good legal advice, and being a pawn for the donor class is apparently what folks here want. She will be long gone when all this largesse comes due. Excessive spending and debt and spiraling crime will be her legacy
Give the Devil his due. In the 60’s the Left embarked on the Long March through the Institutions (Rudi Dutschke) and they have succeeded in accomplishing their goals. The Left now controls the judicial system, the mass media, the Permanent State (aka the bureaucracy), the big corporations and the entire education establishment. The last is crucial since it turns out millions of reliable Leftist Democrat voters every year.
They have built a structural advantage that will be very difficult to overcome. And still they do so, by importing millions of Third World immigrants who will ultimately be reliable supporters.
I think they have won. Just look at who the people of Greensboro just re-elected.
I think you are right. “A Republic, if you can keep it”. We haven’t.
And this surprises who?
All the liars and crooks, re-elected. Unfortunately I expected no less. And all the bonds passed. Thank goodness for the property tax increases, right?
Well judging by the vote numbers for the mayor’s race it looks like about 30,000 folks took the time to vote. I don’t know how many registered voters are in Greensboro but I bet that 30k is a small percentage. All for no actual change in your elected officials. I reckon Greensboro will have the government it deserves as they say, so here’s to you having it all.
There are 203,311 registered voters in Greensboro and 32,868 or 16.17 percent voted in the City Council election according to the North Carolina Board of Elections website.
…thus, the apathetic majority of Greensboro deserves whatever it gets.
It’s a shame how many people think the only elections worth voting for are the major elections, just so they can vote for a President.
I don’t want to cancel my reply.
Pretty embarrassing
That right there is a crying shame! Absolutely disgusting.
Well there you go. Thanks John
You just said it all with that short statement John.
Folks, you get what you vote for.
I moved to Greensboro in 2019 and have spent time familiarizing myself with local issues. Having heard comments on Mayor Vaughn being less than a fully functioning Republican, decided to vote writing/in for Meadows because I was impressed with his resume. I have not see her resume. With a somewhat level of effort to write in I had hopes of the write-in succeeding but had not seen the numbers before. Trying to think positively although only less than 300 write-in votes were counted perhaps these will be a message to Nancy Vaughan to take these votes to heart and tone down her liberal ways. Despite all she is a still a Republican. And thank God Greensboro still has a Republican Mayor as any other alternative would be totally unacceptable.
You still have a bit to learn about GSO politics.
Nancy Vaughn is not a Republican. Where did you get that?
I made a typo the number is 4160 write in votes instead of 292 write in votes.
God help us. This sorry bunch will continue to get what they want in Greensboro and Guilford County for another 3 years or so. They don’t believe in working for the people. All they want us for is our money.
This was a real opportunity to make a difference for Greensboro and its residents by voting for Chris Meadows. Too bad that northwest Greensboro residents voted for the New Jersey transplant. Unemployed Nancy Vaughn is not competent. She must have a frontal lobe problem. Given that, I wonder about the people who live in northwest Greensboro. What is their problem, frontal lobe, too? I agree with comments above. Serving as mayor is not a “job” and the fact that Vaughn would characterize it as such shows her lack of understanding about service.
On a note of thanks to the Black voters. At least it appears you changed your votes from Vaughn to Justin Outling. Vaughn does not have a clear mandate. However, wish you had voted for Chris Meadows.
It would appear that understanding of the saying “All politics are local” still has not set in.
Anyone that you hear complaining about GSO issues should be asked: “Did you Vote?”
If the answer is no just give them the hand,,,,,,,,,,,
G0d help us! We’d be better off with no mayor at all than with Nancy.
I hope the Rhino Times endorsement of Meadows didn’t give Vaughn her victory. It worried me that that endorsement would hurt Outling.
One thing is seems to be certain. 170,000 people are happy with the way things are going in Greensboro and Guilford county.
It should be the Best job in Greensboro and being the head of the Guilford County commissioners should be the best too. You can line your pockets with everyone’s money, break laws and live like Kings and Queens. Why would it not be the best jobs?
The dumbasses in Greensboro get what they deserve. I’ve sold my Greensboro properties and have one left in Guilford County that will soon be gone. SC so far is so much better and damn sure less expensive.
Four more years of Deception and Woke policies. Donations/gifts of tax payer money to questionable causes/charities. Too bad the voters can not see past the BS!
Sad. Greensboro now again gets what it voted for…nothing but higher taxes to waste on unnecessary personal projects and new future slums.
Do the right thing Nancy.
56.9% of the voters do not want you to be the mayor. An honorable person would resign not to mention taking it easy with the makeup. It doesn’t look like you are going to the opera. It look like you are in the opera.