City Manager Tai Jaiyeoba, whose first day of work was Feb. 1, is bringing some changes to city government.
One that has become evident is the return of the City Council work session.
The traditional practice of the City Council had been to do much of the council’s business in work sessions, which are official meetings of the City Council and therefore open to the public.
However, the current City Council elected in 2017, for much of its now extended term in office, has chosen to do the work of the council in small group meetings. Work sessions have been routinely canceled or, if held, were curtailed to the point that there was not sufficient time for in depth discussion much less decision making.
Small group meetings involve less than a majority of the City Council, up to four councilmembers, and are not public meetings. Councilmembers who were not invited to participate in the small group meetings often complained about not having sufficient information about items when they appeared on the agenda for a vote.
It appears that under the direction of Jaiyeoba, the City Council is going to return to doing the business of the city in work sessions, with the main difference being that – at least for the foreseeable future – work sessions will be held virtually.
Mayor Nancy Vaughan said that she prefers virtual work sessions because they were more accessible to the public than the traditional work sessions held in the Plaza Level Conference Room, which were open to the public but not broadcast on the city’s website or on the Greensboro Television Network.
The City Council currently has virtual work sessions scheduled for Thursday, April 7, Thursday, April 14 and Thursday, April 28, all beginning at 2 p.m.
The agenda for the Thursday, April 7 meeting includes an American Rescue Plan (ARP) update and a financial policies update.
The presentations for those updates have not been posted.
Full accountability? What a concept!
Mandate Mayor claims virtual meetings are “more accessible to the public” than actual real life meetings open to the public? Sure if you have high speed Internet and devices capable of streaming properly. How many folks does this deliberately disenfranchise? Is this legal? Is a meeting open to the public if they are barred from attending in person? Will press be allowed in person? Is this a way for councilmembers to do even less of the people’s work in public?
This serves only Mandate Mayors continting disdain of the least among us and it should be illegal to only have public business “streamed” instead of open to all people regardless of their Internet connection.
Go to the library. Free internet access. If not during operating hours. Go to starbucks….free wifi. Of you don’t have a devise…how did you postnyour Comment?
For others that don’t have the hardware….ask a friend.
OXYMORON: “City work session”. They would do less damage if they would just stay at home and bake cookies.
Yeah! We don’t need public services! We can all chip in and care for our selves. Silly roads, worthless courts, dumb jails, and my house isn’t on fire! I don’t need a fire department! Screw social services! Let the old and poor fend for themselves! I don’t need clear water or sewage. I have a creek out back for both! We should let people do what ever they want!!! Dumb trash and chemicals in woods! Muuuuuuu Freeeeeeeedumb!
FYI, Anti government people are such idiots.