The City of Greensboro wants to know what you think of living in Greensboro and of the job the city government is doing.
Commenters to this site have a lot of complaints about the city government, and this survey should give them and others a chance to more directly inform the city government of what they think it is doing right and wrong.
The survey can be found here:
The survey takes about five minutes to complete and offers several places where people don’t have to pick between 1 and 5 but are allowed to make their own comments. The survey is being conducted by Zencity not the City of Greensboro.
In the press release, Mayor Nancy Vaughan said, “We value input from our residents and this partnership with Zencity will help us to better understand the needs and concerns of our residents to make the best decisions for the future of our city.”
The survey asks people to rate Greensboro on issues such as quality of life, access to quality health care and availability of arts and culture.
It asks responders to list their favorite thing about living in Greensboro and the one thing they would change about Greensboro if they could.
People are asked to rate the overall sense of safety in the city, which should result in very different answers based on where people live, and to rate the ease of getting around by public transportation – something most people in the city only hear about but don’t experience for themselves.
The survey also asks people to rate some of the services provided by the city government such as libraries, parks and recreation, and garbage and recycling collection.
At the end are the questions about you, which include the usual age, sex, race, job status, education, income and also your zip code. Of course, as with most surveys, you can opt out of the personal questions.
Thanks John. I will take the survey. I do not believe the mayor or any council member values input from any citizen other than the chosen few.
I can imagine the replies of the readers.
And how much does this survey cost? From what I can find, ZenCity isn’t free and can cost upwards of $100,000 to contract their services. More of our tax dollars at work I guess.
No one will dictate my quality of life. Some things are worth fighting or even dying for.
If you must subscribe to such nonsense, keep electing power hungry socialists, eventually your quality of life will be equal to or less than the quality of their politics.