It’s that time of year again, when for a couple of days or weeks everyone is confused about what time it is.
Even though phones, computers, smart watches and just about everything else we use today have no problem with the time switch, the human body doesn’t reset so easily.
People who get up at 7 a.m. will find themselves wide awake at 6 a.m. despite the fact that they desperately want another hour’s sleep.
Officially, Sunday, Nov. 5 at 2 a.m. becomes Sunday, Nov. 5 at 1 a.m., and then an hour later it’s Sunday, Nov. 5 at 2 a.m. again – as daylight saving time ends and the official time for folks around here becomes Eastern Standard Time, again.
Back in the spring, when 2 a.m. magically became 3 a.m., people were assured that it would be the last time they would have to change their clocks.
Like so much about daylight saving time, that turned out not to be true. But since daylight saving time doesn’t save a minute of daylight, that should not be a surprise.
The reason for that rumor was that, in March 2022, the US Senate by unanimous consent passed the “Sunshine Protection Act,” which made daylight saving time permanent starting in the Spring of 2023.
However, the Senate and the House don’t see eye to eye on much of anything, and the Sunshine Protection Act, despite having unanimous support among US senators, was never brought up for a vote in the House. The issue seems to be that the House and Senate can’t agree on whether to make standard time permanent or daylight saving time permanent. There is agreement that changing clocks twice a year is more trouble than it’s worth, but not on what time should be the permanent time.
You have to wonder why the rich men north of Richmond couldn’t just flip a coin.
According to a survey, only about one in three Americans want to keep changing their clocks twice a year, while about 60 percent of Americans would like to do away with the semi-annual time confusion.
We are told to remember “spring forward, fall back” in order not to get confused, but no doubt some people will fall forward this weekend and be two hours early on Sunday morning.
We lived just fine for millennia before someone decided we needed to change time. I say leave it at standard time and be done with it.
its easy to switch,a caveman can do it..
one way or the other,if you want the day to be longer get up earlier, do like the farmers did work by the SUN. THAT what the cave men did.
I fell back, and I can’t get up.