The Greensboro City Council will hold its one public forum meeting of the month on Tuesday, Sept. 6 beginning at 5:30 p.m.
Mayor Nancy Vaughan is attending a conference, “Future of Work Summit” sponsored by the National League of Cities, and is not expected to participate in the meeting.
The first City Council meeting of the month is primarily devoted to the public forum, also called speakers from the floor on non-agenda items, when people can speak for three minutes on the topic of their choosing. At regular City Council meetings people can speak on agenda items, but not about items that are not on the agenda.
It is expected that a number of speakers will choose to talk about the proposed ordinance amendments that the City Council discussed at the work session on Thursday, Sept. 1. The ordinance amendments mainly deal with the homeless population in downtown Greensboro.
The City Council will also consider two bond anticipation notes that total $175 million to pay for water and sewer improvements for the Greensboro-Randolph Megasite. The bond anticipation notes include $25 million that will be issued on a taxable basis and $150 million that will be issued on a tax-exempt basis.
The bond anticipation notes will be financed for two years and then refinanced with 30-year revenue bonds. The information provided to the City Council states, “Repayment of the debt service on outstanding revenue bonds and proposed Series 2022 BANs [bond anticipation notes] will require an increase in water and sewer rates in future years.”
In an effort to reduce crime, the City Council is also expected to approve a request from the Flock Group to install more cameras in the public right-of-way. The Greensboro Police Department has chosen the locations for the additional cameras and notes that the cameras currently in place “have successfully assisted in promoting public safety.”
Of course taxpayers get the shaft…does council care? NO
Shove a microphone in your face, and a camera up your arse. BB in action.