The Greensboro City Council virtual work session that had been scheduled for 2 p.m. on Thursday, July 2 has been canceled.
The City Council originally planned hold a virtual meeting on Thursday, July 2 at 3:30 p.m. to approve an economic development grant for Bourbon Bowl, a boutique bowling alley on South Elm Street, but at work session on June 23 the City Council decided to add a resolution in support of “8 Can’t Wait.”
The council then discussed how they would discuss the 8 Can’t Wait resolution and if a resolution was enough.
Councilmember Justin Outling said, “A resolution is just aspirational.”
He explained, “If we are going to portray that we are doing something, it’s better to actually do something.”
It was decided that the City Council would hold a work session on 8 Can’t Wait before the City Council meeting to go over the resolution and to discuss doing more in support of the police policy goals than passing a resolution, which is simply a formal expression of the opinion of the majority of City Council.
The only thing on the agenda for the work session was “Public Safety Policy.”
Police Chief Brian James said that he had a problem with how one part of 8 Can’t Wait was worded and thought it would cause confusion for police officers. He said that he would like to be a part of any discussion related to police policy.
Mayor Nancy Vaughan said that the resolution she had in mind would be based on the resolution passed by the Memphis City Council, and that she would have copies of the Greensboro resolution distributed to councilmembers well before the meeting so they would have plenty of time to go over it.
Councilmembers never received copies of the resolution and now the work session to discuss that topic has been cancelled.
According to councilmembers, the only thing left on the agenda for the virtual meeting at 3:30 p.m. on July 2, is what was originally the only thing on the agenda and that is approving an economic incentive for a downtown boutique bowling alley on South Elm Street.
Apparently according to our mayor “8 can wait”. But handing out taxpayer monies to hipster bars is fast tracked?
So I guess 8 CAN wait.
Nancy, I am so disappointed the “8 can’t wait” meeting was cancelled. I was hoping we could go on to the “3 W’s” and then, I think, there are the 3 C’s. This is fun and we could get that police department in shape!
How about the council waits………………..?