After a lengthy discussion, the Greensboro City Council voted 7-1 to allocate $2 million to the International Civil Rights Center and Museum with some contingencies on Wednesday, March 23 during its annual retreat.
The motion made by Councilmember Goldie Wells added the condition that the Civil Rights Museum provide the information requested and it be analyzed to the satisfaction of city staff before the money is allocated.
City Councilmember Nancy Hoffmann voted no and City Councilmember Marikay Abuzuaiter was absent.
Councilmember and mayoral candidate Justin Outling was the most vocal opponent of allocating the funds before receiving requested information from the Civil Rights Museum.
Hoffmann said, “I need to look at their financials and look at those losses. As much as anyone on this council, I want the museum to be successful.”
Hoffmann added, “We got the financials today. I personally need time to go through them.”
City Manager Tai Jaiyeoba gave a presentation on what the Civil Rights Museum was requesting and information he had requested from the museum but had not received. However, Jaiyoba had the media placed so far away from the City Council that many of the details of what he said could not be heard.
But the request was for a grant of $1 million this year to be used at the closing to purchase the building next door on the corner of Elm Street and Market Street along with the parking lot behind the building that extends the length of the block from Market to February 1 Place.
The purchase of the building is part of the Civil Rights Museum’s effort to become designated as a World Heritage Site by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO).
The museum is requesting an additional million to be paid at $250,000 a year for four years, for a total of $2 million. Jaiyeoba said that how that $250,000 a year would be used was unclear.
Outling said that he had requested additional information similar to the information requested for an economic development incentive. Outling said he wanted to know how many jobs would be created that would pay over $15 an hour, noting that the City Council had a policy of requiring jobs pay a minimum of $15 an hour.
Outling said, “I completely agree with the concept. It is a great idea but we should do our due diligence as we do for all projects.”
Jaiyeoba suggested that the City Council approve the allocation and then if the requested information was not provided, or found unacceptable, that the city could take the money back.
Outling said, “The idea of giving them the money first and then getting the information is backwards.”
However, Outling did agree to vote for the motion to allocate the money contingent on receiving the information requested.
They should just bite the bullet and make the museum a taxing entity at this point.
Endless money pit.
we have given enough
Mandate Mayor and new manager know how to stifle dissent. Just conduct business that is controversial at meetings where the agendas are not correct, where the public is misled about the when and where and what “work sessions and retreats ” entail. Removing the press is especially egregious and unconstitutional to put barriers and remove from public discussions. And yes moving the press where they can’t see or hear properly is unacceptable in a free society. We as citizens of NC deserve and are required by law to be able to see the business of elected officials publicly. During Mandate Mayors decades of dodging the public at meetings, changing speakers abilities or opportunities at meetings, to passing ordinances limiting (unconstitutionallly) what speakers can even address it is clear our officials do not want the nondonor class involved or aware of how taxes are thrown away regularly to nonprofits, political donors,and businesses in other counties and towns. For shame.
This is a money pit —-unless compelling evidence can be brought forward showing why the money is needed it should be taken back – what are you thinking ?
Absolutely- nothing to add Alex said it all
Greensboro can’t pay police officers a salary comparable to neighboring cities, can give a 30% pay raise for an attorney, hire a city manager for $40,000 more than the last one but give front line people on the job everyday next to nothing what a shameful council we have. I hope every non-profit in the city comes with their hands out surely you’ll do the right thing and give them all 2 million you would not want to play favorites would you. Heck give them all 3 million it is after all “free” taxpayers money. Who by the way never got the chance to vote on this but elections are coming and Karma doesn’t forget.
i will not forget
Election year request. Shocking. Also shocking only one person has the balls to ask for financials before the vote. Way to go council. You suck as always.
and your mayor is at the top of the list
This is a money pit —-unless compelling evidence can be brought forward showing why the money is needed it should be taken back – what are you thinking ?
Every taxpaying Greensboro household should be able to go visit the Civil Rights Museum any time they want, if the city goes through with this.
How many homeless people could be fed and sheltered for 2 million dollars?
So, while the CRM is in such dire need of funds to remain open, they’re planning on expanding. They can’t even afford to keep up what they have – now they want to add on, and have more to keep up and maintain.
Idiots, all of them.
turn it into a home for the homeless
Outline has a good point.
Smells like 3 day old fish. Believe we have seen this rat hole a few times over the years. Seems we are very slow learners.
What? You want details before you hand over $2,000,000 to an organization that has never been self-supporting?
Man, some people are actually acting as a responsible delegate of the people!
THE MONEY PIT. Tens years ago i wrote to the City Council this thing is a money pit and it will never end. No one is going to make a special trip to Greensboro to tour this place. Call/write you City Councilman and let them know!
Well then Outling is a hypocrite – by his own words.
Interesting how the council want accountability on this request YET no accountability for the “Cure for Violence “ program .
I just want these people to be accountable for the money they get from the taxpayer. It seems like they get these vast sums of money and nobody can say exactly where the money went. And I’m not just talking about Mr. Alston. I’m talking about ALL of them. If I ran a business like this I’d be bankrupt. Unfortunately for the taxpayers when there is no accountability these folks just keep feeding and the public trough. It’s past time for some audits on paper and in public.
Been thinking of all the empty downtown hotel rooms they need to fill, and even more coming. Maybe the plan is to bus in children for a visit to the museum. Then overnight them downtown. All at taxpayer’s expense of course.
If the city council thinks giving more money to this money pit is a good thing why don’t they take it from their own pockets? How much longer can this go on?
I think I’ve heard this before. Pass the bill, then we’ll read it. I thought all the incompetents were in DC. Guess not.
Any time the Museum comes yo the Council or Commissioners for a handout it is totally one sided!!!As in the case of $750,000 that required information from the museum.It seems that someone in city mangers office approved the release of money to the museum,without docuthat was needed by the Office.Well ,it seems that this money was never contested by the city nor did they get any info from the museum.So if the city council does try to get information from the museum they will encounter stonewalling and maybe outflies from the museum.The best thing the city could do is give the $2,000,000 back to the taxpayers as a rebate!!!!! Tell the museum to pound sand..This is another great and wonderful idea for this Democratically controlled body to waste your taxpayer money.
Let’s vote all these Democrats out of office as soon as possible !!!! Help me!!!!
well said
It’s obviously not the councilmembers’ money.