Battle lines are being drawn on the issue of what to do about the growing homeless population in downtown Greensboro.
President of Downtown Greensboro Inc. (DGI) and District 3 City Councilmember Zack Matheny is attempting to take some positive action toward ameliorating the problem.
City Manager Tai Jaijeoba has been joined by District 1 City Councilmember Sharon Hightower in supporting the status quo of holding endless meetings and discussions about the city, county, state and national problem.
Matheny sent out an email last week inviting anyone who was interested to a walk-through of Center City Park on Wednesday, Aug. 10. Matheny included city and county officials as well as representatives of the business community in his request and reportedly had a good response, although no city councilmembers attended.
On Thursday, Aug. 11, Matheny sent out another email inviting city and county officials as well as the business community to a meeting on Thursday, Aug. 25 at 11:30 a.m.
Matheny attached an email he had received from Tara Reaves, one of the owners of the ‘Cille and ‘Scoe restaurant at 312 S. Elm St., about some of the issues they have had recently. One involved a woman “strung out on some sort of drug” who caused a scene on the restaurant’s patio. Police were called and, according to Reaves, “The whole process last about two hours right in the middle of our weekend dinner service and created an environment where not only were people not sitting outside, but they were crossing over to the opposite side of the street to avoid walking by our restaurant.”
The second incident described by Reaves is worse – where a man in wheelchair created a scene on the patio, refused to leave and “This eventually lead to him defecating on our patio – yes … in broad daylight he pooped and peed on our property.”
Reaves states, “We readily communicate with the ambassadors, and we genuinely try to be kind and patient with the homeless population.” But she adds, “Our homeless population has become a massive issue for business.”
Hightower objected to Matheny starting another committee and in an email she states, “As the City representative on the COC [Continuum of Care], all of these concerns are discussed to find solutions. As the body of homeless providers, they are keenly aware of what is occurring, but solutions aren’t easy. This issue of homelessness is impacting every sect of the City and we must approach using a wholistic effort.
“What is the purpose of the meeting on 8/25 beyond the current issue? I am open to hearing and speaking with everyone, but see no need to start any other committee.”
In her email Hightower also states that there is a need for more mental health services and “more housing for unsheltered persons, including families.”
Mayor Nancy Vaughan responded to Matheny’s email by stating that she would be attending the meeting on Aug. 25.
As the City representative on the Continuum of Care, it is clear that Hightower and the other members of this committee have done nothing but talk. That is all she can ever do. Thank you Councilman Matheny for trying to get these other worthless council members to get off their rear ends and actually accomplish something. Hightower is a disgrace.
I agree with Matheny to do everything we can to aid in our homeless problem.
We have millions of ARP dollars! Why not use those funds for real solutions to help people off the street?
Millions have already been spent and look at what that has gotten us. More homeless.
What about the American Hebrew Academy at 4334 Hobbs Rd? If the academy can house illegal aliens who have already broken our laws, can it not also house Greensboro’s homeless who are citizens? The homeless would have a swimming pool, areas to exercise, and mental health professionals could visit to provide care. The bleeding-heart liberals could take turns cooking for the homeless to assure that they are receiving a proper diet.
The Hebrew Academy is classified as a nonprofit. Academy, please give back to the community of residents who pays more property taxes because the Hebrew Academy does not. Although I question why the Hebrew Academy would be classified as a nonprofit during the time it sat idle and not functioning as a nonprofit. I did not know that was allowed. However, if the Academy is now receiving payment from the federal government to house lawbreaking illegal aliens, they are no longer a nonprofit. Calling North Carolina Department of Revenue.
I agree 100%
I agree with Termlimits comments. Well said!
I absolutely agree Greensboro homeless American citizen deserve the same treatment.How quickly did they open the Hebrew facility.when Greensboro homeless are still struggling living on the street..
I don’t understand the IRC trys so hard to help .But they need help as well funding n other avenues to persue.
This is a good idea. Unfortunately the kids going to the Hebrew Academy, which happens to be in a high human trafficking area of the country, are likely getting sent there just to be abused/groomed. Otherwise, it would have been a great place to house the homeless in the area.
Yes!!! This was my first thought when I heard that they were planning to house illegal migrant children there. I was disgusting because I thought, we have a SERIOUS problem with homelessness here in Greensboro, so why don’t they let them live at the former AHA instead?!! Oh wait, is it because they’re broke and homeless and plus they can’t sell adults as easily as kids?? I’m only speculating because they’re so secretive about the situation over there… wonder why… So scary, and so sad!
I am sure Hightower has the pocketbook solution in hand. Tell her to call Pelosi…her city seems to have it all under control.
Hightower has had YEARS to address the issue. Maybe if she owned a business where people took a s$&! I’m the middle of people trying to eat she would care. Doesn’t fit here narrative. Downtown not east enough for her. Maybe we can put some homeless drug addicted mentally I’ll people to her street to use as a bathroom.
Put them up at the Hilton, or any nearby upscale hotel/motel. SNAP benefits & a phone, of course. Might as well go for Medicade.
Maybe if Mandate Mayor had not issued land grants to restaurants out of former sidewalks then these issues would be much less possible because there would be no barricades and tables clogging the public right of ways. Always unintended consequences from Mandate Mayors actions….sort of like all the money for places like the Worx or Morehead Foundry.
Homeless people peeing on people having lunch in a PUBLIC park and defecating on patios has nothing to do with sidewalk eating. Other people get to use the sidewalks that shouldn’t be subjected to people whipping out their body parts and performing an act that is unsanitary and illegal. Instead of polo wearing ambassadors they need to swarm that park with police and have a zero tolerance policy for illegal activity. And by the way LeBauer park is full of sex offenders watching the kids in the splash zone.
But I do believe those parks are quasi-private and could easily solve some of this if they had the stones
You are correct-I had forgotten they structured the park in a way that we still pay for it as taxpayers but it is protected in a private entity.
Here’s a query: Why doesn’t Ms. Hightower know that mental health services ARE available? Brand spanking new building on Third St, 988 help, and IRC has counselors. Housing is not going to be solved anytime soon as many of those experiencing homelessness prefer to be outdoors.
Finally someone taking a stand against the Queen Ms Hightower and the newly appointed Prince of Spending also referred to as the city manager who still isn’t a citizen of this great country. Get R Done
I have been living in this state of North Carolina a little over two years now and I can say it’s the worst state. What sadness it brings to me that Greensboro can use tax dollars to house illegal immigrants but not our own American born citizens. What a disgrace. Should be ashamed of your selfs.
I am very interested to know what makes North Carolina the worst state in your opinion. There is no doubt the state has changed in recent years. The large cities are controlling issues with their votes. Liberal ideas do not work but liberals moving here from blue states and the many White Karens that are now part of the population keep moving NC to the left.
Contrary to what liberals espouse, it is apparent they do not like transparency. Look no further than Senate Bill 660. It has bipartisan support from Dems and Republicans. This bill, if passed, would take booking photos (mug shots) out of public records domain. They would no longer be available to the public. As usual, the “justice league” is all for it on the grounds that it denies criminals second chances. This is a bogus argument with no data to back up the claim. Many, many (if not most) are repeat offenders. So much for second chances. I believe the “justice league” does not want the public to see who is committing crime.
Maryland is worse. I see it often.
1) Center city Park is private right? They have the right to get people OUT of the park who are loitering and doing drugs. Turning on the sprinklers in the planters will clear out the people from sleeping on them all night.
2) There is ZERO police presence in Center city Park…IF POLCIE WOULD PATROL…the homeless would leave
3) There are derelicts of ALL races shooting up AND snorting heroin in the park, Daily. EVERY DAY the GFD & the ambulances come to give out what I would guess is Narcan?
4) The next Tanger season should be CHARMING when people go for pre theater dinners!!!! LOL – get a theater built then allow a derelict population to scare people away from coming downtown
5) YES. these are derelicts. The “homeless” population in Center city park used to be great guys. Most of them worked, usually construction and lawn care, or had a place to go at least at night, or were able to eventually get a place to stay. They were nice people and actually looked out for the park. Great group of guys. The current crop of homeless in the park are derelict drug addicts. The decent guys who just had bad luck, or needed a hand up are gone.
6) These people are not “experiencing homelessness” – at least the majority aren’t. They are choosing to shoot up drugs and snorting heroin (it has to be heroin because my understanding is cocaine is expensive so I doubt it is that) – and they are snorting it 5 feet away from families with small kids who find themselves not realizing our downtown park is a garbage dump.
7) The Folk Festival is gonna be LIT. Heroin OD’s a few feet away from the family who drove from Virginia to see a performance at a music festival. Should be interesting.
8) No one on our council gives a crap about any of this. Just let everyone shoot up in the park and sleep naked and pee in the bushes all day. Yay.
There should be serious penalties for anyone caught trafficking in drugs. That is, from the street corner thug to the cartel to severe penalties for the country of origin and everyone in between. Provide real help to users and addicts. Concentrate our efforts on stopping drugs from entering the country and make it very expensive in prison time for convicted dealers. We can divert our billions in tax money from a war in Eastern Europe to fighting a serious war on drug dealers. Drug dealers are the scum of the earth. When I think of drug dealers, I pray there is a hell.
About an hour ago before typing this…another GFD call for what is without a doubt ANOTHER Narcan call for another heroin overdose in Center city park. Every. Day. And yes. Right smack (no pun) in front of the public. This is NOT – as I said previously – the usual crop of homeless guys who were genuinely good people just temporarily in a bad situation. The majority of these guys are now heavily involved in drugs. Like I said. The Folk Festival and Tanger season are gonna be LIT.
Same old yap crap talk. I’m so OVER THIS MESS. Roy Boy Cooper wants to go to Washington DC and I saw Ms. Vaughn has been elevated to several high power boards. Meanwhile we have homeless people defecating in outdoor patios in “our so called social zone”. The citizens of Greensboro have nobody to blame but themselves. This is what you voted for.
Nancy Vaughn will not rise above mayor. She has peaked. She should count her luck stars for Don Vaughn. Without that hookup, she would not have become a council member and then mayor. Of course, Greensboro has suffered.
You really should label these articles opinion pieces. From the headline to a sentence about “status quo”, the author makes clear his bias. The RT is garbage.
Don’t like what you read “eh”. Free will says you can stop anytime. Sign me FREEWILL
Yet, you read RT. Can’t help yourself.
It is great that local businesses have an ally on the council again. I expect Mr. Matheny will be the subject of much controversy during his time on the council this go around.
Maybe there is room for homeless housing in the new 10 million dollar international civil rights museum building, right downtown. Conveniently located close to all government services. Hell, Greensboro even gave them 2 million dollars to help purchase it…You want to help humanity, well there ya go…
This is simply how it works in America… ask the business owners in San Francisco who’ve had to relocate due to their massive homeless problem. Regardless of how many meetings you have, regardless of how much money you raise, nothing we’re doing is beneficial until we look at the mental wellbeing of each homeless person, and frankly, that’s not built into our foundational systems or budgets so it’s just not going to happen. We continue to repeat mistakes and burn money to look like we’re trying when the root problems literally begin in the familial home, elementary school, etc. We’re in our infancy of understanding psychology, this is so much larger than us, this year, this town… it’s a problem we’re going to be dealing with for decades to come … if we last that long.
Here’s a thought… How about instead of housing hundreds (or thousands) of illegal, unaccompanied minors at the former American Hebrew Academy, we actually take care of the people that live here in Greensboro and give them a place to go! They desperately need and they deserve that chance at a better life. These illegal migrants being sent to Greensboro should not be receiving better care than the members of our own community. They don’t have a roof over their heads either! But I’m sure the Biden Administration that made the deal with Alston & Vaughan to house the migrants at the AHA are paying much more than our homeless population can contribute… It disgusts me to think about it, honestly.
The International Academy on Hobbs has been owned by an Asian equity firm for almost three years.
When they purchased the property, formerly known as American Hebrew Academy, they became caretakers for how the property would be used. If they choose to make a deal with the Federal government, as did other properties across the US, that’s their prerogative.
It’s the responsibility of our local government and citizens to address our homeless neighbors. Greensboro could opt for affordable housing, easy access to mental healthcare, and rehabilitation shelters that Assess what individuals need to get out of their homeless situation.
You all know the Hebrew Academy is owned by China. So we are handing out more money to China.
When LP said the Hebrew Academy was now owned by an Asian equity firm, I wondered if that meant China. Why, why, why do we continue to sell property and businesses to China?
I ask that all who are concerned about the problems in Downtown to get a copy of the Greensboro paper and look at the letter that I wrote to the editor. The year was 2006 and the problem was the lack of control on the downtown streets and the total nonexistence of police to control the problem. That was 16 years ago, and still nothing has been done. We are sliding backwards and the animals from the zoo are running the zoo.
Well maybe by providing the homeless with some resources another option other than the park so that the laws can be reinforced. I visited it last weekend and really didn’t have a place to sit a lot of people sleeping on benches and chairs the park going down it use to be very nice place to go
Greensboro does not want to step up their care of the homeless, out of fear that more will come from other cities.
Make it bad enough on the homeless, here, to encourage them to leave.
Also, Please assist those that already have and maintain housing to continue. They try to make people jump through hoops just to keep from being homeless although many have maintained their dwellings for years, decades even.
This town is a mess, in four years the homeless population has increased. Take a ride down MLK Dr. There are multiple homes they hang out. These houses are boarded up and defunct so it becomes their place to hang. The garbage and mattresses litter the sidewalks. Unfortunately I saw a homeless man taking his daily poop in a yard in clear view of anyone. I complained they cleaned up the house porches and 1 day later they were back littering the area. We as a city need a plan to relocate these people give them jobs cleaning the city. The council is dragging there feet in this regard, look at the center city park the homeless has increased 10 fold. It’s impossible to miss and I’m concerned about the fact that nothing changes. Elected officials have done nothing. What a mess