The Following Is A Letter To The Editor From Rhino Times Reader Alan Marshall

Forty people were tried and convicted by a jury of their peers for the heinous crime of murder. Too many involved the kidnapping, torture and slaughter of CHILDREN!!! Doddering Uncle Joe has commuted the sentence of death on 37 of these animals and inflicted their upkeep on the American people, some of whom are the families and friends of the victims for the rest of their worthless lives. But hey, he’s just doing what he’s told to do.

From my understanding, the 3 not commuted are guilty of terrorist acts. My question is what do you think these victims, especially the CHILDREN, went through while in the hands of these animals? I can’t speak for others, but I’m pretty sure they were terrorized, so please tell me the difference.

I understand there are people who are morally against the death penalty and I respect them and their beliefs. Some of those are ‘professional politicians’ and are against it because it gets them elected. I believe there are crimes that require the death penalty because of their very nature, like murder, rape, and treason. I’ve heard some say drug dealers should be included.

My personal belief is this act shows the mental incapacity of Biden and was the result of manipulation by those high up in the (National Socialist) Democrat Party maybe for personal/political purposes or maybe even just a ‘screw you’ to President-Elect Trump. Of course, I and a number of others were not surprised that he pardoned his son, although the extent of the pardon is, as I understand it, unprecedented.

The (NS)DP is absolutely losing their minds over the level of their loss. In fact, one is even trying to keep President –Elect Trump from taking office. There is a Dec. 26 op-ed from The Hill titled “Congress has the power to block Trump from taking office, but lawmakers must act now.” You can find more in an article entitled “Obama ally pushes Raskin plan for Congress to nullify election, install Harris: ‘Insurrectiony’”.  Remember, an animal is most dangerous when cornered, and I see the (NS)DP and their lackeys as being cornered. We must be careful.

As conservative, freedom loving Americans, we need to try to bring control of OUR government back to the CITIZENS, representing the CITIZENS, and working for the CITIZENS, not the ILLEGAL immigrants flooding our country, bleeding us dry.

Carpe Diem

Alan Marshall