US On Doorstep Of Third World Status
Dear Editor,
According to the news, we have only 14-25 days of diesel fuel remaining that is immediately available. I feel very sorry for my friends who drive diesel trucks.
Wait a minute … don’t the big rigs that move a substantial amount of goods, both luxury as well as absolute necessities like, oh, I don’t know, maybe food!
Welcome to Third World America folks, thanks to Heir Biden and his puppet masters in the (National Socialist) Democrat party.
How did it get to this point without us knowing? There are a number of Americans who are so busy on social sites that their town could burn down and they wouldn’t know until the FD knocked down their door. But I for one watch quite a bit of news, on and off line, and only heard about this when it was mentioned we had a 30 day supply last week. You would think this would get a little more attention.
I’m sure the MSM is working on some BS answer which they will bounce off focus groups before giving it to the WH press propaganda specialist to spew out.
Currently, diesel is over $5 a gallon around here. But if things keep going as they are, how are common service companies, like plumbers, lawn care folks and other such businesses going to be able to survive short of jacking up their prices to the point they go out of business due to a lack of customers?
One thing I’m afraid will happen is that refineries will start switching over regular gas production to diesel to try to stem the shortage which will reduce the standard gas supply, causing shortages and price increases there.
Think about this, folks, in two years we went from energy independence to the doorstep of third world status, and we have two more years of this crazy crap unless something changes.
Oh and with this going on, the news media is more concerned with the husband of the wicked witch of the west than what could potentially affect all of America.
Please, please, PLEASE get out and vote! If we don’t, we are shooting ourselves in the foot with an automatic weapon! Otherwise our goods will be being moved by 20 mule team wagons.
Carpe diem, real Americans, carpe diem.
Alan Marshall
Alan is yet again pointing fingers and doom saying on a topic he clearly lacks even the basic understanding….as usual, he blames Biden with NO specifics on any actions taken by Biden to either cause this issue or even offer thinking on what Biden SHOULD have been doing to avoid this issue? Alan even thinks that refineries just flip a switch and change over what type of fuel is being refined. What a joke.
He uses the phrase ‘Heir Biden’ as if Biden personally directed refiners to permanently close down refinery capacity…when the truth is that in our capitalist society, refiners chose to permanently close down capacity during the pandemic when demand collapsed given the short-sighted nature of profit focused businesses. Of course, Alan doesn’t include this FACT in his uninformed assessment given his manic desire to link all things bad to his perceived political enemies.
Oh, and his comment on the US energy independence…Alan clearly lacks understanding of what this term means. The US remains energy independent as we produce more energy than we use.
But let Alan rant. He illustrates the idiocy of hyper polarized politics of the day.
“… thanks to Heir Biden and his puppet masters in the (National Socialist) Democrat party.” Proven wrong Chris
“Oh, and his comment on the US energy independence…Alan clearly lacks understanding of what this term means. The US remains energy independent as we produce more energy than we use.” So IF Chris were right (yet to be proven), why did prices start rising AFTER the cancellation of the domestic pipelines.
“…when the truth is that in our capitalist society, refiners chose to permanently close down capacity during the pandemic when demand collapsed given the short-sighted nature of profit focused businesses.” That was done due to exactly what you yourself said, “…refiners chose to permanently close down capacity during the pandemic when demand collapsed…”. It’s called Capitalism. If you have resources that are not profitable you close them down or get rid of them. As much as you and your Socialist mob hate it, companies operate to make a profit, as much as that shocks and disgusts you.
Welcome to America.
So you agree it was our selfish capitalist system that caused the diesel shortagr?
Your answers are so moronic and self contradictory. What a joke.
Free market capitalism is profoundly ethical and inherently unselfish.
You mean the capitalist system to lied about health risks and addiction of cigarettes? You mean the free-market system that regularly turns a blind eye to use of child labor? You mean the ethical capitalists that built an entire company based on accounting tricks to hide loses from public while telling employees to buy stock while they sold it (Enron). How about the good guys that sold bundled mortgages they knew were worthless (Merrill Lynch). An let’s not forget to praise the brilliance of Apple who programed older phone models’ batteries to work less efficiently to motivate users to have to buy newer phones. Or how Amazon regularly comes out with their own version of a product that has sold well on their sight and tanks the search results of any competitors.
Amazing how fools want to believe big business is good. They are only as good a civil lawsuits and government oversight force them to be good. Otherwise, profit above all else.
What rubbish.
You fail to understand that the free market is a context for people to operate freely – and some people are corrupt and self-serving. That’s why the motto of capitalism is “Caveat Emptor” (let the buyer beware).
The essential basis of capitalism is that one party produces something of value, and it is sought by others who are willing to give up something (normally money) for that commodity. They surrender their money OF THEIR OWN FREE WILL. No coercion is involved in capitalism (unlike socialism, or government). The buyer benefits from the transaction (or he would not enter into it). The seller benefits from the transaction (ditto). The state benefits from the transaction (taxes). The society at large benefits from the transaction (this is how wealth is produced). And NO-ONE IS COMPELLED OR COERCED TO DO ANYTHING. It is a system of free people peacefully going about their business, and as outlined above, it is a WIN-WIN-WIN-WIN situation.
No other political or economic system compares. It is the perfect embodiment of liberty.
And that is why capitalist countries are the freest and most prosperous in the World – and why millions of people risk their lives every day to go live in them.
Got it now, Chrissy?
I pray that THE BIG RED WAVE does sweep thru our State and Nation on November 8. For two years we’ve been in the hands of creepy biden, and cackling kammie — who never should have taken The Oval Office in the first place. I trust the Republicans will exercise due diligence and get joey IMPEACHED, as he so richly deserves. If that materializes, the USA will start righting the ship long before 2024, and eliminating the mistakes that the Democrats have shoved down our throats. This country can do worse than go back into the hands of (like him or not) Donald J Trump, and/or Governor Ron DeSantis, and the blossoming superstar Tulsi Gabbard …
It is scary as hell but current govt works off of pixie dust and unicorns. If you can’t afford groceries in the next 30 days, don’t worry, no food will be delivered due to no disel so let the food panic start. Thanks Joey.
The hard Left shadowy figures in the background of Obama’s administrations can’t believe their luck! They have a senile old cretin as their figurehead who always signs off on their agenda, and they pay no price. The feeble old fool will be history soon anyway, one way or another. It’s just perfect for them.
The hard left has always despised the United States of America, and now they’re in power they are doing their best to bring it down.
I have never seen evil so rampant.
Evil? Believing in health care for all is evil? Believing in investing in infrastructure is evil? Believing all citizens deserve equal rights (even if Homesexual) is evil?
Evil is trying to destroy the fiber of democracy with the Big Lie about mass voter fraud because you are a sore loser. Evil is denying 10% of US citizen equal rights. Evil is standing idle while a real fascist (Russia) attempts to overtake a free democratic nation. Evil is permanent tax breaks for the wealthy paid for with increased national debt and only giving a small temporary tax break to regular Americans. Evil is putting personal politics over scientific consensus about cause and risk of climate change.
Democrats are not perfect. They spend too and lack the economic understanding of the impact of over stimulating the economy. But they are not evil.
Real evil is preaching hate against others just because you disagree with them over social and political issues. That seems more your Jam Austin.
WAAHH…WAAHH…WAAHH!!!! (To the Editor: this is my response tp anything Chris has to say)
Killing a baby just before it’s born (or as it’s being born, “Partial Birth Abortion”) is evil.
Brainwashing a little kid into permanently mutilating himself or herself is evil.
Being utterly corrupt and bought & paid for by our biggest enemy and the World’s largest tyranny (China) is evil.
And profoundly undermining the freedom of the American people on all fronts, from financial to free expression, to their right to bear arms, is palpably evil.
Liberty is anathema to the devil, and the operatives of the Democratic Party are systematically waging war on our freedoms, and implementing his agenda.
The devil works through the political Left worldwide to further his agenda, and the US party of the Left is no exception. Which is why they are working to cripple America.
You speak to things that rarely happen and noone supports publicly except in very rare circumstances. The idea that government should come between a doctor and a patient is absurd but you…..Musica and Muh Freedum unless Austin disagrees then he wants to make the decision for you. What a joke.
You’re so stupid you can’t even compose lucid sentiments.
Try to brush up your Pidgin English, Einstein.
You have just accused me of bigotry and “hate” in your comments in the Letters Column of Oct. 26th. I challenged you to back up your despicable and baseless smear of my character, and you suddenly became silent. You had nothing; you have nothing.
But here you are again accusing me of “preaching hate”.
Show me the “hate” – or apologize. Fair enough?
It is you who likes accusing people of bigotry, or racism, or mental illness (“nutters”) or spitefulness, when in fact they are guilty of no such things.
So who is REALLY preaching hate in these columns..?
You are a bigot and a hateful person. Just read your last comment. Itnis all there black and white.
No, you are a bitter, spiteful little creep who likes to make himself feel better by belittling other people.
Austin, I know I’ve done it myself, but as my grandfather used to tell me…you can never win wrestling with a pig. You both get dirty but the pig loves it.
Thanks Alan, but here’s the thing: I love it too.
I love proving Leftists wrong in a public forum. I love vexing them because they can’t resolve the cognitive dissonance I induce in them. I relish it when they lose their temper, and revert to schoolyard insults. It tells me, and everyone else, that I have won.
And I like winning.
In fact, I always do (that’s the reason I got banned from Facebook!).
Carpe Diem! Vita Brevis.
I saw the same article on social media. I found it hard to believe it was that urgent, but the news came from a reputable source. No diesel means nothing in the stores in short order. Virtually everything we get comes by truck. Trains run on diesel. There will be anarchy, & violence over food & necessities (like my RX). No materials for housing, if you are left with a job to pay for it.
Meanwhile, the stock market puffs right along. Those in the know should know. X yur fingers. Be ready.
The LEFT is responsible for all this. Anarchy is what they want.
Since you state the Left is at fault? How did the Left deplete diesel refining capacity? What did they do or not do?
I am certain you can’t answer that question with anything specific. (And please don’t go on about a pipeline….it isn’t relevant here)
You should quit watching Fox news and all their
biased news. Why haven’t we heard about the diesel shortage? Cuz it’s more bs conspiracy theory that’s why. The same people that believe the election was rigged.(Without any proof, although they tried to find proof many many times and wasted thousands and thousands of dollars trying. Where are your common sense people?
Sight your source! So typical of your fear mongering bs. You are sooooooooooo full of it! Sight your source! Even your non MSM source! (MSM is such a hackneyed and unoriginal slight at this point — like
Fox News isn’t underwritten by huge corporate and political interests…)
Stop being such a weak snowflake and sight your sources!
CITING article – NPR, 10/30/22
“MARTIN: Let’s just finish where we started, talking about diesel. As we said, as of today, as of right now, 25 days of supply left. What’s going to happen?
XU: The economy runs on diesel. So when diesel gets expensive, everything costs more. And when we run out of it, supply chains collapse, and things simply don’t work.”
It’s Cite. Cite your sources, which is short for citation.
Here’s one: “Why the US has a Diesel Shortage”. From October 30th, 2022
Here’s another: “The Diesel Market is a Perfect Stormm as Prices Surge, Supply Dwindles Ahead of Winter”. October 30th, 2022
Peanut Boy, there is not enough cooking oil sitting around to fuel the U.S. supply chain. Get real.
You can also Google the phrase Diesel Shortage and do your own research.
Or you can bury your head in sand and pretend Joe is great when you aren’t screaming at the sky about this being Trump’s fault.
Thank you Don and Deborah.
Ahem—Biodiesel is a direct replacement for petroleum diesel and can be used in any diesel engine without modifications. The first diesel engine was designed to run on peanut oil by German engineer Rudolf Diesel in 1893.
So quit yer bitchin’ save your cooking oil.
I could not agree more with your assessment Mr. Marshall. Hit the polls and VOTE! It’s past time to end the madness!
Trains run on Diesel as well–Our current Administration is strangleing Americans for no reason that I can see. They bring out the failed OBAMA to lie once again that republicans are going to take away SS and Medicare/Medicade. Please name one that is running on this platform. Republicans have an exciting platform this year–I just hope they keep to it !!!!!
It would be hard for any representative to get re-elected by proposing or enacting laws to reduce and/or eliminate any entitlements.
SS & Medicare are prime examples. These are an annuity, and, heath insurance. Both are nearly insolvent as our representatives have spent all the premiums (taxes) necessary to maintain these programs. You can thank FDR & LBJ. Now the wankers in power have no choice but to print more fiat money. Doing that is what is happening now. Go out and buy something – it is so obvious.
Washington is rotten. LIberal polys will make it worserer & worserer – soon. The only hope is to vote conservative, which amounts to putting a finger in the dike.
I have friends who are on the left. I want to keep them, so I never discuss politics (or religion).
Why don’t you ask the oil companies to start acting on the permits they have?
Gee, I wonder why they didn’t think of that?
You’re a genius, Ricky!
Because the are overjoyed with the excessive profits generated from higher prices due to the shortages.
And here we have another genius!
2nd Qtr Big Oil Profits:
– Exxon profit up 280% to 17.9 Billion
– Chevron profit up 277% to 11.0 Billion
– Conoco profit up 146% to 5.1 Billion
Yup. Nice of them to profit off the crisis.
Again, Austin is so hateful he can do nothing but call names versus actually make a clear counter argument. Getting boring really.
And what’s wrong with oil companies making money? They risk the exploration, the drilling, the political minefield, all in the hope that they get a gusher and actually make some money. Sometimes oil is so cheap they can’t even make money on existing wells,
Contrast that with the Parasitic Sector, that produces zero oil or gasoline for us, takes no risk at all upon itself, and just sits on its fat ass and collects its pound of flesh when the oil companies actually get ahead.
So why shouldn’t they make some money for their shareholders (mostly retirees) when they can?
Or is your envy and jealousy just too great for you to overcome?
Let’s look at why…..If you wanted to open a restaurant and the government regulated where you could put it would you build it? If they told you it had to be stainless steel from floor to ceiling, would you build it? If they told you that it would be operational for just a few years and that as soon as possible they were going to shut it down, would you build it? I wouldn’t spend one dime on exploration under this current administration. Apparently they aren’t either.
But they didn’t under the last administration either.
FYI…not all permits are useful. When they buy a permit they are rolling the dice on if it is going to be of use or profitable…oh, I forgot energy companies by your standards are evil, greedy corporations that are out to rip off all the rest of us.
Please research before making a fool of yourself
They are also holding permits to give the facade that their assets are more valuable than they actually are. There’s several reasons not to drill, most around making the oil company more profits.
Here’s some quick math and philosophy for you. Shell recently reported 9.45B quarterly profit, enabling them to raise their dividend by 15%. This disparately redistributes those profits to the biggest (richest) investors down to nothing for the consumer that doesn’t own a share. How cheap is gas when you account for those dividend increases – a decision an exceedingly profiting company is making?
Don’t talk down to me you dumb, fat, fascist.
Oh dear… Juan, aka Carl, aka Ricky is finally showing his true colors and devolving into nasty personal abuse.
I knew it wouldn’t take long.
Leftists are mostly odious bitter people. They are drawn to the political Left because Socialism is just a rationalisation for envy. Instead of being inspired and motivated by rich successful people, they become consumed with envy and hatred, and these wealthy people become the focus of Leftists’ bitterness and spite, despite having done nothing wrong. That’s how strong the prejudice of Leftists is. And their hatred. But, in a classic example of projection, they invariably accuse the Right of prejudice and “hate” (they can’t even get their English right. Hate is a verb).
I am very familiar with the psychological profile of Leftists. My mother was one.
She was always unhappy.
Hey Austin, reread my comment I posted at Chris’ post. We could win by simply letting them spout their ignorant obvious hate but not answer. Couldn’t hurt.
I disagree, Alan. We must not cede any ground to them. That is how they win the hearts & minds of readers, or viewers, or listeners.
When we are silent, we lose. We must take the battle to them, we must face them down, we must vanquish them, or else we are surrendering the battlefield of ideas – and that would be fatal to freedom.
“All that is required for evil to prevail is that good men do nothing”.
We must not be weak, or derelict and remiss. We have to fight.
Why were we buying oil from Russia during the last administration if we were energy independent? Another lie by the right.
The supply was fluid and and the price was right. It was stored in the strategic oil reserves, however the Biden admin has sold most of the reserve off. Asia and Italy are two of the countries receiving oil and diesel from the US. Jeff and Chris, do you own work before making accusations of lying. Don’t assume it makes an ass of u and me!
Well said Sweetheart
Does anyone understand a commodity cycle?
You make very valid points
Thanks, Alan.
Your contributions in the war of ideas is valuable and appreciated, even though this forum isn’t the most read in the World. It is a great debating chamber, though.
We do what we can.
Guess what, my letters are more widely distributed then you think.
Thanks Mark Robinson 🙂