Conservatives Want A Fascist Government
Dear Editor,
If you don’t believe there are those in the modern conservative movement that desire a fascist form of conservative government, you need to look no further than Project 2025. Funded by The Heritage Foundation, who has deep influences with the people who influence Trump’s political views, policy proposals and clearly want to stamp out any opposing political influence, view and rights of the left.
Beyond their desire to replace anyone at any level in government that doesn’t swear loyalty to Trump, their plan is destroy the republic and replace it with a fascist leader by:
- Defunding the Department of Justice (to remove any accountability or checks on executive power)
- Dismantling the FBI (to again remove any accountability outside the executive branches direct control and influence)
- Breaking up the Department of Homeland Security (remove any monitoring of their supporting groups activities – i.e. white nationalist groups, etc.)
- Eliminating the Department of Education (so conservatives can groom children to embrace their hate and bigotry)
- Giving the president complete power of quasi-independent agencies such as FCC (so propaganda can be tightly controlled)
- Pushing the unitary theory that gives the president unchecked power over all aspects of government.
They openly support the idea of making the LGBTQ community illegal to even verbalize or acknowledge their existence. For example, their platform proposes making teachers that acknowledge the existence of transexuals to be registered sex offenders. Their platform is only one step short of making LGBTQ people wear stars on their clothes so they can be openly discriminated against.
The last time Trump was in office there were a number of old school conservatives that stood against his push for absolute power (for example, Pence refusing to block the peaceful transfer of power). Many of those old school conservatives have since left politics under hardline pressure from Trump loyalists.
Often, I hear how Democrats are soooo power hungry. This is just the pot calling the kettle black to deflect the power-hungry nature of the modern conservatives under Trump’s leadership. A vote for Trump is a vote for the destruction of our republic and the checks and balances within our government structure that has pushed back against fascist views for decades.
Christian C. Rice
Seek help, Chrissy. And get a life.
If Rice was any further out there, he could hop on Voyager I for a ride.
LMAO! A major overdose of pixie dust. Thanks for the chuckle!
With regard to the letter from Christian Rice . Rice is obviously suffering from sever Trump Derangement Syndrome.
Make America Great Again . Vote for Donald J. Trump for President of the US.
This coming from someone who supports a party that wants to expand the Supreme Court because they are unhappy with the current version, add states to take control the Senate, govern by executive orders, use the power of the Judicial Branch to prosecute political rivals and promote conspiracy theories and use social media to shut down opposing views. Yep, that’s a better alternative.
Odd. They didn’t ever even attempt to expand the Court. That was just conservative media hype to get clicks online.
Project 2025 is very real and Trump’s messaging is falling more and more in line with their platform. Dare you or any other commenter here to read it. But I understand sheep don’t like to question their leaders. You will notice from the comments that no one questions that the bullet points I have listed aren’t being proposed by Trump and his backers. They just deflect. Like good little sheep.
I try to avoid offending people who offer their option, but this letter is a bunch of tripe.
October is Halloween Season, always a good time to create fairy tales that fit your narrative.
Surely you jest !
Go read the Project 2025 platform. They want to do exactly what i list in the bullet points. I notice no commenter here is claiming that Trump doesn’t want to do these things. They just deflect with silly comments like good Trump cult members/sheep.
Dept. Of education should be eliminated . Leave it to the states. Federal government is just too damn big.
@Christian C. Rice – Bravo, sir ! (But be warned: posting the truth to this forum will only draw the ire of a butt-ton of R’s who worship at the feet of, shall we just say, “tax breaks for the rich, nothing for the needy” types. Alan, I’m name-checking YOU here.
That list kind of sounds like what the Biden Administration is currently doing.
what a bunch of overhyped Democrat talking points. Some have an element of truth, such as reforming some of the practices of the FBI (considering what the whistleblowers revealed in their treatment) and the Justice dept – after what has come out in the house hearings, etc. The Trumpers I know don’t want to get rid of justice and the FBI. Each side has its fringe members and the posting above is from one of them.
These are talking points directly from Project 2025. I just gave my thoughts on the impact of the proposed approach for the plan makes for concentrating executive power. While maybe not scary to a republican because it centers power in the conservative agenda…but imagine if it centered power on the liberal agenda? It would scare you they same way this plan scares me. Neither party should have as much power as Project 2025 proposes centering on the executive branch.
Most people like Mr. Rice are totally clueless as to what fascism really is. The reality is that fascism (and its brother communism) is socialism on steroids. A good example of this is the group that calls itself ANTIFA. They claim to be anti-fascist yet, in reality, their tactics are straight out of the SA’s (the “brown shirts”) playbooks. They are domestic terrorists who destroy what they oppose. Adolf and Benito would have loved them.
The whole sociocommunistic group of philosophies has the blood of over 250 million innocent men, women, and children on its hands. It should be viewed as a malignant boil on the skin of humanity that needs to be lanced, drained, removed and cast onto the garbage heap of history. Whatever problems conservatives may have, the last thing anyone with any semblance of intelligence can accuse then of is being fascist.
i think you are the one that clueless. Fascism is authoritarian and about control. ANTIFA is anarchy and chaos. Both are awful but in no way the same. You can tell conservative support the idea as they claim that is what is driving Trumps court problems even though they can’t show any direct or indirect influence from the Biden administration. I am certain that rhetoric will be used to justify the actions listed in the Project 2025 agenda.
Hope I am wrong but i don’t think so. I think Trump is angry about his losing 2020, his troubles in courts, and his inability to run away in the early pools from an old tired failing President (Biden)…he will want full control of Government if he wins. And THAT sounds like Authoritarian in nature and therefore very close to fascism.
I am sorry but I know of NO conservative “movement that believes this bull Mr. Rice. I really do not have a clue where you far left wing loonies come up with this stuff.I would perhaps suggest that you seek a mental health evaluation (as I do for all liberals) and thank God every day that the left do not like guns-You sound like you COULD be a mass killer–Please stay away from Malls–
Have you not heard of The Heritage Foundation or Project 2025? If not, you should look it up. They claim to have Trump’s ear.
FYI, I own a number of guns as i enjoy deer and bird hunting. I am even a member at TWO gun clubs. lol
Paint ball gun clubs don’t count
Dart and water guns don’t count
I wouldn’t have thought that a person named Christian would be such a liar. Please change your name to reflect who and what you really are. Thank you.
only a conservative would call an opinion a lie. Typical. But I only covered half of the crazy that is included in Project 2025. If you haven’t read it yet. Give it a read. It is very creepy and it is gaining support within conservative circles.
FYI, I didn’t write the headline to the letter…..The Rhino adds the headlines. My headline was “Conservative Extremist Views Becoming the Norm”. I really don’t like the headline the Rhino added as I don’t think it accurate to my point of view. I see the moderate conservatives getting pushed out and backfilled by more extremist conservatives such as Matt and MTG. But project 2025 is very much proposing what i shared in the letter. And I think it back for democracy and our republic without question.
The Federal Department of Education is actually unconstitutional. The indoctrination of children is easier WITH a Federal Department of Education.
What a joke. The State actually sets the education standards. Not the feds. Way to drink the conservative hate Kool-Aid Sue.
Last I checked as a parent who is active in my kids lives, I have far more influence of their social education on topics such as believing in diversity, tolerance of others (yes even including LGBTQ folks), their sex education, etc… If your kids are being indoctrinated by overworked and underpaid schoolteachers, you really should look in the mirror to solve your problems.