Vote the Bums Out Of Office
Dear Editor,
Burnouts in Greensboro! Where are you Mayor Vaughan, our Greensboro Police Department and the Guilford County Sheriff’s Department?
It’s happening all over town and I understand it’s the thing for the guys in the hood to do? Just their way of defying laws that are no longer enforced? Also, they can get an Advance Auto Parts gift certificate for breaking the law!
Observed a fabulous Burnout on Spring Garden Street today! Yes Mayor Nancy Vaughan, blame the Blind Tiger? You are aware there have been two more murders at the Vape Shop on Spring Garden since you choose to indict the Blind Tiger for a murder when the business was not even open!
Greensboro, you know better! Vote these bums out of office ASAP!
Jim Donaldson
Yes and what about the fools running up and down busy city streets on their 4-wheelers and dirt bikes? I was told by a police officer standing in my front yard as several drove by one day that they are not allowed to chase them or even try to pull them over. I wonder why? That’s the problem with our city today, they know they can get by with it and nothing will happen to them. It makes me sick.
Jim Donaldson I guess you saw the person(s) leaving the hood? Another ignorant comment.
It’s all part of the bigger plan. Lawlessness, inflation etc. It just gives them a reason to be in control. Turn your back on it. Stop fighting. Eventually enough rats in a cage will eat their own.
What area in Ghettoboro is not becoming the “hood”
Jim, we’re getting burned out with your whining. Do you wear three watches? You seem to have too much time on your hands.
Really wayne you’re ok with in your face law breakers. There was a time people respected the law but since the woke liberals have taken over not anymore I don’t wear a watch don’t pay attention to time but enough is enough wayne. It’s time society takes over again. If I see a burnout in front of me I’ll consider it a personal threat and shoot first and sort out the details later. Bring it own you frigging hood rats
That would get you put in prison for a good long time Mr. Law Order Aussie. Good luck with that strategy.
Ah no worries Chris I’ll just run over them in my giant jacked up Redneck 4×4 Chevy truck with the gun rack in the rear window and my Confederate flag flying. Problem solved
Love it, Aussie!
Brilliant riposte.
Unfortunately, Nancy and most of the other incumbents just all won their primaries by a wide margin. So no one is getting voted out. The “great leader” of a chief of police just bailed on his troops in the midst of a staffing crisis. So the GPD will continue to be woefully short on officers and nothing will be changing to start rolling new cops in. Why? Because council isn’t changing and the new chief will be the same as the old chief….just marking time until retirement or a better job comes along. Making change at the local level has to come from the voters and, sadly, last week’s primary showed us that no change is coming because they just don’t care.
So, no. No one will be taking a look at your screeching tires complaint.
There was an article , I think in a Czech newspaper, shortly after the 2020 election which posited that the problem with America is its electorate. How true. Wasn’t it Jefferson who said that in a democracy we get the government we deserve? And we’re getting it, good and hard.
The Left has succeeded in its Long March Through the Institutions, particularly the US public school system. They churn out reliable Left wing voters by the million each and every year.
So sad.
What we need is some no-nonsense individuals to do their jobs. When I was robbed, the police didn’t even open a case. Statistically, it just didn’t happen. When complaints are brought to the attention of authorities, they will inevitably pass it along to someone else who will say they have no idea why since it’s not part of their duties.
This merry-go-round continues and nothing is accomplished. Ordinances are on the books but “they choose to ignore” them. Elderly are victims of theft since they can’t fight back. There are just too many people involved. When the Chief of Police issues a directive, it’s gospel. Period. Same goes for the mayor. And leave the party politics alone.