Vote No For Now On Bonds And Sales Tax

Dear Editor,

There are very few things more important than a quality education for our youth. It is our only hope for the future.

Quoting Joe Blosser in his High Point Enterprise article dated April 30, “The Guilford County Board of Commissioners has a statutory obligation to upkeep the school facilities, but their neglect spans many boards of both political parties.” That statement alone should be enough to move every voter in this county to vote to replace their existing commissioner and school board member!

The last thing we should do now is vote to reward this leadership team $1.7 billion to spend their way out of neglect. Vote “No” for now on the school bond and the sales tax and instead elect new leadership. Allow a new team with new vision and new direction to correct an education system that is failing. Shiny new buildings are not going to get us there. Yes, we must repair buildings in disrepair. Yes, we need additional classrooms. But, more importantly, we need leadership and action to support our teachers in the classroom. Then the new team can assess how to best finance and manage recovery from past neglect!

Today’s HP Enterprise reports that the Guilford County commissioners were told yesterday that the financing of the bond will cost an additional $50 million per year for the next 16 years. In the Joe Blosser article he states that, “basically, passing the sales tax reduces the burden on property taxpayers.” I’m sorry, but the math doesn’t work. If you own property in Guilford County, trust me, you are going to pay a lot more in taxes this year and it will only get worse.

Vote “No” for now. Research the candidates that have the same values and objectives you believe in and vote for your choice to replace the existing Guilford County commissioner and school board member in your district. Allow a new leadership team to direct a recovery from “past neglect of our commissioners.”

One final note, while neglecting our schools last year, on June 17, 2021, the current board of commissioners voted to reward themselves with a 50 percent increase in compensation. That is correct, they gave themselves an annual raise of 50 percent.  Get out and vote for a new vision, new direction.

Geoff Beaston


Three Strikes And Uncle Joe Is Out

Dear Editor,

Let’s play Joe Biden baseball!

Illegal aliens who are invading our country apparently are more important than American citizens. While American mothers are scrambling to find enough baby formula to properly feed their children and having to pay unholy prices for it when they can find it, the Biden regime is holding pallets and pallets of formula to distribute to illegal alien mothers for free. No, Chris, I’m not saying they should be totally cut off, but first and top priority should be to Americans! On a battlefield your casualties come first due to the tight supply of materials.

Strike one!

Drugs and drug use is killing more and more Americans, a good number of whom are kids, but instead of trying to provide support to the organizations and entities that are working to at least try to get control of the situation and reduce if not eliminate the problem, the regime does the opposite and provides drug use kits to its citizens. They appear to ignore the fact that more and more of the illegal drugs coming into this country are laced with deadly fentanyl. They already support drug clinics that provide “safe sources” of drugs and a place to use them.

Strike two!!

Gas and diesel prices are going up faster than a Saturn 5 rocket headed to the moon. And the regime is the main, primary, almost sole reason for this. The very first day in office Crazy Uncle Joe signed an edict killing nearly completed two pipelines that would have given the U.S. and Canada the ability to not just be energy independent but to take away the massive profits going to countries that have treated us like serfs. Imagine what kind of economy we would have if that money stayed here. Imagine how low gas prices would have been.

Strike three!!! You’re out of here, Joe.

“Now is the time for all good men (and women) to come to the aid of their country!” Am I advocating a revolt? No … at least not yet.

What I am advocating is level headed, clear thinking, legal American citizens get involved in the one way they can make it happen – get out and vote. Use the God given right so many of our ancestors died defending. And then hold those you choose responsible to do the right thing.

“Do. Or do not. There is no try.”

Carpe diem,

Alan Marshall