Child Immigration Facility Is Official
Dear Editor,
So, effective today, March 15, 2024, the Queen Nancy Vaughn Center for Illegal Immigrant Minors becomes official and online according to an article from FOX8 WGHP.
While there won’t be an immediate influx of illegal immigrant minors, it can be assumed it will be starting soon, and when it does it will be kept as low key as possible. In the meantime, I haven’t seen any qualifications for what constitutes a “child” as far as an age range. Is it 10-year-olds or, and this is what I believe will happen, a “child” will be 18 years or younger. And since an overwhelming majority of children crossing the border have no documentation as to when they were born, “We got trouble right here in River City.” There are already cases (documented cases, Chrissy) where “children” turn out to be older than presented.
Yes, they are claiming there are certain standards must be met before children are sent here and the numbers they are floating sound like we won’t be seeing much any time soon, but given the number of unaccompanied minors being reported, I expect we’ll be seeing that place fill up before the end of the year if not sooner. And anyone who thinks this is going to be a Greensboro problem only lives in Chrissy’s world.
We, the citizens of Greensboro and Guilford County, will need to be more on guard than ever. If these illegal immigrants adhere to our laws and respect our community then great, awesome, wonderful. They are welcome to temporarily stay until they can be placed. But somehow, I don’t see this facility being only minors for long. At some point, the federal government (read Uncle Joe and the (National Socialist) Democrat Party) will decide they need more storage room and will look at Greensboro saying, “Hey, we got an empty facility there. Let’s ‘temporarily’ house illegals there.”
Get ready Greensboro and Guilford County. Things are starting to catch up with us and I personally do not see a good outcome here, but I truly hope I’m wrong.
We all need to stay tuned to this. It has the potential to drastically affect the quality of life in Greensboro, the small towns of Guilford County and the county itself.
Hope I’m wrong.
Carpe diem,
Alan Marshall
Illegal Immigration All Smoke And Mirrors
Dear Editor,
One of the common threads authoritarians use to convince you to cede control and power to them is to use your personal fears against you. They will, of course, tell you that only they can save you. A favorite fear used by authoritarians is racial fear. Under Trump, Republicans have shown they are so positive in their use of racial fear as necessary to regain the White House, they scuttled the most conservative immigration reform bill submitted in decades.
Turn on your conservative talk radio, news, social media, or listen to any Trump rally speech and you will hear about the invasion of awful people crossing our borders coming here to rob, steal, rape and murder. They will take the single action of one illegal immigrant and use that to stoke fear by repeating the story again and again and again. But it is all smoke and mirrors to play against your personal biases and fears. The truth is that illegal immigrants and immigrants in general commit less crime than native-born Americans. There are numerous studies that prove this fact but the gold standard study can be found here:
Study after study shows illegal immigrants are 50 percent less likely to commit crime. It makes sense that they would want to avoid arrest for fear of deportation. The data tells the truth.
The border is certainly an issue given the spike in illegal crossings and the use of the asylum loophole that drives a catch and release approach (it’s not a choice…it’s the law) due to underfunded courts and detention centers. The recent immigration reform bill would have closed the asylum loophole and greatly reduced border crossing. But the real fear was republicans losing their best fear mongering tool so they lied about how the bill worked. They claimed that the bill allowed 5,000 crossings a day. The truth is that the bill shut down the border after the average encounters per day reached 5,000 per day. Not 5,000 released into the US. All illegal crossers would be held for 15 days while their asylum request was expedited and determined prior to release. With the majority most likely being denied. With the loophole closed, the financial cost of crossing would no longer be worth the risk and therefore drive down the illegal crossings.
Trust facts and data. Not lies. Validate your sources to only those that use data validated facts. Don’t allow them to use single worst case examples or unsubstantiated talking points yelled into a microphone to drive your fears.
The second thread that authoritarians use is to paint their opposition as the enemy or evil etc. But that is my next letter.
Christian Rice
Love that these two letters were paired up together.
These were perfect together. Point-Counterpoint. One from a person unfamiliar with the true statistics, the other from one who understands it. The real kicker is that the data was from the Cato Institute, a far right influence group. I was pleasantly surprised at their research.
Your bigotry is showing. But I’m guessing you’ve always lived by the motto, “ignorance is bliss.”
I’m not entirely sure who “Chrissy” is, maybe someone else that’s part of your delusional thinking, or your misogynistic name used to refer to Christian.
Either way. Take a Xanax and calm down.
misogynistic: feeling, showing, or characterized by hatred of or prejudice against women.
Is that the best you can do Bob? How does using the name Chrissy misogynistic? Please explain it using the proper definition of the word.
bigotry: obstinate or intolerant devotion to one’s own opinions and prejudices.
I’m sorry I don’t bend with the wind and run with the herd. I’m sorry I’m so obstinate in my opinions…wait, no I’m not. It’s being called a free American citizen with an opinion.
“Either way. Take a Xanax and calm down.”
Yes Master. As you wish Master. You know what’s best for us Master. I’ll go back to being a good little “1984” socialist citizen and not express my contrary opinion…NOT!
Where did you find that definition of bigotry? It is typically dined as….”obstinate or unreasonable attachment to a belief, opinion, or faction, in particular prejudice against a person or people on the basis of their membership of a particular group.”
Seems you left out a critical part. But good for you to admiting to being a bigot. Good for you. First step to healing is acknowledgement.
I’m sorry Mr. Rice, but Uncle Joe is out of Kool-Aid. Don’t worry though, he’s making more for you.
Happy if you have any factual arguments that counter mine. But I am more an IPA drinker than Kool-Aid.
The Washington Post, USA Today, and other publications cite several studies, from the Cato Institute, Stanford University, and elsewhere, purporting to show immigrants have committed crimes at a lower rate than people born in the U.S. These studies assess data from several years, even decades, ago. Some don’t distinguish between legal and illegal immigrants. Most important, these studies ignore the new reality. Venezuela and El Salvador are emptying their prisons and sending their gang members to the United States, according to FBI sources. Americans need to be protected from these killers.
Cato study used data from 2012 to 2018. Past studies have said the same. Conservatives have used this lie for decades…Trump especially used it in 2016….data included during that time was in the study. He lied then and he lies now. People really don’t change that much over time. Conservatives lie and immigrants avoid crime for fear of deportation. Not complicated.
How many of you that publicly approve of illegal immigration and taxpayers funding their upkeep are opening their homes personally, and paying for and taking in those immigrants? Put YOUR money where your mouth is, not mine.
Kathy, how do you think your ancestors arrived to this country?
Unless you descended from Native Americans, your ancestors came here as illegal immigrants.
Or let me guess….you’re one of those who is 2% Indian/Native Americans?
Illegal immigrants have been supported by tax payer dollars ever since your distant family members arrived.
Wrong. The majority of this country’s 20th Century population came through Ellis Island as LEGAL immigrants.
Even today many who genuinely love America, and can’t bring themselves to break US law as their first act, put themselves through the legal process for immigrating – like I did.
Legal immigrants resent the illegals and scofflaws more than native born Americans, because we had the respect to go through the process.
Your argument is apples to oranges…except for the last line which is sily at best
Most Native Americans did not believe in land ownership as we know it, nor was North Amerca controlled by any one tribe. There was no sovereign nation to invade. Therefore, the country the first settlers came to was not owned by anyone. Therefore, no one invaded another country. Once colonies were established and later became a sovereign country, only then would any uninvited interlopers be illegals. Get your facts right Bob.
Typical modern conservstive false argument. It is far more efficient for public services to address this issue than random individuals. For example, most of us don’t speak Spanish so better for a group to handle that does speak the their language.
But you be you.
If the government is better, why are there Americans homeless? Wouldn’t and efficient and effective US government have been able to address American homelessness, at least among its veterans? And yet Vets sit on the corner every day. All of these resources are being funneled to allow illegals to come here while our boys and girls go without.
The only the government does well is spend money. It does not solve problems, and efficient is not in their vernacular.
Immigration is a federal issue but homelessness is a local issue typically.
Not an answer, just your usual dodging. Vets are certainly a federal issue since they served the federal government.
Our Village Idiot will never admit he’s wrong.
Chrissy just deflects, dodges, and digresses. He has no commitment to truth, just his own ego.
Picture a pathetic little man, foaming at the mouth as he frantically pecks away at his keyboard, full of anxiety and desperation, terrified that he might not win a point.
Nope. Federal government looks at homelessness as a local issue to be addressed with local resources. You can continue to try and call an apple an orange, but it is still an apple.
Kathy, I’ve asked Chris that question several times but he never answers me
I answer it the same way every time. It is far more efficient for public services to address this issue than random individuals. In this particular case it would be most awkward as i don’t speak Spanish.
I’m not sure you can speak or write proper English
More childish driving from a conservative who cannt handle a real conversation.
“Childish driving”…? LOL !
ok. not one of my better typos commenting from my phone. lol
Are you big enough to agree that Rebel is right?
Good excuse Chris, my grandpa always said ANY excuse is a good one. He hated liberal democrats
“Turn on your conservative talk radio, news, social media, or listen to any Trump rally speech and you will hear about the invasion of awful people crossing our borders coming here to rob, steal, rape and murder.”
I will give you, to some extent, your Trump rally reference. As for the rest, it’s an excessive exaggeration of the truth (aka a lie).
“There are numerous studies that prove this fact but the gold standard study can be found here: …”
The only cited source is Texas and the study says “As far as we’ve been able to tell, and we’ve filed more than 50 state FOIA requests to confirm, Texas is the only state that records and keeps the immigration statuses of those entering the criminal justice system.” This is your “Study after study…”?
“…use of the asylum loophole that drives a catch and release approach (it’s not a choice…it’s the law)…” shows the easy fix, that being change the law. It’s not written in stone.
“The truth is that the bill shut down the border after the average encounters per day reached 5,000 per day.” Does that 5,000 apply to only to those attempting to cross at legal crossing sites or to all along the border. And if it’s all along the border, who’s going to be counting all those crossings. Good luck with that.
Then there is this comment… ”With the loophole closed, the financial cost of crossing would no longer be worth the risk and therefore drive down the illegal crossings.” Please tell me what medications you are on and where can I get some.
Finally, you say…”Validate your sources to only those that use data validated facts.” Guess what, anyone can find “data validated facts” to prove or disprove almost anything. The COVID-19 vaccine argument comes to mind as a recent example.
But there is one thing I haven’t seen anybody bring up in all this, and I dare you to defend it…they are called ‘illegal immigrants’ because they broke our laws entering and staying this country the way they have. Please tell me you condone that, please. Oh, you already did with your “Study after study shows illegal immigrants are 50 percent less likely to commit crime.” I guess that should be 0 percent.
Yet Again, Alan’s only argument. Is “Na Uh, you are a liar!” LOL But to humor your biased view of the world:
1. I will again point out that you clearly have not read the full report from the study. They provide correlating data points showing the indicative nature of their study. So unless you have any actual data study that counters the study of the state with the highest rate of illegal crossings, you really should just sit down. I have posted links to other studies. If you like i can post them again. But as usual, I have shown you my data source…now you need to show yours.
2. A bill changing the law was written and Conversative lawmakers declined for reasons I outlined.
3. Encounters includes all engagements with border crossers. Remember that once they declare asylum either at a check point or as an illegal river jumper… Give the bill a read. It outlines how they also reduce the scenarios of people who can even qualify for asylum.
4. Common sense that today, you cross illegally, get caught and declare asylum and due to 6 year backlog of requests, you end of being released into to US. But under new rules you are held and immediately processed under far more stricter qualification rules and most like toss back home. Reducing 90 chance of being released to almost zero? Yup, there will be far less people crossing. Not complicated.
5. If it is so easy to find data and facts to prove anything, where are your data and facts to prove me wrong? Hmmmm. Cracks me up how conservatives love to avoid data and facts and hug their fears like good little sheep.
6. When have I ever condoned people crossing the border illegally? The problem is the current laws are long outdated but are still the law. Even Trump’s administration had to follow those laws. Trump, like Biden tried to use executive powers to restrict access but executive power can NOT overrule the power of law as both Biden and Trump discovered. THAT is why democrats supported the immigration bill. Why didn’t the republicans? Oh right. It would have stopped their boogeyman from scaring voters by actually solving the problem. What would Trump do if you weren’t at home afraid of immigrant children?
But you but you.
Read what you said again, ” The truth is that the bill shut down the border after the average encounters per day reached 5,000 per day. Not 5,000 released into the US.” So how does your second sentence conveniently exclude the first 5,000 that are released? This is the same BS doublespeak the communist/democrats propaganda is having a thankfully hard time selling anymore.
Huh? I really suggest you read the bill. It closes the border after 5000 encounters per day average is reached. Encounters. Not 5000 immigrants released. Couple that with the stricter rules for qualifying for asylum included in the bill where first they are processed onsite before being released as they are today and second far fewer quality for asylum under the new bill. Republicans lied to you. Again. Read the bill.
No where in the bill does it talk about 5000 immigrants released. You have been conned. Again. By Republican leadership.
In the 1970’s my uncle had a flat in East Ham, London. It was in the East End, so not so salubrious as the West End or north London, but I loved visiting him during my school summer holidays. We checked out all the London museums, drank at the loveliest pubs (although I had to sit outside in those days, sipping on a Pepsi). and reveled in the ribald Cockneys who were always trying to sell you something. “These sunspecs would suit you to a tee, young sir! Or p’raps this Army surplus hat, perfect for keeping the Sun off your noggin in this bleedin’ hot summer…. Only a Fiver!”
They were such fun, as was all London, even when catching a 30 year old AEC bus home after a night on the town. I never felt any sense of threat or menace. We were all British, after all. No worries. The worst thing we put up with was the boisterous and loud drunks who emptied out of the pubs at closing time. Even they were harmless, just happy drunks except for the occasional fracas that was confined to themselves, normally over a girl.
Ten years ago I decided to venture back to East Ham, to see our old hunting grounds. OMG. The Cockneys are gone, replaced with the smell of curries and body odour. The cheerful affability of the locals had been displaced, by foreign people whose women are clad from head to toe in drab blankets, exposing only their eyes. The men glare at you, daring you say something. Their hostility is palpable.
The church bells are gone, replaced by the demonic wailing of the call to prayer. The churches are now garden centres or discount tyre stores. The mosques sit where village halls or JobCentres (unemployment offices) used to stand. The fish & chip shops are long gone, as are the Off Licences (off premises booze shops). They are now seedy dirty looking shopfronts that sell… I don’t know what.
The ethnic white British population of London now stands at 37%. Our Mayor is a Pakistani Muslim. Even the country’s Prime Minister is an Indian Hindu.
We are made to feel like foreigners in our own country. And we dare not speak out for fear of being indicted on ‘hate crime” charges, and be imprisoned for 2 years as recently happened to a proud Yorkshireman who only dared speak out by posting home made stickers on lampposts (Sam Melia). They tracked him down, arrested him, and jailed him on criminal charges.
This is what it is like to lose your country. The American political Left – the Democrat Party – is trying to do the same here.
I suggest you resist, or this country will suffer the same fate.
2021 Statistics catches spreading misinformation again….but that is why a come here. Keep the Rhino real.
Population by race in London, 2021 census White – 4,731,172 people or 53.8% Asian – 1,817,640 people or 20.7% Black – 1,188,370 people or 13.5% Other – 556,768 people or 6.3% Mixed – 505,775 people or 5.7%
12% 5o 14% are Muslim.
Data doesn’t seem to fit your racist view of the city as overrun by Muslims.
I speak truth. You spew lies.
*** READERS – Google “London white British population”. The result shows White British at 36.8%, which I rounded to 37%.
Chris uses deception and deceit in these columns, over and over again. I don’t know why.
He must be a very pitiful little man. But I wouldn’t believe anything he says, if I were you.
I used census data. Google London population by race. Then Google London population by religion. Barely double digit Muslims and you rant about London being covered by women in full Burkas? Hmmmm
…yup. You are full of it as usual.
You are confused, little man. I said that London’s white British population is just 37% and that is correct.
Deal with it.
And – please – stop putting words in my mouth so you can try to make me out to be a bigot.
It’s just another way you lie.
Trust me. I don’t have to put words in your mouth to frame you as a bigot. People only need to read your comments here.
But you be you.
Give me ONE example.
By the way, this story was widely reported in the British press a couple of months ago, along with Birmingham having just a minority of white British people.
That’s how I knew the numbers.
But not a minority of white people it seems. You painted a false image of Muslims and I assume Indians given your curry smell thing. But that isn’t what is happening now is it? Data as usual says you are wrong and full of it.
That is exactly what is happening.
I know what I’m talking about.
You don’t.
“They will take the single action of one illegal immigrant and use that to stoke fear by repeating the story again and again and again”.
So kind of like when one cop does something bad and suddenly we are canceling the police. Like that Chris? You remember, when the Dems led that movement in 2020. Great point.
Also, your “study” argument cannot be legit because most local police agencies do not track immigration status when making arrests. I know for a fact Greensboro does not do that as the chief has reported same to City Council when they turned down those federal grants. You remember when they turned them down right? When the Dems attempted to cancel all police over the actions of a few through fear mongering and repeating the story again and again? Gosh you’re so insightful.
Wait until Haiti completely breaks down. Joe Biden has been flying up to 30,000 Haitians a month into the US. As Trump said “they are not sending their best.”
I have a close family member that paid $42,000 to immigrate legally. Had to get a visa to get in the country. Why should he have to do that and others walk across and get handed preloaded debit cards Christian?
It cost me a lot of time and money to legally immigrate here. But the lowlife scofflaws who just break in and break the law are showered with goodies and gifts.
It is just wrong.