The ink was barely dry on the vote totals after the 2024 Primary Election on Tuesday, March 5 before the national media began familiarizing the entire country with  Republican NC Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson – now the Republican candidate for governor.

If Robinson was a lightning rod for controversy before gaining the nomination – and he was – that was multiplied exponentially once it was clear the battle for this state was coming down to him and NC Attorney General Josh Stein, the Democratic candidate for governor.

Even on primary night, when the focus was on the presidential race between Joe Biden and Donald Trump, the major networks frequently turned their focus on the North Carolina governors’ race – with almost all of the discussion centering around Robinson.

Robinson gained wide acclaim after he gave an impassioned speech in 2018 on 2nd Amendment rights at a Greensboro City Council meeting.  The video of the speech went viral on YouTube and other social media sites.

His controversial statements about gay, lesbian and trans lifestyles along with highly conservative views have made him one of the most vilified candidates in the country among liberals.

In addition to the cable and network news outlets’ discussions of Robinson on election night, Robinson’s candidacy has been  a subject of discussion on popular national podcasts such as Pod Save America and Hacks on Tap, featuring David Axelrod.

Jason Whitlock’s Fearless podcast last week was devoted completely to Robinson and was titled, “Is North Carolina’s Mark Robinson the Heir To Donald Trump’s America First Movement?”

Whitlock said, “He’s an enormous combination of things that trigger the left. He’s part Donald Trump, He’s Part Clarence Thomas.  He’s Part Rush Limbaugh. The added part is he’s part preacher as well.”

Whitlock went on to suggest that Robinson may very well be president in 2028 – though he and a cohost did say they were worried about his health due to his weight.

Most of the national media weren’t so glowing in their reviews of Robinson.

CNN commentator Van Jones, for instance, said that, as a black man himself, he should be pleased that North Carolina now had a chance to elect a black governor, but he added that, due to the fact that it was Robinson with his set of beliefs, he could not be pleased in the least.