Invasive And Of Little Value
Dear Editor,
The (National Socialist) Democrat Party and the mainstream media are having a field day with George Santos and the lies he’s apparently told.
But step back a moment and think this through. The (NS)DP and their lackeys are high fiving each other over this while at the same time continuing to lie to the American people on a bigger scale than what Santos did, and trying to paint the whole Republican Party as just as guilty.
Are they guilty; to some extent, yes. But if you want to start playing tit-for-tat, I think you’d find the (NS)DP would be way ahead. Not just ahead, but when you start looking at what those lies involve, the American people should be afraid, be very afraid. Lies hurt, but (NS)DP lies don’t just hurt, they are destructive to the American people and our way of life, and in one case border on treason.
Lies in politics are almost a way of life going back to just after the founding of this country. The problem with today versus back then is these bloodsu… I mean politicians, is that they have become a professional class, albeit one that We the People have allowed to continue to become what it is. They’re like the stands of bamboo you see around our state: very invasive and of little value.
The federal government was not envisioned or supposed to be as invasive as it has become. When some whiny liberal gets spanked and told no, you can’t do that, they somehow manage to convince some overlord at the federal level to take it away from us at the local/state level and force it on us. Abortion is a classic example. There’re some things that need to be controlled at the federal level but they are increasingly adding things the feds have no business being involved in and ignoring things they should be taking care of to the safety and protection of American citizens, the southern border being another classic example.
Imagine how much of our money we’d keep. We the People have allowed this to happen and we can change it … or we can continue to wring our hands and whine about it and empower our overlords more and more.
“I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!” – Patrick Henry, American patriot.
Carpe diem or roll over.
Alan Marshall
Another hollow letter from a republican who views politics as a zero-sum game. You rant about lies of democrats being more dangerous than republican lies yet fail to mention even one lie as an example to support your opinion. Like for example if making example about lies that are truly hurting America, let’s examine the ongoing lie that there was mass fraud in the 2020 election and that the election was ‘stolen’ from Trump. He lost. Get over it. Destroying confidence in the quality and security of US elections to sooth the ego of your party’s head, is pathetic and the most destructive lie told in American politics.
So, what is your example of a lie bigger than the Republican’s 202 Big Lie?
Acquire Vitam
Here’s a bigger lie ongoing for nearly two years and one that ought to push a Democrat out of office, and possibly into prison, because it puts the security of our entire US population at risk: “The border is closed.”
What law is he breaking by giving asylum as required by our current laws? Our border is as closed as it was under the 5 administration’s. Didn’t the omnibus bill increase border security budget by 17%?
You are just buying into the lies told within your conservative echo chamber.
chris. You are such a dumbass 5 million ILLEGALS in the last 2 years ILLEGALS chris. There hasn’t been that many in the last 5 administrations
Key word chris ILLEGALS
Who is to blame? Biden? or the collapse of the economies to our south. For example, Venezuela has gone from 5% poverty rate to a 95% poverty rate in last 4 years. Guess which country is driving a significant part of the growth in asylum seekers. Add to that Haiti, Equator, Peru, etc….
This narrative that democrats invited this problem is a lie told by the right for political gain. Tillis works across the aisle to establish real change and you knuckle heads call him a Rino.
Real problems need real solutions. Not a bunch of whiners.
The US government is not required by its laws, or international law, to grant asylum to every individual who claims it. In fact the overwhelming majority of these illegal immigrants are cynically and mendaciously abusing the system.
The only lies here are yours.
If you have any integrity and any conscience at all , it is time to stop your knee jerk defence of this corrupt, venal, dissembling administration. Otherwise you’ll just look like a partisan two-dimensional shill.
Just because you don’t want it to be true doesn’t make it so…..other than title 42, the US is required to accept the request for asylum and schedule a hearing to determine if asylum is to be granted. Title 42 only works for those countries where we have diplomatic relations…so for example, Venezuela immigrants don’t fall under Title 42.
Because of the massive backlog of cases, most requests for asylum take years. An yes over 90% of applicants show for their court dates.
Hate them all you want but Democrats are just following the law.
Oh please…. do not ascribe to me the hatred you hold in your heart. I hate no-one. I myself am in immigrant. I do not hate immigrants, and I love that America is exceptional in that it is a home to all who believe in freedom and restricted governmental power.
And you’re also wrong that 90% of “asylum seekers” show up for their assigned court dates. It’s not even half that. Do you just make up your “facts” out of thin air, Chris?
In the days when Democrats deserved respect, one of them was a great guy named Daniel Patrick Moynihan from Massachusetts. He had a good and generous heart, coupled with an incisive and Rhadamanthine intellect. He was kind, but tough. And he famously said “You’re entitled to your own opinions, but not your own facts”
You need to heed his advice.
Talk to the hand PG Chris
Figures. Hollow through and through.
Stultus es, et mater tua olet.
austin, I’ve been trying find the translation of Chris’ “Acquire Vitam” in his reply. I can’t seem to find anything.
Can you help?
– “Get a life”.
Five years of Latin in a British Public School (i.e. private school) doesn’t have much utility in 21st Century North Carolina, but occasionally it proves useful.
Thank you sir, you are a gentleman and a scholar of which there are few of us left…lol
Alan considering himself a scholar is the most laughable thing he has ever commented here.
Thank you Chris! As a former Republican (now a conservative unaffiliated voter) I’m getting real tired of this “New GOP” nonsense and whining. Republicans will continue to lose elections and longtime members unless they decide to stop being vindictive snowflakes and address the real problems in their party; I’m looking at you MAGA sheep.
If you’re a conservative, I’m a bicycle.
If you’re a conservative pigs can fly
Ok here’s a few. Trump Russia collusion, the Ukraine call, Trump and nuclear docs, the Hunter laptop which corrupted an election, Jan 6th and the deaths caused by cops, covid lockdowns, vaccine mandates which have killed and maimed and the sealed border lie just to name a few.
Amazing what Jim thinks are lies. Must be listening to nutters like Alex Jones. Trump did try to collude with Russia on the Hilliary Emails, just not in a manor considered illegal. Trump did try to extort Ukraine to fake an investigation into Biden for personal political gain (you can listen to the call itself). Jan 6th insurrection did cause deaths. Trump was president during the covid lockdowns, vaccines are critical to recovery of covid. Vaccines have caused no wide spread health issues. Nutters gotta nut I guess.
Does crack me up how Republicans lie to make the case that Democrats lie.
Acquire Vitam
Vis Latine loqui?
How about the Steele Dossier and Russian Collusion that led to years of wasted government time and money as well as an impeachment based upon that lie?
His kids did reach out to Russian resources to request Russian assistance with Hilliary emails. Heck, Trump as Russians to find the other 30k emails on live television.
Amazing how much republicans have to lie to themselves to believe the lies they are told by the leaders they support.
Your President is bought & sold by the petty cash of the Chinese Communist Party, and you want to cling to debunked claims of an ex-President.
Are you mentally ill?
Sure do enjoy Alan Marshall’s posts.
Thank you Ronny.
Please check out
Very nice letter. However, based on the past mid-term election results it will fall on deaf ears.
Unfortunately you may be right Gary, but I have this bad habit of not giving up, regardless of the odds hence the Patrick Henry quote.
If you feel your liberties are so infringed, perhaps you can do us all a favor and go with the other option.
And a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you too. I’m sorry you are such a cold, callous individual.
Glenn, when you were the hard balls at Trump about lying ,you only mentioned 2/3 lies between Slick Willie and Hussein Obama. How could you overlook the biggest liar ever in congress; Joe Biden who wouldn’t recognize the truth if it spat in his face. There is and addage about all Democrats: are his lips moving then you’ll know he’s Lying and this is so typical of all Democrats. Also the Democrats do not look for facts they tell the lie and then Justfy it, and tell it over so many times that they begin to believe it. Harry Reid of Nevada,when he was leader of the senate – he told a lie on Romney . When confronted about the lie Harry responded ‘He didn’t win did he’.
Remember if you see the lips on a Democrat move ,’believe it’s a lie’
No lie is acceptable. One cannot say that because Democrats have lied it’s ok for Santos to lie to get elected into office. A GOP candidate should be held to a higher standard if they are to criticize any Democrat for lying or any other fault. High ethical standards must be upheld by those who hold and are running for office, and in this time period, all one’s faults are going to be found out so there’s no point in thinking one won’t be found out.
Santos should give up his “election” and the other GOP candidate (he had originally run against) should run against the Democratic candidate in a new election in this district. It’s the only fair way for the people in the district. Santos should not be seated as a Representative, even if it does cost the GOP a seat in the House. Ethical issues are more important than retaining a seat in the House by unethical means.
The GOP must be better than other parties, must do things correctly, and must be right even if it means they don’t always win. If you want to teach your kids to do the right thing in all situations you must do the right thing yourselves in all situations.
I couldn’t agree with you more Deborah Jane. I am a registered Republican mostly because they are closest to what my political beliefs are. I actually consider myself more of an Independent Conservative.
If you look closer, people that could be truly called Republican are to be found at the local levels. When you start getting to the state/federal level the lines begin to blur in some cases. The higher you go the more you start getting into what I refer to as ‘professional politicians’. In the last couple of years I have changed my attitude toward term limits for federal officials from let the voter decide to 5 terms for Representatives and 2 terms for Senators. And when it comes to staff, if they were responsible for their salaries over a certain amount, guess how much taxpayers dollars we could save.
I will categorically state that I am in agreement with you about Santos. He should “tried” by the the House and removed if “convicted’.
Give me a break. Santo’s lies were just following Trump’s 30,000 lies during his presidency. I simply do not trust republicans any longer. I cannot think of a single lie Obama told during his term. I can name one which Clinton made…but republicans are so used to not telling the truth, or lying by omission, I’ve lost all hope for their party.
As he was trying to sell Obamacare : “If you like your plan, you can keep it” – Barack Hussein Obama, aka, Barry Dunham, aka Barry Soetoro.
I liked my plan, a lot. It cost me $229/month and since I buy my own health insurance it had a high deductible and didn’t cover nonsense like mental health, wellness checks, pregnancy or other silliness.
I was informed that I could not remain a policyholder because the plan did not meet the requirements of the Affordable Care Act. So he abolished my plan, after lying to me about it.
My latest plan costs $1679/month (no typo). And that is what happens when the federal government decides to make something affordable.
I hope they never decide to make food “affordable”.
Republicans stripped the mandate for younger healthier participation and claimed they were going to repeal and replace. I believe Trump said in ‘two weeks’ for at least two years. Just another failure of the republican party that has not passed meaningful legislation in decades. (Except temp tax cuts for everyday Americans and permanent tax cuts for wealthily)
But hey….Free markets. Am I right!!! Hahahahahaha
What a torrent of incoherent gibberish, non sequiturs, falsehoods and fallacies.
It must be an interesting little world you live in.
“…but republicans are so used to not telling the truth, or lying by omission, I’ve lost all hope for their party.”
Just thought I’d correct you statement Glenn. You left one thing out. “…but republicans, oh and (National Socialist) Democrats, are so used to not telling the truth, or lying by omission, I’ve lost all hope for their party.
Alan, I knew the common sense, rational you wouldn’t last long. You must have had a moment of temporary Christmas spirit. Good to see you’re back to your old self. Your ‘butt-hurt Chicken Little’ act never fails to disappoint. Stay Classy, San Diego.
GOP defrauds his potential constituents, makes up personal history to be more electable….
Everyone: “wow, that dude is a jack hole and doesn’t deserve to be an elected public servant”
Alan: I’m concerned how this affects abortion.
Also Alan: Politicians have always lied, so please ignore that I am one.
Do you also live in Pleasant Garden, Carl?