Voters Responsible For Huge Tax Increase
Dear Editor,
It is amazing. Just a short time ago, the Guilford County Board of Commissioners had a majority of conservative commissioners. When property revaluation occurred, the tax rate was lowered an equivalent amount so everyone paid the same amount of taxes. The current majority, liberal (Democrat) commissioners didn’t do that this year. Taxes soared. Amazingly, the majority of people in Guilford County are no better off, no better serviced, not safer and certainly less wealthy with the liberal majority commission.
When you look at your huge property tax bill, point to yourself and say; “I did that. It’s my fault. I voted in the crew of liberal, tax and spend Democrats!”
Joseph Heller
Republicans Believe In Life – Democrats Don’t
Dear Editor,
People generally express sympathy and try to comfort a pregnant woman if she has a miscarriage and her baby dies. However, other women are celebrated and praised for having an abortion and killing the baby in her womb. Her body, her choice is often heard. Besides, she didn’t want the baby anyhow and killing the baby at 16, 20, 26 weeks or at the time of birth is OK for these people.
Facts are interesting. On Feb. 4 this year, Maryland Democrat state Sen. William Smith sponsored legislation that would legalize infanticide and prohibit investigations and criminal prosecutions of women and medical professionals for a “failure to act” to preserve the life of a baby that was born.
If a baby is just a lump of something growing inside the womb of a pregnant woman and she is killed in a car crash, why is the offender charged with two counts of homicide? The same holds true if a pregnant woman is shot and killed. Abortion supporters have no logical explanation or response. There are no tears shed for the lump of humanity in the womb, only for the dead woman.
When Margaret Sanger started Planned Parenthood, she set up abortion clinics in minority communities because she wanted more minority babies to be aborted and killed. That is racism, plain and simple. Since Roe v. Wade, more than 62 million babies have been aborted and murdered. Liberal Democrats have been on the wrong side of this issue for more than 50 years and have supported and fought for this racist practice. Since the majority of aborted babies are minority mothers, Democrats have missed out on generations of potential Democrat voters by encouraging abortions. Talk about not seeing the forest for the trees!
The Supreme Court did not eliminate abortions. They ruled that Roe was the wrongly decided and that states should decide if abortions should be legal in each state. That’s it. If liberal Democrats think murdering babies in the womb is a good thing, they should try to convince state legislators to permit this abhorrent procedure. Don’t forget to ask liberal Democrats which of their children they wish they had aborted and murdered. Bet they wouldn’t have killed any of them.
Ken Orms
If republicans cared so much for the life of children then…
…why do republicans allow millions of children to go without health care by continuing to force health insurance to be tied to employment? And not just employment but only some employers? (only 54% of jobs offer health insurance)
…why do republicans shame poor working families on public assistance? For example: During the Trump administration, Republicans cut Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits for an estimated 688,000 people.
…why do republicans resist supporting early child learning programs? or universal childcare?
…why do republicans push to defund public education by using false arguments of CRT and Porno in libraries?
Glad you are pro-forced birth Ken, but how about supporting the party that actually cares about children AFTER then have been born.
Because conservatives believe it is the right and responsibility of the parents to feed, clothe, and raise their children.
Leftists believe that children belong to the state (as in “1984” ), and so they want ever more control over our future citizens. Young minds are easier to manipulate.
Got it?
Exactly. If they can’t care for themselves, you are ok letting them suffer. Got it. Not surprised you feel that way. How very republican of you.
The left believes that compensation and benefits are continuing to lag behind cost of living as so many corporations (Amazon, Walmart, etc…) pay wages that still leave families in need of public assistance…corporate welfare seems perfectly ok for republicans.
Careful Chrissy, your prejudice is showing. Your hatred for Republicans is so all consuming that you can’t think straight. I said nothing about corporate welfare. Nor did I advocate letting anyone suffer. Poverty is no fun, but as the Bible says, the poor will always be with us. But being poor doesn’t absolve you of your responsibilities. If you have kids, you should support them. It’s not even difficult to do any more, with the proliferation of state & Federal benefits.
So just give upon the hackneyed trope of callous conservatives who want children to starve, and Granny to die. Nobody’s buying it.
Great letter Ken!! Well written and very true, could not have been said better. I am in complete agreement with you.
Republicans believe in Life…..Amen!
Apparently people are happy with their property taxes and quality of life as only about 32,000 out of 203,000 registered voters bothered to cast a ballot.
I believe that if this outlet were still in print so much more conversation between the “side’s” of these issues we remark to and about would be ‘heard’. This is great at the very least, yet we are speaking to the “Choir” herein.
Many I associate with feel the same way, people are people, whether in the womb or not. Being responsible for ones self use to be one of Honor, Love, Respect for our elders, knowledgeable about our US History as well as the world. Yes it has deteriorated and as has been stated before “It takes just one generation” to flush it all down the toilet. Those who will be living through it can identify with the South Amercian failures, various Asian failures, the socialists from the Canadians, facists, nationalists, communists, religous zealots and all their offshoots! I have stated to those whose views we in this platform do not agree with, please vacation in those third world countries whose systems you admire, although they may change while you are the “Ugly American there”. They could get a taste of the choices they are making today. I am still surprised how many even educated people are horrified when they do vaca to learn it once they have already arrived that it really happens. No human rights, no freedoms, and never an opinion uttered for fear of death, starvation, and certainly no “High Tea”. Freedom to criticize here have an opinion here, hey guess what it is in your city NOW. Immature, spoiled, entitled and so very much more. With our town going in the same direction as the commissioners and council, oh dear.
Mr. Heller,
Out of a quarter of a million or so voters, somewhere around 15,000 bothered to vote. Certainly, the Dems got all the faithful to the polls. So who is at fault?
Mr. Orms,
I have the Libertarian point of view. I have no interest or say in anything that does not affect me. So if you want to have an abortion, have at it – it is between you and your Maker, not me. But, I do not wish be dunned for it.
Abortion is abhorrent, but government is not God.
This increase in property taxes is badly timed. Increases due to the increase in the value of property and as soon as you do it inflation devalues our property, the commissioners are out of touch with the situation. We will be having property de-evaluation while we continue to pay increased property taxes. It is time for this to stop.
“Don’t forget to ask liberal Democrats which of their children they wish they had aborted and murdered. Bet they wouldn’t have killed any of them.”
If Joe Bidumb weren’t getting his 10 percent cut, he might well wish Jill had aborted Hunter. But it’s not too late. A drone could abort Hunter tomorrow!
The political left is Satan’s main mechanism for furthering his goals. The killing of innocent life pleases him, and so he furthers it through abortion, the absence of sanctions against murderous criminals, and any and all domestic conflict that ends in death. It is his currency. As God is life, Satan is death.
The murder of an innocent baby is his joy, because he is evil, in every sense.
Boy, your tinfoil hat slipped way right. Straight it out and block the alt right propaganda you fill your head with every day and get a life.
I can’t help it that you are unable to see the profound reality that is encompassing us.
Most can’t.
You attend church, or so you say. Please think more deeply, your current thinking is shallow and trite.
You may yet realise truth.
Good luck (sincerely).
I have been an advocate for firing all Democrats from especially the commissioners board.When we have conservatives as majority we have more concern for the working person ,all real estate taxes were at a minimum.As of now we have Master Skip who is “Sticking it to the working person with higher taxes,all real estate owners who owns houses are paying higher taxes.Why do the people of Guilford county keep voting in these Democrats. They are no good for making a decision that helps the working people,look at our current group they are the reason my real estate taxes are up this year by over $2000 .Thanks go to Skipper and crew.
I firmly believe that all Democrats need to look in the mirror and decide whether they believe in a supreme God. ( Not Budda, not some spiritual leader from Hoboken, no animals.) There is only one God .Who is for all who believe.
In the article this white woman wanted to eleminate as many minority children as possible. Why do the Democrats all believe and hold this woman up as a HERO.
Where is the uproar from the black people who should be up in arm about placing all abortion clinics in the minority communities. Where is the Democrats,why aren’t they up in arms about the placements of the clinics in the minority communities because they have been telling LIES to the black people for 50 years or so. I guess this is to keep all blacks voting for them and all the while lying to them that WE are looking after the ‘blacks’ .Then the Dems forget the blacks till next time for vote to come up, then Dems go after blacks to vote for them .The blacks have been suckered into belief that Dems are looking after them and they are not. They only want that vote the push blacks aside and do everything to hurt the black cause.
The Roe vote at the Supreme Court was to send the vote back to States and let each State handle the Abortion. It did not signal the end to abortions .
Let’s see…you covered sexism, racism, and religious bigotry all in one comment.
What is it that the republican party has done for minority members of the community? Tiki Torches marches? Telling them that slavery wasn’t a big deal and that the residual racism from it doesn’t exist anymore and they should ‘get over it’? Wave rebel flags in their face? Tell them that THEIR religion is evil? Tell them that they are trespassing by being in America?
Hmmmmm I wonder why minorities vote democrat?
Maybe they are not smart enough to think for themselves
You mean the slavery, Jim Crow, Poll Taxes, Segregated Schools, etc. that were created and maintained by the Democrats? You means the Dems that are more anti-religion than any conservative? Those Dems, or the “new and improved” Dems that hide their message a little better? The ones that talk about inclusion, until you disagree with them? Those ones?
Yeah, conservatives do not want want people illegally infiltrating our country any more than you want someone illegally entering your home. Why is that hard to get behind? If we let every person in the world into our country, there will be no resources for anyone. Regulating the volume of entrants into the country makes fiscal and moral sense. If you can afford a party for 100 people, but 1000 people show up, no one has any fun. Not complicated. Anyone that advocates for illegals to be here, needs to put a sign in their front yard welcoming them so you can feed and house them yourself. Do that, and at least you won’t be a hypocrite.
The government telling the lower class, which is heavily comprised of minorities, that they are too incompetent to take care of themselves (long term welfare) is the most insulting, slavery minded thing I have ever heard. To this day, I do not get why anyone in the lower socioeconomic class, especially minorities, just jump in line to get on the government hand out train. Nod your head, get in line, say yessuh, and hold your hand out to get free stuff. Then make sure you keep voting for your masters, and don’t let yourself be too successful, so you can keep getting free stuff. Don’t let evil Republicans make you fend for yourself. You are too incompetent to do that. Without gubment, you’ll just wither and die.
Insulting! Wake up.