Pray For President Trump
Dear Editor,
This letter is difficult to write – very difficult. Difficult because at of this time of anxiety created by political division and an unwillingness on the part of many to even consider the possibility that our views might be flawed or incorrect. Difficult because we have lost the art of truly listening to those who think differently than we do and showing them and their ideas the respect they deserve. Difficult because of self-centeredness and the hardening of our hearts to the struggles of others. Difficult because the America we once were no longer exists.
With that being said, we all need to practice hope that that our leaders successfully serve others with caring, intelligence, love and compassion. My ardent wish is that all elected presidents be servant leaders, because that’s when we are successful as a country with no one left behind.
At present, Donald Trump isn’t the type of leader described above, but he is the president. If you’re a person of faith, pray that he will recognize his shortcomings and limitations (we all have them) and listen to and step back and let the experts in various fields act on their knowledge without interference. Our future depends upon it.
Bob Kollar
Your letter was great until the last paragraph. Why don’t you practice what you preach.
Some people are blind to true facts. Some people are too dumb to understand; Some people are both. Just saying.
I hope you are not so deluded as to think that Hillary Clinton would have been a president such as you say you wish all would be. She is the epitome of self centeredness and a corrupt liar to boot. You should thank G0d every day that Donald Trump won the election and Hillary didn’t.
I believe President Trump stands up for what’s best for all Americans and we should stand up for him!
America First!
I am sorry, but the “experts” you talk about trashed the American economy because they believed in 2.4 million deaths. Yes, I am praying for the president to have Courage to stand up to these “experts” who could use some humility in place of all that self righteousness exuding from their pores. This nation needs to get back to living! The stories about dragging people off buses, and ticketing those wanting to have an Easter serve “well within the bounds of social distancing are just a microcosm of the damage these”experts’ inflict with their Draconian edicts. Our prayer is that Godly wisdom prevails!
We all have opinions! No two are exactly alike. Thank God we can agree to disagree and remain friends!