The Greensboro Chamber of Commerce and East Greensboro NOW – along with The Asheboro-Randolph Chamber of Commerce – are coming together to offer the inaugural “Accelerate Economic Equity Summit + Minority Business Opportunity Fair.” which will take place on Thursday, May 25 at the Greensboro Coliseum Special Events Center.
The official stated purpose of the event is to “educate the business community about the importance of purposeful, targeted Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) efforts and expose ethnic minority-owned firms in the region to contract opportunities with large companies, public institutions, and municipalities.”
To the glee of many and the chagrin of others, EDI issues have in recent years become central to workplace issues. The Summit portion of Accelerate on May 25 will focus on “the current state of EDI in the community, barriers to economic equity, and best practices for EDI initiatives.”
It will begin at 9 a.m.
President and CEO of the National Institute of Minority Economic Development Kevin Price will be the featured speaker –and there will be a plated luncheon from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.
The Minority Business Opportunity Fair will take place from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m.
According to promotional materials for the event, “Companies with contracting opportunities and/or supplier diversity goals can sponsor a booth at the fair. Attendance at the fair will be open to local firms. The goal of the opportunity fair is to build mutually beneficial relationships between minority-owned businesses and regional anchor institutions. There will also be business resources, breakout sessions, and strategic networking.”
Tickets to the Economic Equity Summit and Luncheon are available for Chamber members at $75 and, for non-members, at $100. The minority business Opportunity Fair is open to the public at no charge.
Sponsorships are available for the entire event.
EDI, what a joke! Just a fancy acronym for “you need to hire and include more people defined by race, not by work ethic, qualifications, or attitude “
I’m officially retired now and am so sorry to see current and future generations jaded by this BS.
These groups have figured out how to make a darn good living doing nothing but telling everyone else that they need to feel guilty, and the Federal, State, Count, and City governments encourage it.
My own business attempts to educate others to treasure and prioritize Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, striving to eclectically endow society with the deserved rewards of our diverse society with rewarding and culturally valid rewards. As a symbiotic manifestation of synergy, we continually seek to magnify the economic and political impact of our team on our local and global community.
Actually we just hire the best salesman.
What a load of crap.
If your sales force lacks diversity, so will your customer base and therefore losing market share in those markets most likely. but you be you. Door knocker.
You couldn’t be more wrong, genius boy – 30% of my customers are black.
You always come to the wrong conclusion, don’t you?
Maybe I should come knock on your door.
Diversity rocks. It’s a natural state. Equity is pure evil for obvious reason. If you have any intelligence, you are against equity.
Yes, let’s do the ‘woke’ thing & assiduously obey the EDI mandates; it’s the least we can do as good, upright, morally strong citizens. And, for heaven’s sake, don’t let your conscience get in the way when you skewer one while elevating another. Example: White meteorologist son-in-law applies for open position on job he’s been doing now for months along with his own job; he lives on the outskirts of DC, taking the train into work at NOAA headquarters–has been sent all over the world representing the agency–Ireland, Norway, Monaco, New Zealand & just this past year, Switzerland. Of course, he was ‘interviewed’ for the position & questioned zealously on EDI, but apparently he failed miserably. You see the job went to a WOMAN he’d trained two decades ago, who lives in Texas, necessitating moving expenses AND he’ll have to further train her when she arrives. But, hey, ye olde EDI will be fulfilled–so what if it screams of discrimination, utter stupidity & thousands of tax dollars wasted on a move that was totally unnecessary. Did I mention that his credentials–a Masters from Creighton U–far exceed his incoming ‘student’? Yeah, there’s that….
Thanks for a real world example of what is merely discrimination against white men.
DEI, MWBE, Affirmative Action… whatever they call it, it’s just spiteful anti-white bigotry.
Another crock of horse pi$$ and a total waste of time. I’d rather clean out my cats litter box If I had a cat. Woke on Gso. and Guilford Co.
Could we just go back to hiring people based on their qualifications? Thank you.
Lol…kind of like requirements to be a Supreme Court Judge….must be black and female. EDI…believe I prefer quality work from the person or company instead of EDI met requirements. That woke silliness will just eliminate me even wanting to consider anyone for a job I need done.
Why aren’t these people in the chamber Offering a seminar on having all minorities that can’t get a job because they are not qualified ,a chance to prepare them to DO A JOB by experts who know all skills to do the job. Maybe the problem with contactor is he is not capable of planning and carrying out the functions of a job. With the limited amount of schooling in the last 15-20 year’s that minorities have accepted is so minimal that they may not have skills to carry out this responsibility.
If you look at our leaders of today they must have skipped a lot of classes . This may include the people that are promoting this kind of assembling of minorities only.
If I was a minority , I would stand up to these people and tell them to “take a hike”. The idea to think I have to be handed a job because of my race.,Very Ludicrous.
City council as a group and showing your true guidance , why not get enough smarts to teach these contractors about how to prepare themselves to run a job. That is if you are Capable yourself. All of you know how the jobs are presented to the public and the methods of selecting a contractor.If the city council wants to offer assistance to this group of people teach them about job and bidding for jobs