Here’s something the #MeToo movement supporters should think about. If strong women armed themselves, including these #MeToo participants, they could get rid of #MeToo or change the name to #HellNoNotMe.
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Looks like you guys were right about the newspaper in Greensboro doing away with it and going to Winston-Salem. I went to buy a paper yesterday morning, and they went from $1 to $2 overnight. That’s about the best way I know of to do away with the Greensboro newspaper. At least it is in my account. Thank you very much.
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Have you noticed that the MO, or modus operandi, of today’s leftists or socialists is eerily reminiscent of a certain group of people in Europe 70 years ago? Those people were such zealots in their beliefs that they had no problem in committing and endorsing outrageous wrongs if they believed it furthered their cause. So all human decency and morality was disregarded if they felt it brought them closer to their objective. They overcame their qualms by convincing themselves that “the end justifies the means,” which of course means that anything goes, with no governing morality in what they do. And so today’s American socialists contemptuously disregard the annihilation of a decent man and his family in furtherance of their political goals. Inevitably there is never any salient difference between socialists because their creed is godless and bankrupt, so today’s American socialists are not that different from their National Socialist cousins of 1930’s Germany. Our current Kool-Aid drinkers just need a little more Saul Alinsky style victories to accomplish their goals to achieve a dehumanized, deconstructed America. Orwell, the disillusioned socialist, saw it all as the inevitable outcome. Just sign me off as an independent thinker.
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Sometimes little white lies only hurt the ones that are telling them. But when a Democrat senator, Blumenthal, lies about his service in Vietnam, when so many heroic and brave men lost their lives, it is despicable. Blumenthal is despicable. He is a sorry, unpatriotic, serial liar. He should be expelled from the Senate, and those that voted for him are just as guilty as he is, a sorry, lying crook.
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Hey, Rhino Times. I think it was the French philosopher that said – I think his name was Descartes – I think he said, I think, therefore I exist. Or I think, therefore I am. If he was alive today, he would be saying, I am a man; therefore, I am guilty. Have a good day.
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For those of you who don’t know the Bible, it says in Romans 13, the 13th chapter, verses 1 and 2, that no one rises to power and authority except God wills it. And those that do, and get appointed to this authority, are under a heavy, heavy hand of a mighty God. God raised up Trump before I ever knew who he was. Even I knew in the early ’90s when senior Bush was in office that what DC needed was someone who could manage money and build things. And as the Bible says, make the crooked places straight. He’s already done more as a president since I’ve been voting in my lifetime. But Donald Trump never entered my mind. I didn’t even know who he was. Now, about the Kavanaugh deal, if he gets seated, and I pray he does, on the Supreme Court, Roe v. Wade will be overturned.
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Parents, be afraid. Be very afraid. Your sons can be accused. All they’ve got to do is just be accused of something: groping, rape, molestation. A woman just has to accuse them of something. And their life is forevermore ruined. This Kavanaugh thing, this could be your father, your brother, your son. All they’ve got to do is accuse you of something. And you have to prove you didn’t do it. They don’t have to prove you did it. You’ve got to prove you didn’t do it. So, be afraid. Be very afraid. This is the new world of the Democrats. Just a mere accusation is enough to ruin your life. It is totally disgusting.
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I know a lot of people that are Democrats, and they are good people. Why the news in this country is trying to destroy this country and the Democrats, too, I do not know. The Democratic Party has left you if you are Democrat. Can you imagine John Kennedy, Harry Truman or Delano Roosevelt going along with people running through a building when they’re trying to interview the Supreme Court nominee and hollering to where they had to arrest 200 of them? Can you imagine if they’d bring a woman in to testify with no background at all to try to ruin a man’s life? And the Democrats are doing that. They knew that’s what they were doing. They have left you. They are not like the Democratic Party that your daddy and granddaddy belonged to. You can go vote them in you want to. I used to be a Democrat. But I got out of it when I saw how radical it got. They worry about these children at the border. They were just on there talking about it. They got no worry at all about abortion.
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Just saw one of the most evil people in the United States of America on TV flapping their gums about how all of the Trump voters are still deplorable. Get out and vote Republicans if you don’t want Hillary in the scene.
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Can you imagine if the Tea Party behaved this way when Obama was president? That if they stormed the capitol, if they were in the Senate buildings acting like this, if they were accusing him of something? The media would have shredded the Tea Party, called them a terrorist group. But, yet, we have the Democrats and the people on the left: Antifa, Communist Party members, you name it. They’re out there in force. Right now, there is people at the Capitol being arrested, leftists at the Capitol shouting US senators down. There was a staffer from Sheila Jackson Lee who, her staffer, leaked information on names, addresses and phone numbers of all these people. This country will be out of control if in 30-some days you decide – which I hope you want – to elect anybody from the left. Democrats cannot ever come back into power as long as this element exists within their party.
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Yes, just a comment about the football players refusing to stand for the national anthem because they don’t really like this country. I would like to say to them, and I would say it to any one of them’s face with no problem. I would like to say to them, because this country being what it is, that they’re able to make millions of dollars playing a little childhood playground petty game. Anybody on the planet with any athletic ability whatsoever with 30 days’ training could take any of them’s place. There is nothing special about any of them. You can take anyone, if you know the right people, rise them to greatness to NFL. Just look at the Mannings.
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Republicans, what is wrong with you fools? Little lying loser Donny nominates an unqualified lying credibly accused sexual predator to the Supreme Court and you guys buy into it as you do with the Russians trying to destroy democracy, firmly wreck US justice and embarrass the country in front of the world. GOP, what is wrong with you fools? The only explanation I can think of is little lying loser Donny wants to have other nominees to be his unqualified lying and credibly accused sexual predators as he is so as to make that disgusting despicable behavior look normal. Absolutely brilliant the man whose own Cabinet members and congressional members in the party have the understanding of a fifth- or sixth-grader and inhabitants of residents called an adult daycare center.
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Always remember: In life and in politics, if you’re not right, you’re wrong.
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The Democrats have betrayed the rule of law. They’ve betrayed the Constitution. The New York Times headline reads, “FBI Probe Kavanaugh Has Not Gone Deep Enough to Find the Truth.” What that really reads as, the FBI probe has not gone deep enough to find the crime. The Democrats are playing politics as if they are in the 1920s in Russia. It certainly shows he knows exactly what they’re talking about, because he said, and I quote: Show me the man, and I will find you the crime. This comes from the head of the KGB.
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Every Greensboro taxpayer should be outraged. I have a real problem with the Greensboro City Council taking money from our pockets and then turning around and giving it to their pet nonprofits and their highly paid operators. The city should be in the business of providing essential city services, not lining the pockets of their cronies. Every Greensboro citizen already has the ability to fund these nonprofits directly if they wish to do so. If they don’t, that’s the way it is. The city should not force us to fund these nonprofits. And by the way, do a little digging and look at the salaries, the money, that the people that run these nonprofits make. You’ll be shocked.
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The new Democrat value: guilty until proven innocent. Protect our nation. Vote Republican in November. Thank you.
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Yes, I’d just like to comment on the circus that’s been going on on this Kavanaugh deal. Of all the people that have made complete asses out of their selves and just showed how foolish they really are, Blumenthal from Connecticut, stolen valor is what they call it. And he has the gall to question somebody’s integrity and honesty. He is the most nauseating, disgusting person I have ever seen that’s in the United States Senate. And if you’re a veteran, you need to check him out. He’s really a jewel.
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Yeah, attention, attention, all Greensboro News & Record employees. Look for a job starting right now: $3 for a Sunday paper in Greensboro, North Carolina. You have got to be kidding me.
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I know of several Triad area Protestant ministers that lean liberal and vote Democrat every election. For the life of me, I do not see how any, quote, man of God, end of quote, can do this and still feel comfortable delivering a sermon every Sunday from the pulpit. As far as I’m concerned, it makes absolutely no sense. To put it another way, quote, they don’t practice what they preach, end of quote. No man of God as far as I’m concerned should be an ordained minister this day and age and agree with the ungodly, warped, deranged, lunatic ideology that today’s Democratic Party espouses. Again, it makes absolutely no sense to me.