You know, you don’t really need all the detectors and stuff, I guess you need metal detectors and guards and fences around our school but the real problem is that we need to put prayer back in the schools. After they took them out people started killing each other. We need to put prayer back in the schools. That’s the basics for the whole thing. Let’s kick the devils out. Thank you.
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Hello, I’m calling in about all these people that are riding around in broad daylight with expired license plates. It’s getting to be unreal how these people are so bold, riding around in Land Rovers, SUVs, Lexus, Cadillac Escalades and all these big fancy cars and yet they can’t afford to buy tags and pay their taxes and now the City Council wants to raise taxes on all of us here in North Carolina. I think the City Council needs to get their act together and they need to start making people pay taxes on their cars and buying tags. I think they need to change the color of the tag each year like a bright orange, bright lime-green. They need to put somebody in each district to ride around, take down each one of these that have got expired plates and make sure that these people have insurance. Because you, the government of North Carolina made this policy and now you need to enforce it. I am a citizen here and I just paid 400 and some dollars in taxes and tags and I feel like that it’s unfair that I should have to pay for it and somebody else don’t. I want to be on the list of where you don’t have to pay it because I’m sick of it. It’s not fair and if these people that have got expired tags hit me and my insurance has to pay for it my insurance is going to go up and they’re not going to get anything. I don’t think it’s fair. I think it’s time that you start pulling these people over and start towing their cars until they pay their taxes and tags. It’s only fair that you start enforcing the law that you created. Do you get that Ms. Nancy Vaughn and Ms. Sharon Hightower and the insurance commissioner? It’s time for you to get involved and make these people do what is right. We need to have all cars on the road insured and even people that are coming from Virginia or coming down here with illegal tags on their car. So therefore we need somebody out here on the roads enforcing these tag problems. We have a huge problem out here and if somebody gets killed with no insurance what’s going to happen, it’s not fair to the people who work hard and do right and there’s other people out here not doing anything.
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You know, I’m so sick and tired of newsmen all over television, radio and everywhere referring to our president, who happens to be a great president as Mr. Trump not President Trump. They referred to Obama as President Obama. But the trouble is they mispronounced Obama. It should be President Abomination. That’s what it was. So we need to correct these newsmen and remind them that our president is a great president and deserves to be called President Trump Thank you, bye-bye.
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First thing I want to say is build the wall. Second thing I want to say is to all you politicians on both sides, you’re all traitors. You wait till 2020. President Trump, I back him 100 percent and you try to impeach him and buildings will be set on fire.
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Hello I’m calling in about Trump’s speech. They’re saying now on TV that they’re going to delay his speech because they’re going to fact-check him. American people are really getting sick of the media and the fact checking. What happened to fact-checking Obama? Nobody fact-checked him saying if you like your healthcare you could keep your healthcare you know that they were going to save us all this money and come to find out he stood up there and bold-faced lied to us. Nobody fact-checked him. You know it’s beginning to really get old. The American people have been sold lie after lie after lie and I don’t think the American people voted these Democrats in to hold American people hostage like they’re doing. They knew that Trump wanted the wall because that’s what he ran on and he got elected on. They need to go ahead and give Trump this wall and move on. I think the Democrats are really a shameful. They’re hurting themselves and they’re hurting American people because they’re showing the American people that are paying them, I’m saying this to them we the American people are paying them with our tax money and they’re showing us that they don’t care about us. They care more about these illegal aliens than they do about the American people. What a shame, what a disgrace to the American people. They are slapping us in the face and they’re saying they don’t care about us. I think it’s a shame. I think it’s a disgrace to the American people. You want a fact check Donald Trump? Well we need to fact-check all you news people because you’re not telling the truth. You’re not telling the American people that sit down to watch TV at nighttime to find out what’s going on in the world the truth. We need to start fact-checking you like CNN, MSNBC, NBC and CBS we need to start fact-checking all y’all because you’re not telling the truth to the American people.