To all the veterans who may be reading this, to all that have served and to all that have fought to protect our country, a big thank you to you. Thank you for your service.
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I was just calling to let you know how much I miss The New York Times crossword puzzles that you used to run. They were challenging and fun. And I hope that at some point in the future you can bring them back.
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I was glad to see Danica Patrick go out like the loser that she is. In the field of racing that she’s supposed to be a master of, she only made it 58 laps in her final race. Maybe now we don’t have to hear about it anymore. The best she ever did in her career was 10th place. Like I said, I’m glad to see that loser is finally out of the sport. I can’t believe that she got all the support and recognition that she did, because she surely cannot drive. Thank you.
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This will be brief. If you’ve noticed the pictures of Hillary Clinton recently all bundled up wearing scarves, yesterday was 72 degrees in New York, and she had a heavy like topcoat on with a scarf, and noticed what appears to be some type of back brace or knee brace combination. This woman is so hung up on power and thinking that she’s coming back to power. She has to hide the fact that she has some kind of a problem, possibly scoliosis, which is very common among women with bone disease. I really feel like the mindset of this person, who could have been president of the United States, that’s so hungry for power, even now she attempts to hide her illness. She was never physically fit enough to be president of the United States and withstand the rigors of the office. Democrats need to really wake up.
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Dateline May 29, Starbucks is putting everything on hold to conduct a career education camp with all their employees. This is an abominable precedent. This is left politics entering the commercial mainstream. Starbucks, I will avoid you like the plague from now on. You can take your philosophy and eat it.
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Well, Allen Johnson is still up to it at the News & Record. He wrote an article about the National Football League and the new players on its policy on kneeling. But he ended up the last half of the article attacking the president. Well, you know, the president of the United States is the president. And whether he likes it or not, he’s going to have to live with him until the president is voted out of office or retires out of office. I’d like to say one other thing. This lady that’s now writing for the News & Record. I’m sick of it. I’m sick of the way they’re treating the people that own the houses, that own the apartments where the five little children were horribly burned to death. I feel for the family. I feel for the owners of the apartment complex.
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I called last week about the News & Record delivery service out in our section of town, out in the Guilford College area. And I was really, really upset because they’re committing a type of fraud. Because they take your money and make a contract with you to deliver a paper for a year, and they don’t do it as they’d promise they’d do. And, evidently, I have got their attention by calling repeatedly to Winston-Salem to Mrs. McCleod, because a nice lady by the name of Melissa something has been calling and cannot be too nice to me, wanted to make sure that I’m receiving my paper. So far my paper has been on time. But it’s got to be so ridiculous that we couldn’t depend on it. I just wanted to give you a shout out and tell you that sometimes if you call long enough and complain long enough, you’ll get a little better attention. Thank you, Rhino Times.
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I was sitting here watching the news, and I’m watching Fox News. Not Fox 8 but Fox News. And Shepard Smith, who I don’t really care for, who is very, I think, very liberal, he goes on and on about Roseanne Barr, which, you know, she was talking about Valerie Jarrett, which, you know, nobody really knew where she come from, why she played such a big role in the Obama administration, and what she was supposed to be doing. Nobody ever, ever explained why she was in there and why she was Obama’s right-hand person. And she was always there. She never left Obama’s side. And she was right in the midst of everything. And, you know, really, we’d like to know. Did she have a clearance? Did she have a big clearance to have all this information that she had.
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Good morning. Welcome to America. This is my country. This is your country. It was a rock in the early days that mankind used on someone he did not agree with. Then it was a knife. Then it was a spear. Then it was a club. Then it was a single shotgun. Then it was a multi-shotgun. Is it the device used to kill our brothers, or is it our mind that requires examination? Thank you, Rhino Times, for this freedom of the press. The Son of a Legal Russian Immigrant. And, please, emphasize legal. Thank you.
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Hello, I’m calling about the Starbucks that’s closing several thousand stores to go through this training about racial conduct and so forth. I think they need to close all of them down. First and foremost, they’re too high on the coffee, number one. But, number 2, this is what I think. They’re opening their self up to a wide mess. Because if they’re saying that anybody can come in there and just sit down, that’s leaving them wide open for all these homeless people to come in their establishment and just sit down without purchasing anything. And where is their paying customers going to stay? I mean, where are they going to sit, you know? That’s what I’d like to know. And I think that it’s a shame that this is going on. I think those men that did this in Philadelphia, or Pennsylvania, wherever it happened, were paid to go in there and do this.
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Hello, Beep. Hello, Reid. Southern Guilford here. Hope everyone managed to enjoy their great Memorial Day. But it was not just time to think about the weather or cooking out. Switching gears, I believe there is evil in this world. Question is, can evil dwell in mankind without his consent. Otis doesn’t have the answer.
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That crazy Scott Yost, last week, he was talking about Marla Maples married to Prince Harry and it is Meghan Markle. You remember the article where he said, talking about President Trump, whatever, but Marla Maples and Meghan Markle are two different people. Fire that Scott Yost. I hate him. He’s a big windbag. Marla Maples, Meghan Rock Markle. Shut up.
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Yost’s Note: Meghan Markle, Marla Maples – what’s the difference?
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It’s Memorial Day, and I’m watching the news and watching the different events of all the brave men that gave their lives over the years fighting for our freedom. These people are, without a doubt, true heroes. Without any shadow of any doubt, they are heroes. The people that pull up in a big red truck and put out a little brush fire, and they sit around and drink bottles of water and pat each other on the back, they are not heroes. The men in the military who have put their lives on the front line, day in, day out, for very little pay and very little recognition, they are heroes. Let’s not forget them. Thank you.
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I love your paper, but, geez, those new puzzles are just dumbed down. But I think you’re losing your audience, or you’re trying to gain a new audience.
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I recently found out that the darling godless ultraliberal queen of left coast Looney Tunes, California, Nancy Pelosi, has a wall with armed guards around her plush home in the Bay Area. What a hypocrite. For someone who preaches to us to have open borders letting every Tom, Dick and Harry in, and screams gun control with every school shooting, she sure doesn’t practice what she preaches. I’m no doctor, but I am convinced that something neurologically is wrong with her. The elevator doesn’t seem to go to the top, if you know what I mean, in recent comments I’ve heard her make.
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It doesn’t matter if Trump was under investigation or not. He was still allowed to be elected president. Obama and the Democrats kept it quiet. So he was still allowed to be elected. So then they wait a year to bring anything out. In the meantime, Hillary Clinton, 10 days before the election, it was told that she was under investigation. But they kept – Obama and the Democrats kept it quiet about Trump, and he was allowed to be elected.
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Yes, in no way am I excusing Roseanne Barr for what she said about Valerie Jarrett. But Valerie Jarrett is a snake. Don’t make any mistake about that. Valerie Jarrett and six other women, and I believe Joe Biden, met in the Oval Office in the White House back some time ago and decided for all of us, especially those of Christian faith, that we had no conscientious rights and that we should – all these companies should make abortion available through their insurance plans. She was uno one-o in that meeting. She’s the president’s advisor, a close confidant. I believe she’s knee-deep in anything that the Obama administration did against Trump. We now know it was a lot.
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Hey, Elon. I heard a good one. What’s a Tesla? It’s a $30,000 car with a $70,000 battery.
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Oh, yes, I get it now. When he doesn’t call you back the next day, or you find out he’s really married, or you don’t get the job promotion, or if you don’t get the big movie contract, then all of a sudden, it’s rape. When everything works out for you, then nobody hears about it, and it’s not rape. I get it now. I understand. Have a good day.
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Well, you know the primary is over. I can’t figure out why Mark Walker is sticking signs up and down Battleground Avenue and a couple of other places when the primary is over. The next election is six months away. In fact, from the city ordinance, he should be getting fined for having these signs still out. You know, because seven days after the election you’re supposed to take your signs down. But, you know, I’m actually going to vote for Walker. Don’t take me wrong. But my question is this, why in the heck, six months before the election, are you sticking signs out. And considering you’re supposed to be taking them down now, ain’t you afraid somebody is going to call the elections board in Raleigh and put a fine on you? That’s not too bright sticking signs out, because they’re not going to be there six months from now. I’ll be surprised if they’re there next week, because people are going around and taking them down because the election is over, dude. Quit putting sings out right now. You’re wasting your money.
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To the person who called in saying teachers work 10 months a year, not nine, really needs to brush up on their arithmetic. Teachers get off nine weeks during the summer, which is two months and one week. They get two weeks at Christmas and one week at Easter. Of course, Easter is called spring break, not Easter break, of course, because of liberals. And Christmas is called winter break, not Christmas break, again, because of liberals. So let me think now. Two months and one week, plus two weeks at Christmas and one week at Easter. I think that equals three months. And if math is still figured the same way, now with this Common Core it might be different now, but I think that 12 minus 3 equals 9.
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Hi, I’m calling for Kernersville and just want to second that call you had on May 31, page 29, pertinent to the road construction in Kernersville. It is really bad, and traffic can be backed up for miles in each direction. It’s in the center of town. Has been going on for a very long time over a half-mile stretch. And they should be working at night, when they’re not, when there is much less traffic at night than there is in the day. It’s an extremely busy area, and there’s major backups. The caller who suggested an article by you, Rhino Times, would be of use to see what the problem is, would be very welcome, because this thing has been going on too long and really backs up the traffic in the middle of town and the center of town, too.
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Hello, Rhino. Just wanted to say thanks to Mr. Hammer for answering one of my lifelong questions. How does one spell caboodle as in kit and caboodle? I believe he had it listed as c-a-b-o-o-d-l-e. Thanks again. Appreciate it. Bye.
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Dear Mr. Hammer, I keep noticing that you believe that the standard for an investigation is that the investigators need evidence of wrongdoing before they investigate. Period. That doesn’t sound quite right to me. Period. I would think that it is a reasonable suspicious allegation that needs to be investigated. I don’t know what you and Trump think about these things. Certainly, with him he doesn’t seem to be able to tell the truth. But if I understand, there was a allegation of a crime that the FBI was investigating. I don’t believe you need evidence of the crime to investigate. I don’t believe that you should have evidence of the crime to investigate. Have a great day.
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As the Democratic Party owns Obamacare, CBS and their advertisers own Samantha Bee. They aired and paid for it. How low can they go?
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In response to the Independent Thinker who seems to believe that the actions of a member of a group is representative of the whole group in his statement, Islam is the embodiment of evil. For evil, I suggest that he look at the Inquisition, at the crusades, at the kidnapping of Native American children and their force into Christianity, the prejudice of our Puritan and forefathers, period. The bombing of Oklahoma City.
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I see the deal with North Korea is back on. Nancy Pelosi, Hillary Clinton, Chuck Schumer will be looking from a high building to jump from if this goes through. That’s sad. The next thing, if a person kills a law officer, and he’s found guilty, or she is found guilty, the death penalty automatic ought to come in. Now, why they don’t get busy and pass something like that is, just absolutely too many officers getting shot. It don’t make sense. That might deter them a little bit. If it saved one officer’s life, it’s worth it.
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I sure pray that the teacher who told Rep. Hardister he had not had a raise in 11 years is not teaching math. To change the subject completely, though, whatever happened to the two sisters in High Point who pleaded guilty to SNAP fraud who were running a restaurant? And how about the people who willingly gave their cards and numbers to these ladies? Food desert indeed. I love the Rhino. Read it every week. Thank you. This is Zoro.
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In response to a caller in last week’s Sound of the Beep who was talking about guns and how he thought you should have to take a test to get one and compared it to an automobile, which he said you had to take a test to get one, he is absolutely wrong. There is no test required to get an automobile. Anyone can buy an automobile. They don’t make you take a test. You’re not vetted. There’s no background check. There’s no age limit. Anybody that wants to buy a car can simply buy a car. With guns, however, you don’t necessarily have to take a test to buy one, but you do have to pass an FBI background check. You do have to conform to certain age limits. And to have a concealed carry permit, you do have to take a test. The guy is absolutely wrong. You cannot compare the difficulty in buying a firearm to buying a car. There are no requirements to buy and own an automobile.
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Poor Rudy Giuliani. Used to be a hero after 9/11. Now he’s just another behind-kissing, yes-man Trump stooge. Five guilty pleas. Nineteen indictments.
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Police officer in Yourse’s arrest files lawsuit against the city. This is a hilarious article. First of all, former Police Officer Charlotte Jackson, she did not get terminated. She resigned. The lawsuit against the city which caused the taxpayers $95,000, $95,000 to a criminal which also the taxpayers had paid $30,000 to his back child support. Officer, former Officer Charlotte Jackson is unemployed. And does she realize that she works in the State of North Carolina which is an at-will state?
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This is regarding the News & Record’s delivery. It’s had problems for over a year. And different delivery people, this is awful, absolutely awful. Either I don’t get the paper or I get it so late I’m worrying about whether I will get one. And you have to call. And I have decided that I am not renewing. They didn’t mind sending me a bill, going up on the bill.
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To the caller asking, how can Christians support Trump when he embraces none of our values. It’s easy when the other choice is Hillary Clinton, one of the most crooked politicians ever. Also, Hillary is for abortion, and same-sex marriage, which aren’t God’s values. Also, how does Chuck Mann know what President Trump promised Kim Jong Un? Does Chuck have privileges we normal mortals don’t have?