Now that the local elections are over, I urge all of the candidates to, please, pick up all of their signs.
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Editor’s Note: The election is Tuesday, Nov. 7.
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I’m sitting here listening to the talking heads on Fox and, once again, it seems like the Clintons have kicked the American public under the bus. They deserve an orange jumpsuit and to be with Bernie Madoff. We’ll see how it plays out.
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The question is, why is it right for football players to demonstrate by kneeling in a football game when they play the national anthem, and they get praised for it, and a vice president exercises his right to protest by walking out of the ballgame after they did this, and he’s being political and grandstanding? The reason that it was wrong for what Pence did is because he knew he wasn’t going to be staying at the game. He knew he was going to walk in. He knew the players were going to do that. And he knew he was going to get up and walk out. And that is political because he was there for the game and didn’t stay for the game. And it cost taxpayers about $1 million for his little stunt. The football players stay there and play the game. That’s what they’re there for, to play a game. They’re not there to do what you think is right or what you think is correct.
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I cannot understand why everyone is so upset about the kneeling or refusing to stand for the playing of the national anthem. I, personally, am a combat veteran of Vietnam. When the anthem is played, I stand. If the guy next to me doesn’t, that’s on him. I don’t say anything. The flag is a symbol, but it’s not something that we should worship from afar.
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As per the recent report on crime in England and Wales, London is now significantly more crime ridden than New York City, with more robberies, burglaries, rapes and, of course, the latest charming habit of our new Britons – acid attacks. Crime increased outside the capital city too, but not by anything like as much. London is the part of the UK that has benefited, or suffered, more than anywhere else from what they call diversity or cultural enrichment, in the lying language of the left. Compared to what it was in the 1970s, it is now unrecognizable. Even the mayor is Muslim. Draw your own conclusions. Just sign me off as An Independent Thinker.
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I have a friend that lives in a condominium complex. And they told her they were going to have to spray her unit for insects, bugs, whatever you want to call it. They told her first she wouldn’t have to pay. Then they said they would charge her. Since that has happened, they offered a sign-up sheet for everybody else with no charge to have theirs done. That’s mean. It’s discrimination. I hope my friend will fight it. That’s the way they do her. They treat her like fill-in-the-blank. But, anyway, I think they’re going to do all the others for nothing. She shouldn’t have to pay either. And I think it’s a disgrace the way they do things around there. They do a whole lot of stuff that shouldn’t be done. And they don’t tell the residents. They just do it. And I think the residents should vote on stuff. From what she told me, it’s awful.
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Hello, Beep. Hello, Reid. Maybe it’s just. But in my generation, it seems like things started falling apart after John Lennon was shot and killed. Otis says it started when John F. Kennedy was assassinated. I think we’re both on the same track. But at any time, innocent people are murdered, famous or not, humanity seems to crumble just a little bit more.
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Hello. I’m calling about Hillary Clinton coming out saying it’s OK for the NFL to take a knee. That it’s OK for them to resist and everything. And, also, about Harvey Weinstein, that she’s putting him against Trump. I think that it’s time for her to hush up. Really. We’ve had enough of her. She says she’s for women. She’s not for women. Look what her husband did. You know? She did not do a thing for them women but humiliate them women. She destroyed their careers. She destroyed them. She had men to go up and threaten them and do all kind of things to these women and scare them to death where they wouldn’t come out of their house and stuff because they were so scared. But yet she sets up there high and mighty saying that I’m for women’s rights and all this stuff.
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We may not like it, but we sure like to talk about it. And we do a good job of creating tension, lots of tension. Can you feel it? It’s all over the place. Otis says hello.
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I think it’s time that Congress stop taking so many vacations. They get more vacations than anybody in the world. Every time you turn around, they’re going on vacation. They don’t have to do no work. You know? Every time something comes up, oh, they got recess, or they got vacation coming. I know they have to deal with their constituents, but they don’t even have town halls anymore because they’re so afraid of their people, because their people is mad at them. I think that it’s time that Congress started staying and working more. If they’re going to take so many vacations, their paycheck needs to be cut. Because the American people don’t get nothing. No vacations like they get. Most American people are working two and three part-time jobs just to make ends meet so they can feed their family.
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Little John, I’m quoting to the NFL protest that Mike Pence did the other day on Oct. 9. In your paper, Oct. 5, you stated you don’t know what the protest is about. It’s not about the anthem. It’s not about kneeling. It’s not about not respecting the flag. It’s about police brutality. So I hope that’s clear and not go read some other papers beside Fox News. On Oct. 9, Mike Pence stood up at the football game between the San Francisco 49ers and the Colts. There is a picture of him standing there with his hand across his heart. His wife’s hand across his heart with a military man standing next to him with his hand at his side. There’s a woman behind him picking her nose. So, do me a favor, find out who that woman was, find out who that officer was and ask them why they didn’t salute the flag.
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I heard an old joke for the first time, a very Calvinist joke. And it goes something like this. Do you know how copper wire was invented? It was two Scotchmen pulling on the same penny. That’s penny-pinching Calvinist Scott. That’s where it comes from. Pretty funny.
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I know I cancelled my subscription to the N&R for the right reasons. Page E5 in the Sunday Idea Section printing the comments of the crude and profane night show hosts bashing Trump. Actually, the whole page was sickening. And how many of us sports fans are fooled by the cowardly networks not showing the beginning of events where the million-dollar crybabies are kneeling down during the national anthem? I will not watch any sports where our country is disrespected because of one player’s show of racism and hate for law enforcement. I don’t usually watch NASCAR, but I will watch it instead of football or any other events on Saturday, Sunday or Thursday. At least the good old boys and girls stand and remove their hats, cover their hearts out of respect for our veterans and our freedom, which has been paid for by many sacrificed lives.
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Have you had enough of pious liberals decrying inequality? Apart from being a form of diversity, inequality is desirable and to be sought after, since it is the natural concomitant of freedom. Some people are immensely talented, intelligent amd industrious while other people are feckless, lazy and stupid. In a free society this will result in very different outcomes for the two groups, as it should. That is not to say that less talented people should not be able to improve themselves and their lives – of course they should. In fact, that is the embodiment of the American dream, whereby everybody has the opportunity to make the most of their abilities. Liberty allows that to happen. Just sign me off as An Independent Thinker.
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I stood watching the CBS nightly news last night, after the browbeating of Trump, which is an everyday occurrence, with the last thing they did was they showed the flash of the stock market on there. They did the flash of numbers and then they went on about their business. Never mentioned one word that stocks are up 5,000 points since Trump took office. How many points do you think it would be if Hillary Clinton was in office? All these left-wing liberal inner-bred with all these medias. If you look them up, you’ll find out every one of these activists, and every one of these loons, is married into or family members of these executives in all these major medias. That’s why Trump takes such a beating on it. And to the Democrats that are crying the blues, your stock funds are up and your monthly draws on your IRAs are up.
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Old Man Rockingham here again. My son brought up a very good question. All these players are talking about how they want equality and everything. Does this mean they want more white players on the field? Seeing how the NBA players are starting to do it. Yeah, maybe we need to have more white players out there, too. If they really want to be committed, hey, about taking the knee when it’s fourth and one? Or, just, you know, give that quarterback a lookout block and just take a knee during one of the plays. That will show how committed you are. All right.
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Well, it does seem that more and more Hillary’s home brew server and her cooking of that server, and hiding of emails and obscuring her, quote, unquote, true intent, is becoming more apparent that she was in it for the money. She and Bill and the sale of American nuclear material interests to the Russians through their front companies, including Canada, they benefitted. Sitting politicians benefitted from selling out America. And Bill Clinton, himself, received several million dollars from Russia including $500,000 from the state bank for a speech giving in Moscow. Wow. Wow. The fleecing of America.
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I would just like to say this to the Democratic Party that there is going to come a time when you’re in the White House, and we’re going to do, you know, the Republicans and the Independents, we’re going to do the same thing that you’re doing to Trump right now. We’re going to call for impeachment every day. We’re going to stand outside and protest and say he’s not or she’s not our president. You’re going to see the same thing that’s going on with Donald Trump, that is going to happen to your party. You watch and see. Because, you know what? The American people voted Donald Trump in. And every day somebody like Rep. Frederica Wilson that is trying to create chaos about this Gold Star family is coming out and asking for impeachment trying to embarrass the president. You didn’t see that going on with Barack Hussein Obama.
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Well, this afternoon’s special session of the High Point City Council to discuss new financial repayment plans for the downtown stadium catalyst proved quite revealing. A speaker inadvertently let slip that this was in fact a project being built for High Point University, and Qubein had said a year ago that he needed land for what would eventually be the High Point University football team. And now we find they’re also planning to build additional buildings for the university and graduate-student housing next to the stadium, which will also be tax exempt, making it even more impossible to pay off what looks like will be a $50 million to $55 million bond with increases in property value taxes.
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I don’t normally watch CNN, ABC and CBS. But I did switch over and listened to some of it. I’ve been hearing about it off of Fox News. They’re absolutely trying to destroy this country. They’re trying to destroy Donald Trump, these news companies are. And in destroying him, they’ll destroy the United Stated. They want a recession. They want people to get laid off, lose their homes and their cars. There is no other excuse. That’s what they want. And it’s not happening, and it’s making them mad. I’m 82 years old. I’ve never in my life seen anything like this before. Them people has got to be sick. They’re supposed to be intelligent people that’s been to school. But people that’s normally been to school has got more sense than they got. I don’t know what the outcome is going to be. But if he gets things going like I think he’s going to, they’ll be jumping off of buildings.
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Yeah, when it comes to Trump getting anything done, the only thing he’s been trying to do is get rid of Obama’s legacy. That’s the only thing Trump is trying to do. He doesn’t care about his supporters, building the wall, getting rid of the immigrants. He doesn’t care about any of that. He just wants to get rid of Obama’s legacy. And when it comes to the fake news, and about having an impact on how he got elected, when the news come out about Hillary Clinton, when she actually had the flu but she almost passed out, then the news come out, the fake Russian news come out saying that she’s sick and dying, she has a disease. And then it comes out that she’s having a child porn ring in a basement of a pizzeria. And then it’s coming out that she’s still associated with Weiner, Sen. Weiner. I mean, stuff like that. That would cause people not to vote for somebody if they think they’re dying.
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Have you ever thought about how far down the road we’d be if there had never been a healthcare bill? We got by a long time before Barack Hussein Obama come along and said he was going to fundamentally transform the United States. And he has. They have spent no telling how many millions of hours on this healthcare bill that should have never been enacted to start with. The best thing that could happen to the Republican Party just happened today. It’s Friday. Barack Hussein Obama is out campaigning again. Boy, that will be good. He can tell them how not to run the deficit up.
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Oh, lord, now Harvey Weinstein, Bill Cosby, the Russians are going to elect him next for president of the United States? Makes you wonder.
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Hello, Rhino and Rhino nation. I see the furniture market in High Point is over. I hope they all made a lot of money and it was successful. I’m real curious. Does anybody have any idea of how many illegal boss men came up to local shelters and offered work for $10 an hour under the table to set the thing up and to break it back down. I live not too far away from it, and a few years ago, yes, I had to live in the shelter. Thank goodness, I’m better now. But I got this little store I go to. And there is some regular, regular people that are bragging about all the hours they’re getting. They’ve got regular work they call it.
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Hello. If by chance law enforcement, be it federal, state or local, wants to take my suggestion, I would highly recommend they go to what they call the IRC, the Interactive Resource Center. Supposedly, none of these shelters take anybody without a, I guess you could call it a vetting interview with IRC. And they, kind of like a car dealer, they deal out the bed space be it High Point or Greensboro, whichever. So, I want to make sure law enforcement, especially, does it the legal way.
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This message is for our wonderful ex-prez, skirt-chasing Billy Bob Bill Clinton. Billy Bob, I hate to tell you, bud, but I think you have now met your match in Harvey Weinstein. Just in case you, hopefully, get indicted for a laundry list of transgressions, you better chase as many women as you can now while you still have the chance. Good luck, Billy Bob.
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This is in reference to the fish wrap article on Cone’s Revolution Print Works mill. I have about four generations that are connected to Cone Mills. As far as Revolution, White Oak and Print Works. So, I’m familiar with the history. I would ask the people to look at the pictures that ran in the paper and see the child labor that was used in the mills. Also, how the employees were exploited for the minimum wage, not even a living wage, but the lowest amount they could pay them. How the health conditions contributed to lung disease and other health problems by the lint. And that was not addressed. How the Cone family controlled the City Council for years to discourage any major paying interest to locate in Greensboro. These are not rumors. These are fact.
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Sharon, you should have been a cowgirl, baby.
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Hey, John. Good afternoon. Reading the new Times, the article about Uber and the taxis. It would be nice if they would deregulate things and make it a level playing field. But, also, I checked with my insurance company and was wondering about if I became an Uber driver. And according to them, any passenger in my private vehicle, if they’re paying me, would not be covered in the event of a serious accident, which would open me up, I guess, for some liability and whatnot. But, anyhow, it would be nice if you would do another article and research that area about it to find out what rights passengers might have or don’t have and who would be liable if it’s the driver itself, or Uber, or whatever, in case you have to sue somebody over your injury. But just a thought and a suggestion for maybe another follow up on that article with the Uber drivers versus the regular taxi drivers.
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Hello, Beep. I see where they’re going to change the name of parts of Westover Terrace for the black lady, the first one to go to senior high school. Well, I think they ought to find out who the first white person was, student that went to Dudley, and the first white student that went to A&T. And we can name a street after them too. I think that’s fair, don’t you? And, another thing, I see where Bessemer and Lindsay Street was the most dangerous intersection in Greensboro. And I saw two police officers. Are they going to do something about that area over there and about our streets again? Or is it just a joke, and they’re playing games with the citizens again maybe thinking they’re might take care of the streets to stop these motorcycles from running up and down the sidewalk, and breaking the law running down Bessemer Avenue and stop some of these people from speeding and running red lights. Maybe it’s a joke. Maybe it’s not. I hope they’re going to change their minds. Anyway, I just want to ask you to print that, please. If you don’t, fine, since you don’t print my stuff anymore. But I appreciate it. I wish you would do it. Thank you.