I’d just like to respond to two of the comments that were in last week’s Sound of the Beep. The first is in response to a gentleman who said that Donald Trump has caused his insurance, I assume he means health insurance, to go up by $800 a month. Well, Donald Trump hasn’t done anything to health care in this country yet. The law of the land is still Obamacare. If your insurance premiums increased, that’s on Obamacare, not Donald Trump. Second, another gentleman or lady wrote in to say that Nancy Vaughan has driven Greensboro’s taxes to the highest in North Carolina. This is not true. High Point’s taxes are far and away the very, very highest in North Carolina, almost 25 percent to 30 percent higher than Greensboro’s. Thank you.
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Editors Note: Greensboro has the highest tax rate of major cities in North Carolina. High Point is not considered a major city.
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Can we stop in this country with the hero nonsense? For some reason everybody who does their job now is a hero. Can we just stop with it? It’s getting a little bit out of hand. And, quite frankly, nothing can be farther from the truth. The true heroes are these people who sign up for the military, sign up for overseas duty, go over there to the hottest spot in the world and defend our country. That’s our true heroes. The ones here calling themselves heroes are nothing but prima donnas posing for a photo op. It needs to stop. It just needs to stop. Unless you risk your life to save someone, you’re not a hero.
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It’s Sunday. The news keeps harping on the wins in Virginia and the wins in New Jersey for the Democrats. De Blasio got back in as mayor of New York. Oh, they’re really going strong. When it comes time for election in 2018, and people is reminded that for eight years while Barack Hussein Obama was president of the United States, this country run up $9 trillion worth of debt. If they’ll put another one in, and run up a few trillion, we’ll cut your Social Security to make the payment. People do not realize that. The money’s got to come from somewhere. A lot of them is just going to vote because they’re Democrats, and their granddaddy was a Democrat, and their granddaddy before him was a Democrat. That is all over with. This is a brand-new party. They believe in, like Bernie Sanders is one of them that’s leading the Socialist Party: The government will keep you up. You don’t have to work. Just go to the post office and pick up that check. Yeah, you’re right.
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The news, except for Fox News, and most of the newspapers in about 90 percent of the United States, I think, is actually mentally sick. Bill Clinton, George Bush and especially Barack Hussein Obama did nothing really to try to save this country from having a nuclear weapon exploded over here. Trump is trying his best to save us. And the people do not have enough common sense to understand that. It beats anything I have ever seen in my life with people acting crazy. Despite anything that he’s done, they say he shouldn’t have done it that way. It don’t make any difference. The Greensboro news runs cartoons all the time showing him to be an idiot. They don’t realize, my understanding, those nuclear bombs is 60 times more powerful than the one they dropped on Hiroshima.
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Don’t you think cops have a lot of chutzpah ordering us to “click it or ticket” in a Thanksgiving crackdown on seatbelt usage? A Highway Patrol high speed chase in Eden just today resulted in one man’s violent death, and a couple of weeks ago five people were killed on Battleground Avenue as a sheriff’s cruiser reached 128 mph. Yes, 128 mph on Battleground Avenue. In a free country why should I put on my seat belt? Is there a cop car doing 128 miles per hour near me?
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I was calling in about Roy Moore, the Senate representative down in Alabama. I find it rather interesting that none of these major networks are bringing up the fact that this woman accused him of this act happened to be working for the Hillary Clinton campaign. I find that rather interesting. Not only that, this entire issue goes back 40 years. I’ll tell you what I’d like to do. I’d like to call on every woman that’s had any dealings with any of our fine senators and congressmen that are sitting out there throwing stones, as the Lord says, let them be the first one to throw it. I’d like to have these men and women that’s had these elitist men there, congressmen and senators, that are up there casting these stones at this man to tell them they don’t want him in there.
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I’m calling in about Sheriff Johnson over in Alamance County. I find it rather interesting that Channel 2 News wants to ride him about trying to get back into the 287(g) program. I remember when he was stopping these illegal aliens that were having taillights out and various problems that he stopped them by, and found out that most of them didn’t have a driver’s license. I called Channel 2 News and talked to a woman about that issue and she said, well, you can’t stop people because they’re brown. Well, what happens when I’m stopped and I don’t have a driver’s license? They give me a ticket. But, yet, it’s OK for an illegal alien to do that.
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Hello, Beep. I don’t know what’s wrong with some people. But we’ve had a long time to think about it. And ways to deal with it. What seems to be the hold up?
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About 30 years ago, North Carolina State’s basketball team committed some minor NCAA violations. The North Carolina Board of Governors and Board of Trustees basically destroyed Wolf Pack basketball for years. Where are they now after UNC committed the worst academic fraud in the history of college sports? Oh, it’s the Tar Heels. They’re above the law but a disgrace to our university system. Thank you.
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I hear the US Army is accepting recruits with mental health issues to boost enrollment. I’m surprised, but I’m not shocked. Southern Guilford and Otis here. A whole lot of crazy going on.
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Yeah, I’m just curious as to all these Trump supporters, are they going to blame all these white American men shootings on Obama and Hillary Clinton too instead of the fool in the White House that got rid of the bill making it harder for mentally ill people to get guns? Are they going to still blame Obama and Hillary Clinton for that, too?
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Editors Note: In 2009 Obama and the Democrats could have passed any gun control measure they wanted and you’re blaming Trump.
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President Trump’s direct intervention on behalf of the UCLA basketball players getting out of China after they were charged with shoplifting, freshman LiAngelo Ball, Jalen Hill, and Cody Riley. Gentlemen, you just missed your chance to study Chinese for free for three years. And to what do you attribute your being sprung from jeopardy in China for shoplifting? What do you attribute your release? Was it presidential privilege? Was it white privilege? Was it black privilege? Politics folks. Politics. You were sprung because the president intervened on your behalf. By rights, you ought to be in jail. And guess what? From now and forever more, on your job applications, you’ll be noted. Good job, men. Good job. Way to represent the USA in China. Good job.
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The Guilford County commissioners’ refusal to respond yes or no to High Point’s request for backing for the stadium is unacceptable. The commissioners need to realize that High Point is part of Guilford County. Their procrastination is irresponsible.
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Hello, John Hammer, Rhino nation, Rhino Times. I’m an Independent conservative. And I’m watching another nightly news show thing. Not the news, but it’s somebody else claiming sexual harassment against some big name male actor or Hollywood person. My problem with all of this is, where the heck were they at when it all happened? Why did they come out now that a major name in Hollywood has been, you know, brought across the spectrum of, hey, we want to know? Why do they come out now? There is no forensic evidence. I’m not saying it didn’t happen. I’m just saying, where was the outrage back when it did happen?
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Just watching the news concerning the three UCLA basketball players who got arrested and are now back in the US. The media making a big deal about them apologizing to Donald Trump. If you notice, they’re reading from flashcards. You know those three fools are not smart enough to write their own apologies. Somebody had to write that for them. But the media is making a big deal about how they are apologizing to Donald Trump. They had to be told what to say. They had to have somebody to write it down for them. You know their mama and daddy had to do that for them. They should have been kept there in China and been kept in prison to show them a lesson that shoplifting is not what they should be doing. But no, they had to go over there and spoon feed them and handhold them and pat them on the head and tell them it was OK. But now their lives are over with. They can’t play basketball for UCLA.
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Another interesting week. Your Trump continues to criticize others to make himself look good. You do the same thing trying to make your points in Under the Hammer. You even singled out a veteran, McCain, this week – a cancer victim. I guess you dodged the draft with a bone spur in your foot. You and Trump would both benefit by taking a course at the Center for Creative Leadership. And I’ll tell you what, I just don’t understand your newspaper.
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Hello. I’m calling about the Roy Moore case and the Al Franken case. I don’t think that it’s right that Al Franken can keep his Senate seat, and there’s pictures of him groping this woman asleep. I think that he needs to step down. I think that is the only right thing to do. And, also, the American taxpayers’ money is going to fund these men groping women. I think that’s wrong. I think something needs to be done about that. That needs to stop immediately. I think that the American people should be outraged over that. We should not be paying for these senators to grope women and then we, the American people, are footing the harassment bill. I don’t think that’s fair. I think that if you – that the media, if you’re going to go after Roy Moore the way you have and crucified him the way you have without concrete proof like we got on Al Franken …
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Yeah, we were wondering when the Republican headquarters in Greensboro is going to change its name to the Greensboro Republican Headquarters. Because, you know, we’re going to open one up in High Point for next year’s Senate race. And by them calling themselves the Guilford Republican Headquarters, it’s kind of confusing, because the people in High Point know good and well that’s not our campaign or our headquarters. Our headquarters will probably be down on 311 Main St. We noticed they spent the money to get a banner in front that says Guilford County Republican Headquarters. And that’s going to be confusing next year when we have two offices open, one for the – because we’ve got a Senate and Congress race coming up next year. We’ve got some serious races. But, anyway, we were just wondering if they are actually aware of that and if they have any plans to change their name to Greensboro Republican Headquarters like Winston-Salem has.
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What’s up with HD antenna television? First, Channel 12 disappears. And, now, with the basketball season almost here, Channel 2 is suddenly gone. It looks like Spectrum is starting a monopoly. Maybe Tom and Sonya should investigate it. Thank you.