For all of you foolish Trump supporters, I mean the law enforcement wires people up to get what other people say, what they really say, really feel, the way they really are on tape for law enforcement. Now, Trump on tape, same thing. He didn’t know he was being taped. He was just talking about what you say and do and what you think is privacy is the way you really are. And it’s just law enforcement wiring up mobsters to talk to other mobsters. Same thing. Trump didn’t know he was being recorded. So, what he says and does in the privacy, when he thinks nobody is listening, is the way he really is. He was a 54-year-old man to begin with, sounding like a teenager.

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The Democratic Party is now the party of morality? Give me a break. John Kennedy, Ted Kennedy, Bill Clinton, John Edwards cheating on his cancer-stricken wife, and the Democrats supported all of these people. As a matter of fact, the women that came forward against Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton tried to ruin their lives. And wasn’t Bill Clinton accused of pinching a 17-year-old on the behind when her high school class took a tour of the governor’s mansion while he was governor of Arkansas? So, let me get this right. Now the Democratic Party is the party of morality. Give me a break. And while we’re on the subject of Bill Clinton, why isn’t he a registered sex offender? I don’t understand that. Why is there not a sign in the front yard of his home saying a sex offender lives here?

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Hello, Sound of the Beep. We would really love to know who it was who signed off, or gave permission, or said yes to closing Old Battleground Avenue. We’re speaking of a situation here on Old Battleground where, since they have started the construction on the new highway, they have ended Old Battleground at Cotswold – what formerly was Cotswold Avenue, where they connected Lake Brandt and the rest of Cotswold Avenue. They’ve built a bridge to connect Lake Brandt to Cotswold Avenue. Why did they not build a bridge over the top, along with a pedestrian bridge they say they’re going to build to go over the top of the interstate that’s running underground? And why did nobody ever really let us know that they were going to close Old Battleground Avenue?

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They said they sure were going to build a pedestrian bridge, and we assumed that pedestrian bridge would be going alongside Old Battleground Avenue. So, what’s the deal? Who said they could close Old Battleground is the question. We would sure like to know.

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If you happen to hear that a poll now shows that most Britons would prefer to remain in the EU, take it with a pinch of salt. The poll was commissioned by the London Evening Standard, and the crucial words in their article are the last three: “Data are modified.” Why would they want to do that? One of the biggest cheerleaders for the Remain campaign in 2016 was the man who held the second most important post in the British government, the chancellor of the exchequer, George Osborne. He had to step down after the successful Brexit vote, along with his boss, Prime Minister David Cameron. In fact, he was summarily dismissed by Theresa May. And where do you think he found new employment?   As a newspaper editor – of the London Evening Standard. Just sign me off as An Independent Thinker.

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Anybody that the fifth grade was their senior year will see where they brought all these women in that’s talking about President Trump is backed by the Democrat Party and paid for by the Democrat Party. Unless Trump goes to having sex in the White House, he won’t be up to Bill Clinton. John Kennedy was a smart man, and I remember the Cuban Missile Crisis. And he stood up to Russia, and we’re here today. At the same time, they was a lot of talk about John Kennedy, and Bobby Kennedy, and his brother. But I don’t know what the answer to this stuff is. But if they think they’re going to get him out that way, they’re going to have to come up with something else. Teddy Kennedy, everybody knows, run the car off in the water, left the girl in the car. She died. He turned his self in the next evening about 5 o’clock. The Democrat Party is going to have to come up with something else.

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Abortion is legal in this country because the Supreme Court ruled that no one could tell a woman what she can or can’t do with her own body. How about the woman who aches and yearns for a baby? But her husband is not man enough to live without her income? So he tells her she can’t have a baby. And she goes without having a child. Isn’t he telling her what she can or can’t do with her own body? She needs to understand that if she wants to have a baby, he can’t stop her. How can he stop her? Thank you very much.

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These toys that they’re taking up for these children, that’s a real good thing. But looks like to me if they take some money for the school lunches that those people cannot afford to buy their lunch would be a thing, too. It ought to have priority. A cheese sandwich just don’t cut it.

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Hello. I’m calling in regards to the women that are coming out against Trump that are saying that he sexually abused them. You know, we done heard this song and dance during his campaign. And, now, Sen. Gillibrand is coming out and asking him to resign. Well, where was she at when Bill Clinton was up there? You know, she was right beside of him in his campaign, taking money from him, and right there at Hillary’s campaign, doing her things with her. And now, all of a sudden all these women are coming out and saying they want Trump to resign. Well, no, Trump does not need to resign, because the American people heard all that during his campaign, and the American people spoke, because they didn’t believe half of these women. You know, I’m a woman. And women can do a lot of stuff to damage their self. And all this stuff that these women are coming out and doing is going to backfire on women.

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Want to remind all of you folks that we need to be populating the moon as a practice run. And if we can’t get that, then we can’t get anything else. Until all the ISIS jerks who want to pull us back into the Middle Ages that they haven’t quite crept out of, because they are 600 years behind the West, penny-ante politics? Global catastrophes, energy resources, folks, hey, by the way NASA did it 50 years ago. Let’s get back on the moon. Let’s practice what we need to practice, because North Korea, Iran, the conundrum of ISIS, ha, let’s get with the program, please, and think three steps ahead.

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Hello. I’m an American citizen born and raised. And I’m a taxpayer. And I’m sitting here watching this oversight with Rosenstein. And I’m just very sick to my stomach watching this situation. This man is dodging all these questions. And I think the American people should be very upset about this whole FBI situation with Mueller, Rosenstein, and all these corrupt FBI agents that are trying to destroy the Trump administration. I think what’s going on is very disgusting. And the American people really ought to be totally upset about it. I think it’s time that Mueller came to his conclusion and he got out of there so Donald Trump can do his presidency. And I think it’s time that the Democrats need to stop resisting and start helping this president.

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Yes, I’d like to go back to the election of Gillibrand in New York when she ran against a fellow by the name of Sweeney, who was accused of domestic violence against his wife. His wife later said that there was no such thing he did. But, anyway, he lost the election to Gillibrand. Coincidence that women were used in that election? Same thing has been done in the Kelly Ayotte, the October surprise in New Hampshire, where she lost by 1,000 votes. The October surprise about sexual allegations against Trump forced her to abandoned Trump as a candidate. That proved to be a problem for her in getting elected in New Hampshire. Also, the situation in Missouri with Claire McCaskill, where abortion became an issue by the comment made by the candidate running against Claire McCaskill.

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This is in light of the Department of Justice revelations that they are thick as thieves in their opposition against the president. But just go back a bit, folks. Candidate Trump, President-elect Trump, President Trump, won, and it’s a measure of the contempt the American people have for the government. Because not only was the FBI intelligence agencies, Department of Justice, the DNC bought and paid for by Hillary Clinton, and all the media, all of that was in opposition to Donald Trump. And, yet, he still won. And they’re still in opposition to Trump. And these revelations about Mueller’s investigative team, it’s appalling. It is appalling. Go, President Trump. Go, go, go. Make it seven years and let’s eviscerate the entrenched deep state. Please. It’s pathetic. Unbelievable these people. All under the guise of righteousness and legality, they are so poisoned, it’s amazing. Where is impartiality? Amazing. Go, Trump.

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Yes, I just want to point out the double standard. Here’s an example of it. If, for example, there had been an investigation of the Benghazi incident in Libya where the four diplomatic people lost their life, the media would have absolutely gone crazy. It would have been like a nuclear bomb going off if nine of the committee members that were appointed by a special counsel had ties to Republicans, had made donations to Republicans. Furthermore, there would have been an absolute frenzy on the part of the left if one of those people had made comments about Barack Obama the way that Peter Strzok made comments about Donald Trump. The media is just absolutely totally politically corrupt.

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Don’t you wonder why these Trump traitors are singing like little girls and pleading guilty to fake news? Still think it’s fake? They’re pleading guilty to it. Use your head.

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Well, the last two times I’ve called in, you didn’t want to hear what I want to say, because you didn’t print it, because I said something about Nancy Vaughan and the councilmembers. But, I guess, since y’all backed them, y’all won’t print anything anybody says about them. But, on the other hand, I like what they’ve done to Mr. Yourse. Got him a little time for beating up that girl. I wonder if Nelson Johnson and Ms. Hightower is going to do something about that now, because they said he was a good boy. He is. He beats on little, bitty girls. I’m glad he got some time. I hate that y’all gave him all that money that he didn’t deserve. Again, by the police officers, I like what Nancy Vaughan done about the police officers. They’re doing a good job. I just wish they would patrol the school zones. At least in the mornings. You don’t have to call anybody for that. Just come out there and write these people tickets that’s flying through school zones so they will protect the kids. I wish they would do it.

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Editor’s Note: We run as many beeps as we have room for in the print edition. Those beeps that don’t run in the print edition are available online at

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Well, thank you, Mayor Vaughan and the councilmembers for giving that loose cannon Yourse $95,000. I just saw where he is now being sentenced to eight-and-a-half years in prison for assaulting a pizza girl working in a pizza place for his cold pizza. And you, people, gave this loose cannon $95,000. How crazy can you guys be? How more crazy can y’all be? And I can’t believe that you got reelected. Hightower, all you guys, Vaughan, I can’t believe y’all got reelected. And my boy, Tony Wilkins, didn’t get reelected. That’s unbelievable. Well, I see where all this country is going to. It’s going to the left-wing nuts, radical nuts. So, enjoy. Everybody needs to buckle up and hop on, because there’s going to be a crazy ride.

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Since women are so offended of what the men say in the workplace, and they find men so repulsive and repugnant, and everything a man says is sexual harassment for some reason, maybe companies need to stop hiring women. Since lawsuits are such a liability when a woman works there because men, for some reason, can’t control themselves, maybe businesses shouldn’t hire women. That’s one way to stop it. Let’s face it, they’re only hired because of affirmative action anyway, not because of ability, because the government says you have to. Thank you.

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I was asked that you ask Mayor Vaughan and other members of the council that strongly supported awarding the cash award to the Mr. Yourse now that he has been convicted of a crime of assaulting a young girl. Does their belief that he was innocent and was a victim of persecution still hold true because of his race? He came to the trial, the original trial with a clean record. I understand only 56 arrests in the past. And I’d like for them to comment. Or have them to comment. I’ve tried to reach them, and no one will comment on what has happened.

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Opiate seems to be the new thing in the sights of the liberals. Opiates taken properly by people suffering pain are godsends. Everybody wants to blame the drug companies, doctors, pharmacists and all the people that are helping to relieve the pain of the suffering. Instead of blaming the drug, why not go ahead and blame the misuser of the drug? Like firearms, opiates are a necessary evil. Why blame a drug or a piece of steel for society’s failure? It is easier to blame an inanimate object rather than place the blame on the user. Alcohol kills far more people than guns or opiates.

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This is for all of you who still blame Obama and Hillary for our problems. It’s time to hush up. Republicans have had control of Congress, the White House and the Supreme Court for over a year now. Anything that’s negatively impacting your life, anything that you want done that’s not been done, anything you didn’t want done to you, now or moving forward, is on Trump and the Republican Congress. It’s on them. If you’re not happy, they are the ones you should be complaining to, and we’ve all got plenty to complain about.

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Hello, Beep. I hope the state trooper reads the Beep that stopped my granddaughter the other day on highway 220. She was on her way back from school. She’s only 16 years old. She was speeding. And I can understand him giving her a ticket for speeding. But she was severely upset, crying. I mean, she was tore out of the frame. And he drove off and left her sitting there crying. And I understand he wants to make the highway safe, but how safe is it to let somebody go on driving that’s upset just, you know, out of – I don’t know what you would call it. But I think he did wrong by letting her drive off like that. He could have stayed there for a few minutes to let her get calmed down. But, no, he just wrote her a ticket and went on his merry way. Now, to me, letting somebody drive off like that, that’s not keeping the highways safe or the people on it. So, good day.

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Hello, Rhino Times and Rhino nation. This is the Independent Conservative calling. I’m watching the evening news talking about these men in powerful positions taking sexual advantage of females. I’m just curious, has anyone ever wondered how many times the situation might be the other way. In other words, powerful wealthy females using their position and their money to take advantage of some low-income, let’s call him a hunk, taking advantage of him. Kind of food for thought, I would think. Anyway, y’all have a great week, and thank you, Mr. Hammer, for the Rhino Times and thank all y’all for being here. And, once again, may everybody have a merry, merry Christmas season. I don’t know what this happy holidays is all about.

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I almost spit my collards out reading Uncle Orson’s column last week. He really thinks we’re not bringing in enough immigrants as he laments chain migration being looked at more steadfastly? We’ve got more immigrants coming in than any country in the world by far. And Uncle Orson is crying the blues that we’ve lost our way in the good old USA. Look, the states of Virginia and Florida are being changed as we speak by bringing in so many immigrants from other countries, especially the Muslim immigrants who don’t share our values. So, excuse me, if I’m not crying a tear about chain migration being looked at.

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Why do we have taxi laws if not everyone who provides taxi service has to abide by them? If some people are exempt from the taxi laws, and other people providing the same service have to abide by those laws, that’s discrimination. Thank you.