Good morning, Beep. I hear where there’s some school administrator wanting to fit everybody with a box of rocks. What kind of leadership is that? They’re taking us back to the Stone Age. Don’t they know that people have already invented gunpowder?
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The publicly funded left-wing media outlet known as NPR, national progressive radio, is hilarious to listen to, if you pay close attention. On Saturday’s 8 a.m. Morning Edition, Scott Simon declared that a Russian spy and his daughter had been poisoned in London, and another story described a liberal African-American Philadelphia public prosecutor as “progressive.” Two hours later in the same show, Simon quietly corrected his error and asserted that the Russian spy was poisoned in Salisbury, and the liberal prosecutor who wanted lighter sentences for criminals was now “reform minded” rather than progressive. Well, we wouldn’t want people thinking that liberals are soft on crime, would we?
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And Sunday must have been managed by the B-team at NPR, because immediately after a softball interview with a Black Lives Matter woman bemoaning Trump’s racist and evil America, they aired a piece about how immigrant Liberians are screaming and whining at being deported to their blissful native Africa. NPR would normally see the irony and reconfigure the show, but I guess someone was hung over on Sunday morning. NPR is always good for a laugh. Just sign me off as An Independent Thinker.
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Let me get this right. That Gonzales down in Florida has stated that she’s Cuban, she’s 18 and she’s bisexual. And she is mad at our president because one of her friends took a gun and killed 17 more of her other friends. That’s what she’s mad at? Shouldn’t she be mad at the person who shot the people and killed them? But she would rather take the death of her friends and use this horrific tragedy to spread her hate for our president. I think it’s sad what she’s doing, and I can’t believe anybody would even listen to her. Thank you.
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FYI: Rev. Billy Graham was called by God to win souls. In order for him to answer this calling, God rewarded him not only with long life, but continuing his work financially as well. Without his finances, he could never have traveled around the world reaching millions of people with the good news. So, instead of trying to find fault in a good man, read the Bible. You’ll find many instances where God rewarded his messengers with great wealth. Honestly, in this day I just thank God for dedicated people like the Rev. Billy Graham. Thank you.
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Yeah, John. You’re absolutely right on the color of the wake robin trilliums being burgundy. I don’t know where I got the purple unless I was looking at my hyacinths for too long and kind of planted it in my brain. But with the chemo brain like I’ve got, sometimes I forget things. But, yes, you’re absolutely right. It’s burgundy, and it is beautiful. Anyway, thanks for correcting me, and I appreciate it. And like I said before, keep up the good work. We need you in this town. We don’t have anything else to really dig things up. Lot of luck, and happy Easter to you and your family and everyone at the Rhino. Bye.
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Editor’s Note: Our yellow trilliums are up now.
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The best way to build a wall is we can use the labor force that we have in prison right now. All the immigrants that have been arrested can be shackled together and made to build the wall. Then we could deport them after they’re done. We don’t have to pay them anything. We’re already giving them room and board in prisons. How does that sound? I think that’s a great idea. What do you think? I love your newspaper. It’s great. Always tells the truth. Thank you.
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Yes, this is Aunt Ethel. Liberal media. Can’t stand it. I do not condone adultery. OK? They’re at it again with Trump. They can’t get him on this. They can’t get him on that. But you know what? If he did or he didn’t, he didn’t do it while he was in office like Bill Clinton and JFK. Adultery at any level. It don’t matter whether you’re in office, you’re dating somebody, you’re not married to them, you’re having sex, you’re committing adultery. So, they need to get it right and shut up and put a lid on it. Thank you.
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I look forward to y’all printing the phone numbers and the office addresses for all of our congressional and state representatives so that we may communicate with them. Appreciate your help. Thank you.
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Well, you know? It’s almost time to open Wet ’n Wild water park. We’re over here today on Monday doing inspections and checking water lines and all that. It’s kind of funny, because we’re seeing snow everywhere on certain parts of the ground. And it’s kind of funny, because we’re getting ready to get the water park ready to roll, and it’s snow out here. But, anyway, I’ll tell you what, the weather sure is messed up, isn’t it? I guess that’s the US government. Those conspiracy nuts are probably going crazy right now about climate control and all that other stuff. Oh, it’s the ozone. It’s this. It’s that. I tell you what, we had heat all the way through last year. It was like 80 degrees last year when it should have only been 40 degrees. I guess now we’re getting a payback. I guess now it’s going to be cold all till summertime.
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You published two letters from an individual who said every, underline every, police office is an incompetent bully with low intelligence. I wrote one letter giving an opposing opinion. You did not publish my letter, which leads me to believe you must agree with those two letters.
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Editor’s Note: Your letter ran in the March 29 Rhino Times.
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Hey, Beep. I’m calling because I am so tired of seeing these newscasters on 8, 12, whatever, the girls all wearing these little skimpy outfits with their little arms showing. And, then the men in suits and ties. Put some respect back on these dang women that are sitting up in – they’re sitting on the TV and everybody is demanding equal rights and sexual harassment and stop looking at me like I’m the object, but they’re wearing these low-cut things, their arms all laying out. And the men are in those suits and ties. Y’all people are weird.
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Hi. I’m sitting here watching the news. And all these children that are out there marching for life are calling Sen. Marco Rubio a child killer. And I’d like to say this. What about Rahm Emanuel that’s the mayor of Chicago? What do you call him? If he’s not a child killer, I don’t know what is, and he’s the Democrat. Just because Sen. Marco Rubio is a Republican, he’s a child killer. Well, Rahm Emanuel is a Democrat, so what is he? All them shootings going on up there in Chicago, why ain’t he ever been called out? You know, it’s funny how these Democrats pick and choose what they’re going to do, and you got Soros supporting all these kids and Oprah Winfrey and all these Hollywood star supporting all these kids to come out on the street and march for life and stand there on that platform and talk about gun control.
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Yes, let’s have a moment of silence for everything that Obama did in the last eight years to punitively take on Russia. A moment of silence passes. Yes, and he lost Crimea. And about 10,000 Ukrainians were killed. What has Trump done? Trump actually has given arms to Ukraine. Trump has actually passed the Western Oil thing, basically allowing oil to flow from Canada down to the United States, meaning that Russia is now worried that they’re going to be – prices of oil are going to go down. And that’s the basis of their economy. And he just recently put tariffs on Russia. He also just recently sent 60 of their diplomats out and closed the embassy in Seattle.
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CNN is doing its upmost best to promote the Stormy Davis porn story. Yet, they totally have ignored the trade agreements that are being worked upon in the back room. Is there a curser on NAFTA? Trump himself now puts the North Korean so that they will negotiate. And we’re now hearing that China is willing to negotiate on trade. Yet CNN just continues its relentless blasting of Trump on everything from Melania’s sneakers to how much ice cream he eats.
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Hey, I’m not going into much details about what county or what school, but my daughter was telling me that she was in her guidance counselor’s office, you know, the people are kind of like a therapist in their junior high. And she was saying her guidance counselor had a book that it was basically about a girl, a young girl that has emotions for another young girl, and kind of wants to date the other girl or something like that. And, apparently, when a female goes in there that has these mixed emotions, apparently, this book is kind of used to kind of explain that it is normal for a girl to have emotions for another girl. And I’m sitting there thinking, all these books they’re banning from high school, and they have enough nerve to put some garbage like that in a library at the school. But, still, yet you can’t have Gone with the Wind and all this other stuff. What the heck is going on with the county school systems around here?
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Poor people are people, too. They are also people with dreams and aspirations and the want and the desire to enjoy the nicer, finer things in life just like everyone else. Poor people deserve the right to live in the nice neighborhoods, to go to the nice schools, to take a nice vacation, just like rich people. It’s not their fault that they are poor. We need to look at these people with compassion and help them, not look down on them. Think about it. It’s just basic math. Before you can have rich people, you have to have poor people.
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Isn’t it amazing all the brainwashing that’s going on and all the whining? That’s from everybody. Everybody is trying to brainwash one another, or a certain party, or this or that. And all of this is sick. Good day.
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Hello. I’m calling about the discussion that’s going on about our gun rights that the Democrats are trying to take away Americans’ gun rights. Well, I say this. You start taking away people gun rights, and the American people need to stand up and fight back. It’s time for the American people to stand up and fight against these Democrats that are trying to take away our rights. We have the right to fight and bear arms. And the NRA has nothing to do with our rights. We have a right to fight and protect ourselves. You know, all you Democrats up there who have all these protective Secret Service people and all these security guards keeping you safe, you know, I think it’s a shame you want to take away Americans’ rights to bear arms. I think that’s so dirty. So, so dirty.
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Everyone is excited about North Korea and China secretly meeting and thinks it’s a step in the right direction. I feel that North Korea, South Korea and China will ban together and challenge our nation, its security and democracy. And I wonder, will we have any allies left? North Korea will not give up their nuclear program. North Korea will not give up their nuclear program.
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If Xavier Becerra comments should be taken literally, then the Democratic Party has exceeded every sensibility and every avenue. They’re absolutely bankrupt, because they’re only surfacing on illegal immigrations constituency, and noncitizens. Truly they are. And if those comments are to be taken literally on Becerra, then that’s total indictment. And you see constituencies and counties in California revolting against the fascism of the attorney general and the state legislature.
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I see where Al Sharpton was at the funeral of the black man that got shot in California. It is a bad thing. But he’s trying to make a federal case out of it. He never mentions about cops getting killed. A lot of cops has been killed in this country this year. He makes out like it’s all blacks that get killed. They kill black men in Chicago every single day. Nobody don’t care one thing about that. But if you want something stirred up, you get Al Sharpton. Supposed to be a preacher.
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After reading John’s article on our foolish mayor wanting to make us a sanctuary city with all these drug addicts waiting for the outsiders to come and settle, which most of them are, maybe it would be a good idea if all the Rhino readers would have a rally at one time and get together and go down and sit in city hall or go to her office and protest what her foolishness is. You could call it the three Rs: Rhino readers rally. Think about that. Thank you. Love your paper, especially the crosswords.
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This call is in regard to the person that called in about reinforcing covenants. I believe he quoted the area trying to reinforce their covenants. I’d like to address that for you, please. If you think that the only thing they’re going to do is reinforce covenants, you’re sadly mistaken. If you recall, you’ve got a piece of paper wanting you to sign your property rights over to this neighborhood alliance. And that would be forever. That means your heirs and anyone else that has property behind you will have to deal with that and be in a homeowners’ association, which they would probably choose not to be in if you haven’t done that. Of course, that’s your privilege. But as far as the covenants, I had a conversation with one of those people. Covenants are minimal.
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As I said, I have spoken to dozens and dozens of people that have moved out here. Every one of them telling me the reason they moved here is because we had no homeowners’ association. We had no control of our properties by a homeowners’ association. They don’t want it, old and young. The young people are really scared of it, because it ties their property up for the rest of their days. They know one thing for sure, every year they’ll see an increase in their dues. Not only that, they’ll see an increase in the rules and regulations.
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Our legislator, John Hardister, still doesn’t get it. He was in the News & Record defending his ill-conceived bill that raised – that actually lowered the criminal age limit to 16 to 17 to be tried as a juvenile. One has only to look at the news or read the paper and see that many heinous crimes are being committed by 16- and 17-year-olds. I believe most of the sheriffs go along with this bill because it will eliminate some of the jail population, because they would be sent to juvenile detention center. This is one bill that needs to be repealed and looked at again.
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Just calling to put in a word regarding the March 29 Beep in which the caller said that if the forefathers were alive today they would have outlawed the Second Amendment. Basically, because back then it took so long to load the gun. I would suggest that back then there were only a few government bureaucrats and lawyers running around trying to restrict our freedoms or tax us into oblivion. Alive today? Those same framers would probably make ownership of assault rifles mandatory for all private citizens.
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To the good people in Forest Oaks who are trying to keep the homeowners’ association out, I hope you succeed. I personally am behind you 100 percent. If someone doesn’t want to drive a newer model car, if someone doesn’t want to mow their yard like everybody else does, if someone doesn’t want to paint their house a certain color, if someone doesn’t want to trim their bushes, it’s their own business. It’s their property. It’s nobody’s business but the people who own that property. It’s the homeowner’s decision and his discretion how he wants to keep his property looking. It’s nobody’s business but his or hers. To the busybodies who want to worry about everybody’s property but their own, shut your mouth above everybody else.
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I just see in the news where there was a Greensboro police shooting and the officer elected to turn his body camera off. If these officers can turn the cameras off without any consequences, it just seems like it’s a waste of the taxpayers’ money. They need to go ahead and sell them or send them back and get their money back. ‘Cause if they’re not recording, we don’t know if the officer acted correctly or not. And this crud about not allowing the public to see the results of body camera for court use or otherwise, I just don’t understand that. I think this really, really needs to be addressed. I would like to see the Rhino Times do a follow up of some sort.
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People have said you have a row of manicured yards, and then you have someone who doesn’t want to comply, and they don’t want to keep their yard up as well as the other people. Well, to the person who doesn’t want to keep his yard up and fall in line and be in compliance with everybody else, what I say to him or her is, good for you. It’s your business. It’s your property. You do what you want to do with it. If you don’t want to manicure your yard, don’t manicure it. If you want to mow it once every two weeks, do it. It’s up to you. It’s your property. To the good people in Forest Oaks who do not want the HOA, I support you 100 percent. We need to get rid of every HOA in North Carolina, every deed restriction in North Carolina needs to be abolished, because they are unconstitutional.
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On Fox News they’re playing the clip about the woman in Georgia saying that Trump talking about making America great. She says it’s never been great for minorities, and I think about Barack Obama, black man, president of the US, Eric Holder, attorney general, Tiger Woods, all these basketball players and football players that’s making millions of dollars a year. Millions. I wonder – of course, Obama didn’t come from Africa.
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John, two notes on this week’s paper. Juanita Broaddrick was raped in April of ’78 when Bill Clinton was still attorney general, not governor. Second thing about bill that just passed, the spending bill. Look under the 1974 Impoundment Act that leaves the president to recession of specific funds as long as Congress appeals only 51 votes. So, he can cut out a lot of this spending right now. This is just two clowns in the Congress and the House to act on this. Check out the 1974 Impoundment Act. This can stop a lot of the spending on this bill.
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Israel and the Palestinians are going at it. Without a doubt, Iran is behind it. Now remember, Iran said that Israel should be wiped off the face of the earth because they believe in Jesus Christ like most people in this country do. That’s who our great leader, Barack Hussein Obama and John Kerry, gave $150 billion dollars in cash to. Now a Democrat reading this and still backing the Democrat Party and Hillary Clinton. Hillary, without a doubt, has got two or three screws loose, not just one – two or three. How they could back them and remain a member of the Democrat Party I do not know. No wonder that it’s a higher power that put Donald Trump in with people like that running the country and trying to run the country. Just think about that, Democrats, before you go to the poll next time.
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Well, I’m going to try to call again. This time you won’t print what I call in about because I always talk about the City Council and the mayor and the police chief. But, now, somebody else called in about all these people running red lights, no tags on the car, no insurance. Just breaking the law. Speeding, and he printed whoever called in last week. They won’t print mine. I give out several of these papers every week. But something’s got to be done about these people. I’ve asked the mayor or called in the Rhino, the mayor, the City Council, especially Ms. Hightower. And look at Bessemer Avenue and watch people run that red light at Lindsay, the most dangerous intersection in Greensboro.
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Hi. I would like to start an organization called AAI, Americans Against Illegals. That is, don’t approach the illegal you suspect. Get their license number, or call someone, for example. You’re in a mall, get security. I think if the United States, we could solve this problem by getting American citizens involved in getting rid of these illegals. Thank you.
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