If you get locked out of your car you want to make sure you are hiring a licensed professional. The
reason is simple, a professional locksmith will provide you with an exceptional service quality, great
customer service, not to mention the entire task will be fulfilled very quickly. But how can you pick the
best Locksmith Greensboro NC? Here are some tips and tricks to take into account.
Check their online reviews
A very good idea is to ensure that you create a shortlist and then check their online reviews. The reason
you want to do that is because online reviews offer a great insight into the company’s service quality,
customer support and other factors. Sure, some reviews will be rather biased, but there are plenty of
objective reviews that will give you a good idea about the company. We recommend that check more
than one review source, Google Reviews are a good option, but there are other websites such as Yelp
and Angie’s List.
Ask for referrals
If you’re looking for a great Locksmith Greensboro NC, a good idea is to ask for referrals. Doing that is
very important because you get insight about that locksmith from people you trust. Referrals are a great
source of income for locksmiths, especially if they are very reliable. A great place to ask for referrals is
on social media like Facebook or NextDoor.
It’s a good idea to ask how many years of experience does the locksmith have in this industry. Ideally,
you want to work with an experienced professional, especially if the task at hand is a complex one. Plus,
experienced professionals already tackled a lot of different challenges, and they usually work quicker. In
addition, they provide exceptional service quality as well.
See if the Locksmith Greensboro NC is licensed/certified
Certifications and licenses show that the Locksmith Greensboro NC in question is allowed to offer such a
service. A certified locksmith has the expertise, tools and knowledge needed to tackle even the most
difficult tasks. So yes, a certification/license gives you a peace of mind knowing you’re working with a
vetted professional. In North Carolina the North Carolina Locksmith Board is the state sanctioned entity
that tests and certifies all locksmiths. Unless a locksmith has a License from the NC Locksmith Board,
they are breaking the state law regarding locksmithing without a license. The NC Locksmith Board also
does a background check with fingerprints to confirm the identity of all locksmiths and if they have a
criminal history.
Ask for a quote
Asking for a quote before a job is started is a great idea when you choose the best Locksmith
Greensboro NC. The reason here is you want to see how much does the locksmith charge for their
services. No one likes surprises, You also want to understand what’s included in the quote, as some
locksmiths just have a service fee just to come to the location and perform the work. Any additional
work could be extra.
Does the locksmith have any insurance or not? The reason why you want to work with an insured
locksmith is that you want to be 100% protected in case something bad happens. When there are any
issues, their insurance company will cover all the damages. That means you don’t have to pay anything
out of your own pocket. Of course, issues like that are rare, but it’s still important to have a peace of
mind knowing you are fully protected.
Check the BBB ratings
The BBB ratings for locksmiths can also be a great way to find your Locksmith Greensboro NC. Ratings
will vary from F which is the lowest to A+ which is the highest. The BBB rating for a locksmith is a good
indicator of their overall service quality, expertise and professionalism. Of course, you want to shoot for
the highest possible rating, while staying within your budget.
Does the locksmith offer any warranty?
It’s important that the Locksmith Greensboro NC offers any warranty or guarantees for their work.
Receiving a guarantee that you will receive a replacement for your lock in case any issues arise is very
important. Some locksmiths will offer warranty for 3, 6 or 12 months. Either option is great, as long as
you receive a form of guarantee just in case there are any issues.
Their payment policy
Every locksmith in Greensboro NC has their own payment policy, some don’t accept cash, others want to
get paid only after they complete their work. Ideally, you want to stay away from companies that ask for
advanced payments. No professional locksmith will ask for advanced payments, they only get paid once
the work is complete.
Finding the best Locksmith Greensboro NC can be difficult, since there are so many different options.
However, if you are locked out of your vehicle in Greensboro NC, $40 Unlocks My Ride is a good option
to keep in mind. We have a flat price of $40 for all services; 500 five-star reviews on Google and we have
been licensed since 2014. If you, a friend or family member gets locked out their vehicle give us a call!