There is on question people are asking that has moved to the top of list above even, “Where can I go and what can I do when the stay-at-home order goes into effect Friday?”
That is: “How much money do I get and when do I get it?”
The stimulus bill finally passed the US Senate and is expected to easily gain approval in the House on Friday, March 27.
The federal government, which is not known for being speedy, says that it plans to have money distributed to most people in three weeks. When possible, the money will be wired directly to bank accounts, so most people won’t actually get a check in the mail.
The estimate is that 80 percent of Americans will receive a payment.
For people whose adjusted gross income in 2018 (or in 2019 for people who have already filed their 2019 tax returns) was $75,000 or under, the amount they receive will be $1,200. For couples who file income tax jointly, the limit is $150,000 and they will receive $2,400.
Plus, people will receive $500 for each child under 17. So if you have a 20-something living in your basement, you won’t get any extra money for them. But if they filed income tax in 2018 or 2019 and made less than $75,000, they should get the $1,200 payment. If they are living in your basement and made more than $75,000 in 2018, then you have whole different set of issues to deal with.
If you made more than $75,000 in 2018 but under $100,000 – for couples filing jointly the numbers are over $150,000 and under $200,000 – you will still receive a check, but not the full amount. The calculation for individuals is that for every $100 over $75,000 the payment is reduced by $5.
For example, if your adjusted gross income in 2018 was $80,000, you would receive a payment of $950. And if it was $90,000, you would receive $450.
But the good news for some families is that if your income is as high as $199,000, you wouldn’t qualify for any payment but you should still receive $450 for each child under 17.
If you are single and file as head of household, you should receive the full $1,200 if your income was $112,500 or less, and reduced payments if your income was less that $136,500.
For many of us the Stay at Home mandate is serious and having an extra bit of cash to pay off bills becoming overdue will be great. There are however a number of people who will simply buy stuff they don’t need and will overspend your the point of getting further in debt. The. There are those who disagree with the Fed Givt giving out money when our national debt is now in the stratosphere and beyond. Don’t need or really want that fiat money? Please donate it to a local community health clinic like Mustard Seed or Triad Medicine and Pediatrics. They are desperate for funding to assist people with no health insurance and now many with no jobs.
The only thing people should be doing is using that money to provide for their household. In addition, some may need to use it wisely for finding somewhere to live. It is not much so try and budget wisely. May the force of God be upon All who believe and call upon our Heavenly Father Jesus Christ.
Hey my sister is 21 and her father filed her on his taxes..will he recieve her money or will she receive her own money?
My understanding is that children who are listed as dependents do not receive checks, but the parents should receive an additional $500 for each dependent child, if they provide over 50 percent of their support.
What if IRS does not have our bank information on file, then how will those people get the stimulus check
2nd question: People who are on unemployment as of later part of January set to exhaust available funds, do they automatically qualify for the extension of benefits or must they do something to receive extension? Have tried calling unemployment to no avail says not able to take our calls and online site has been down too, any info would be appreciated
Do social security benefits have to be filled with the IRS?
I think that it’s stupid to have people stay in the house , if you get saved and live for God you have nothing to worry about
As usual the impoverished, who need this the most, are left in the dirt to keep living in squalor. America, so lovely to its citizens.
Will SSI recipients that’s disabled be receiving any money
What about the people who hbk ave not has the file to file taxes for 2019 yet. Will they still receive help?
Have not yet filed 2019 taxes
Join the club. If you haven’t filed your 2019 taxes and many people haven’t, the payment is based on your 2018 return.
What if i hadnt filed taxes in over 5 years and barely started working last december??…do i still get a check??
I’m not an expert on this, but according to the reports if you filed taxes or if you receive a check from the federal government every month you receive the $1,200 payment. If you haven’t filed taxes and don’t receive any government financial assistance I don’t think you automatically get a check because you’re not in the system, but there may be a way to apply for one.
So if you receive SSI and you don’t file taxes are you still going to receive this check? And if so how and when should we expect the money to come in?
What if im on disability and have not filed any taxes?
I receive social security each month. And I don’t make enough to file taxes. Am I eligible for the “Stimulus” check? And if not is there anything else we can file for to help us get thru this crisis.
You should get a payment of $1,200 in addition to your regular social security payments.
How about those who have not filed income tax in last few years, only earning 100 dollars per month in cash? Those persons will not get a stimulus check, correct?
What will those on SSI receive?
You should receive $1,200.
If you’re not employed and haven’t filed taxes in the years 18-19 due to personal reasons will you be able to receive the stimulus package
Hello Mr. Hammer, What if I have 2 teenagers who are 17 and 19 and I claimed them both as dependants last year because my 19 year old is in college but they both have part time jobs and did their taxes. Would they each get stimulus checks?
How come it really doesn’t talk about people on disability? I am 64 with several health issues along with COPD .
How come we don’t hear if anything we are getting.
Our age our health and our respiratory is being affected more then the rest of the world.
For 2 weeks straight I went out every day to look for hand sanitizer look for ingredients to make my own after 2 weeks I had to stop because it was affecting me.
Then you call the hospital to get tested and they tell you on the phone you can come here but if you don’t meet the criteria you won’t be tested.
Can you please explain what we will be getting.
Thank you.
According to the latest reports if you receive a check from the federal government for disability or social security even if you don’t file taxes you will receive a payment of $1,200.
Hi, l was laid off in 2019 and received a lump sum severance, which made our married income together close to $200k. I filed our taxes early just to get it done before all of this. Is there anyway they would go by the 2018 return since it is significant lower in income?