The government response to the COVID-19 crisis has been somewhat confusing.
In Guilford County, people were encouraged to leave home for outdoor exercise, unless that exercise involved walking and praying near the abortion clinic on Randleman Road. Walking there for people who were associated with Love Life, a pro-life organization, was deemed illegal and people were arrested.
Early in the COVID-19 response, the general public was told that wearing a mask by someone without COVID-19 was not recommended. Now people are being encouraged to wear masks in public and the city issued a press release on Monday, April 27 stating that on Wednesday, April 29, the city will begin providing “free face coverings to Greensboro residents.”
The free masks can be picked up at city hall at 300 W. Washington St. and the United Way of Greater Greensboro at 1500 Yanceyville St. from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. while supplies last.
The Greensboro City Council at its virtual meeting on April 21 discussed, and the majority supported, mandating that people wear masks when in public places.
What the city seems to be ignoring is that wearing a mask in public according to state law in North Carolina is illegal.
At this time it doesn’t appear that anyone in North Carolina has been arrested for wearing a mask in public due to the coronavirus, but they could be.
The North Carolina legislature, when it goes back into session on Tuesday, April 28, is supposed to consider a bill that would make it legal for people to wear masks in public for health concerns.
But unless and until that law is passed by the North Carolina state House, state Senate and signed by Gov. Roy Cooper, it is still illegal to wear a mask in public even if it is on the recommendation of the Greensboro City Council or some other governmental entity.
The North Carolina General Statutes that prohibit the wearing of mask in public are NCGS 14-12.7, 14-12.8 and 14-12.9.
They can be read here:
Instead of writing drivel such as this article, why don’t you do something constructive and go volunteer at a hospital.
I love the Rhino Times and is sorely needed to combat the Kool Aid drinkers who blindly follow the dictator in Raleigh, but using the link you provided, you are wrong:
14-12.11. Exemptions from provisions of Article.
(a) The following are exempted from the provisions of G.S. 14-12.7, 14-12.8, 14-12.9, 14-12.10 and 14-12.14:
(1) …
(2) …
(3) …
(4) Persons wearing gas masks prescribed in … emergencies
I think the Weimar wannabe dictator’s proclamations since early March covers the crud issued by the Greensboro City Council, unfortunately…
There is no “dictator” in Raleigh, you oaf. None of this would be necessary if people like you could ever be relied upon to do the right thing, instead of being backwards and obstinate.
You have no idea what I’m doing, you oaf.
Why are more people wearing masks now than 2 weeks ago?? Do they feel people are more contagious than 2 weeks ago? ??? Did they just realize how it spreads?? Is it because they went to Costco, grocery store, liquor store , Dr office, w/o one these last few weeks and they they have gotten it SOME HOW. and they are getting out MORE now???..I understand flatten the curve .. or is it because NOW someone TOLD them to wear one…
More is known about the virus. Masks are in better supply. Recommendations have changed.
Seriously, use your brain.
I don’t understand your point. There are several reason, including there being enough supply now, Trump could only push back on the recommendation for so long, and stay at home orders have ended/relaxed so people are coming into contact more often.
So why aren’t those repulsive muslim women arrested?
You know, the ones who hide themselves from head to toe, save for a slit at the eyes.
Repulsive? How many different flavors of racist are you, exactly?
Excuse you…..Muslim women are NOT repulsive. They wear coverings to so their religious dedication. Something I am sure you know ZERO about. But it is so nice to see your Xenophobia is showing. By the way, since you lack brain cells, Xenophobia is the fear of other religions.
Katie, you may need to borrow a few brain cells your self. Go look up the definition of Xenophobia.
(2) Any person or persons engaged in trades and employment where a mask is worn for the purpose of ensuring the physical safety of the wearer, or because of the nature of the occupation, trade or profession;
” so as to conceal the identity of the wearer” You clickbaiting idiot.
NONE of the current exemptions allow a retired grandmother to stand in line (socially distanced) at the grocery store while wearing a simple cloth mask or even the N95 mask she wears to control allergy to the plentiful pollen in NC. Governor Cooper has not included an exemption for the duration of his emergency declaration. No lawyer wants any law removed, while they are ensconced in a public office!
Hopefully, the Legislature will quickly make masks legal for public heath benefits, not just for taxpaying workers in dusty weaving plants.
This article was pointless use of your time, my time, kilobytes, electricity. No wonder Rhino’s office is vacant and your “newspaper” is nothing more than a blog now.