As fallout continues from the chaos that the Town of Summerfield government faces right now, another Town Council member has spoken out in the form of a press release.

Councilmember John Doggett was the sole councilmember who voted against the move not to renew Town Manager Scott Whitaker’s contract, and it turns out, that when Whitaker leaves in early June, the entire town staff will be leaving with him.  All town staff collectively announced their resignation last weekend saying that Whitaker, and staff, have been treated unfairly by the majority of the Summerfield Council.

Summerfield Mayor Tim Sessoms also opposed the move of not renewing the contract of the manager of the town for the last 12 years; however, the mayor only gets a vote in the case of a tie.

“My family has called the land that is now Summerfield home for approximately 150 years,” Doggett wrote in his public statement that was sent to the media. “I hope the Doggetts can say the same for another 150 years. I speak for all of us when I say we love this town.”

He adds, “It is for that reason I feel compelled to say publicly what I have been saying in private for months; something has to change.”

Doggett also said he has been left out of the mix by the four councilmembers who now control the town government.

“I have been kept out of all substantive decision-making,” he stated, “and I understand that is the nature of being the sole voice of dissension, but those in control of the town need to take stock of what has happened in the past few months.”

He then recounted the major troubles Summerfield is currently facing.

“The town’s lobbyists resigned weeks ago, and de-annexation seems imminent. Rumors about the town potentially losing its charter grow louder by the day. Our outside Auditor resigned. Our entire staff resigned. We face very serious legal action from the NAACP. I do not know who will be here to manage the day-to-day functions of Summerfield, if anyone. We cannot continue on the path we are on. I urge my colleagues on town council to change course before it is too late.”