The Greensboro Planning Department this week released the fourth quarter of 2021 report on how the new comprehensive plan for the City of Greensboro GSO 2040, which went into effect on July 1, 2020 is progressing.
One of the items highlighted in the report is the “Composting Education & Community Farmers Market Pilot Program.”
This is a demonstration area in Keely Park where 10 different types of composters have been installed to teach people how to compost.
The report also contains a number of items about streetscaping. According to the report, construction is in progress on the long awaited Summit Avenue Streetscape project and is expected to be completed in 2022.
In 2016, the voters passed $126 million in bonds, including $25 million for downtown streetscaping. No one can accuse the city of rushing into this project. In 2020, the Bellemeade-Eugene Streetscape project was scheduled to be completed by the winter of 2021.
According to the report, construction has begun on the Bellemeade-Eugene Streetscape and the Davie Streetscape. The Eugene Street City Parking deck, which has an entrance on Bellemeade Street, is completed and the old Guilford County Mental Health headquarters at the corner of North Eugene Street and West Friendly Avenue is scheduled to be demolished next month.
In 2022, construction on Carroll Ballpark South, a mixed-use development that will include development along Bellemeade and North Eugene Streets, is expected to begin.
Carroll Ballpark South is a project of The Carroll Companies, which also owns this publication.
On Davie Street, the city parking deck and Westin Hotel project is under construction and much of the area slated for streetscaping is currently inside the fence around the construction site.
GSO 2040 includes six “Big Ideas.” These “Big Ideas” are often included in the city’s presentation for rezoning requests. The six “Big Ideas” are: Filling in Our Framework, Creating Great Places, Becoming Car Optional, Prioritizing Sustainability, Building Community Connections and Growing Economic Competitiveness.
GSO 2040 also includes five vision statements and the goal of GSO 2040 is to make those statements true by the year 2040. The vision statements are: “Greensboro is the best mid-size city in America. Greensboro is the greenest city in the Southeast. Greensboro is committed to equity, diversity and inclusivity. We make history. Greensboro is a city of inspiration and creativity where people and businesses thrive.”
One of the first moves for GSO 2040, is clean off the paint on Elm St right in the middle of downtown. And to never let any small protest group to destroy or damage city property that belongs to all the citizens of this city. I was, and still am, so disappointed in our elected officials to allow this type of bad behavior to happen. Protest , peacefully , is in our history but to let any group do this and then not clean it up?? What if it was the local churches , one of our high schools, the scouts ? Police would have been there in a second ! Remember people , we get what we vote for, I for one will not vote for weakness on our city council. Common Sense.
The five statements in the 2040 plan are not the conditions that we see in Greensboro today thanks to the failure of the current city leaders. Go to the polls and vote this bunch of morons out of office.
The five “vision” statements are such horse hockey. Especially with our current council Please hurry the elections