An odd coalition was formed during the 21 votes to approve the 2023-2024 fiscal year budget by the Greensboro City Council on Tuesday, June 20.
The first vote the City Council takes on the budget is the big one.
The actual city budget is amended at nearly every business meeting of the City Council, but the first budget vote sets the property tax rate for the upcoming fiscal year and that is not subject to change.
Most years following the first vote on the budget, the next 20 or so motions are passed unanimously as quickly as Mayor Nancy Vaughan can read them.
This year was different. City Councilmember Sharon Hightower said that she planned to vote against the motion that would raise water and sewer rates by 8.5 percent. She said the water department had “a lot of money” and she was against raising the rates for people that were already going to be paying more in property taxes.
However, as noted, there were a total of 21 votes to approve the budget and Hightower was not the only councilmember to cast a no vote.
On item I.8, “Ordinance Amending the Parking Facilities Capital Project Fund,” and the eighth vote to approve the budget, Councilmember Zack Matheny, who is president of Downtown Greensboro Inc. (DGI), asked for more information.
He said, “What are the expenditures? They obviously are not justification for increasing the parking fees.”
And Matheny once again complained about not being able to get information from City Manager Tai Jaiyeoba. He said, “I just want a response for what we are spending money on. I’m really getting tired of having to ask constantly for information.”
Matheny noted that the report on the downtown parking study, which the city had been working on for a year and a half, was due in July, and yet parking fees were being raised before the study was complete.
Vaughan noted they had asked that the study be accelerated but that it still was not complete.
Matheny said, “So let’s just go ahead and raise rates before the plan comes out. It makes no sense whatsoever. None.”
Matheny also noted that while parking in the downtown decks was usually free at night, that people were being charged to park for the beach music festival and for baseball games.
However, the motion to approve item I.8 passed by an 8-1 vote, with Matheny voting no.
Item I.9 “Ordinance Amending the Water Resources Capital Improvements Fund” passed 8-1, with Matheny voting no without comment.
Item I.12 “Ordinance Amending Chapter 29 of the Greensboro Code of Ordinances: Amending Water and Sewer Fees” was the ordinance that Hightower opposed.
Hightower said there was a discrepancy in the information the council had been provided on raising water and sewer rates and added, “I just don’t want to see the water fees increase. We just increased taxes.”
After the vote, Vaughan announced, “That passes 7 to 2 with the alliance of Matheny and Hightower voting no.”
Item I.13 “Ordinance Amending Chapter 29 of the Greensboro Code of Ordinances: Amending System Development Fees” also passed on a 7-2 vote with Hightower and Matheny voting no.
Vaughan said, “The alliance holds.”
And item I.14 “Ordinance Amending Chapter 25 of the Greensboro Code of Ordinances Amending Solid Waste Fees” also passed on a 7-2 vote with Hightower and Matheny voting no.
Vaughan said, “A trifecta.”
You voted for them. Are you happy? Do you like paying excessive taxes and fees? Do you like paying for council pet projects with no accountability? Can you think before you vote next time or do you like the same old same old?
Who are you talking to? This city is overwhelmingly black and liberal progressive. There are no conservatives ti save you not even in the county!
The conservative vote is there, but people need to participate in the Republic by getting to the polls. Our next election may be the last chance for Guilford County.
The Triad, RDU, and Charlotte are the top immigrant snowbird locations from NY, NJ, Il, etc. They bring their politics with them.
The City Council needs to terminate the city manager immediately!
Can someone please explain what the charge on our water-sewer bill called “billing and availability “ is for and why on each bill are we double charged for this. One charge for water and the same amount for sewer. Also why are
non city water users charged 3 times the billing and availability verses city residents
What do you expect? Anyone comperstand this govermet-ease?
We can prove to these money hungry people that we are sick of their greedy behavior by not going down town for any reason. Do not patronize restaurants or stores downtown. Avoid any and everything that we can to stop paying all charges that we can avoid and things that we can do without. We, the CITIZENS of Greensboro, can control this situation. We will make a difference!
Best way to control is by the vote but when under 20 percent actually bother you’re not going to get a true picture if the will of the people. If Greensboro would hold all council positions subject to a citywide vote I bet some of the entrenched democrats would get the boot. Then maybe taxes could be brought in line. Maybe lol.
If a 3rd party does not run against Nancy Vaughan in next election, she is history. Had it been that way this past election, she would not be mayor.
Justin got black votes and the conservative agenda nationally wasn’t as toxic! If you get rid of Vaughn you lose your only ally! You may not like her but she is a centrist. This city if I’m lucky will primary her and we can get a black progressive. Then we will really be having fun!
The voters need to make an alliance and boot the whole crowd of Woke Socialist council out the door along with the city attorney and city manager. Spend Spend Spend is the alliances goal, no matter how it affects the taxpayer.
We need new people in office in Greensboro. Same people snd always raising fees snd taxes. No information or justification given. Time for city manager to go. Need new mayor too. We need citizens in office who understand that everything costs more and we still have the same income. Just higher bills to pay for everything. Many of us are senior citizens living on fixed incomes. Good, utilities, medical bills sll going up but not income.
God bless you John Hammer.
Zack Matheny has been sent breakdowns on the parking fund SEVERAL times since he started asking for it. He’s basically trolling city staff at this point. It would almost be funny if it wasn’t so insulting to the people who have worked hard to get him the information.