Now that North Carolina legislators have headed back to Raleigh to decide a lot of important questions concerning the state of North Carolina, one battle that’s noticeably heating up is that of the Town of Summerfield versus farmer and developer David Couch, who appears set on getting the state legislature to allow him to de-annex about 1,000 acres of property he owns so that he can proceed in the way he wants with a proposed large residential and mixed-use development.
Summerfield town leaders are fiercely fighting that move with a lobbyist, a massive PR campaign, and by seeking the help of other local governments and state residents in that fight.
One very strong ally in the battle is another small Guilford County town only 8.5 miles away – the Town of Stokesdale, which, like many small towns, fears the legislature’s approval of de-annexation could set a precedent that leads to a threat of the same thing happening to other cities and towns across the state.
Since that political battle could take place very soon, the town is reaching out to media outlets like the Rhino Times to make sure area and state residents – and state legislators – know where the town stands.
Last month, the Stokesdale Town Council passed a resolution stating its strong opinion and, this week, the town is making that resolution as public as it can.
In an email this week to the Rhino Times, the Stokesdale town clerk stated, “On March 14th, 2024, the Stokesdale Town Council convened to address a matter of significant concern to our community. After thorough deliberation, the Council unanimously approved a statement urging all North Carolina citizens to reach out to their respective legislators and voice opposition to North Carolina House Bill 5.”
The email went on to say, “We kindly request that you share this information with your audience to raise awareness and foster informed discussion on this matter.”
The statement begins, “For over one year Summerfield, NC has been in a battle against de-annexation of nearly 1000 acres of noncontiguous land in the heart of their Town. If this action is taken, it will be the largest de-annexation in NC history.”
It also notes that NC Senator Phil Berger visited the Stokesdale Town Hall on February 20 of this year for a meeting with two members of the Stokesdale Town Council, and, right after that meeting, Berger confirmed his intent to push for a vote on NC House Bill 5, which includes the de-annexation of the land in Summerfield.
The new statement from Stokesdale notes the following …
- Berger stated this vote will come in the Short Legislative Session, which begins on Wednesday, April 24, and two members of the Summerfield Town Council – as well as citizens of Summerfield – were present during the conversation.
- The Stokesdale Town Council believes that this de-annexation is “a threat to all small towns throughout NC because of the precedent it would set.”
- The Stokesdale Town Council adopted a resolution to protect small town autonomy by opposing the Summerfield de-annexation.
- Stokesdale’s leaders are suggesting that all residents of North Carolina contact their legislators and request that they oppose NC House Bill 5.
All these little “towns” that border the city of Greensboro, only incorporated to prevent being annexed by Greensboro. These towns cannot provide the resources and services needed to be viable. De-Annex those 1000 acres and more if needed, and let the area be annexed by Greensboro. Greensboro can and will provide all that is needed. The rest of Summerfield would remain the same at this time.
“Greensboro can and will provide all that is needed”
Beg to differ with you. . . .is Geekboro providing repairs or replacement of worn out streets that resemble a black and white checkerboard because they defer paving them because they gave the money to non-profits? Are they installing bright street lights in high crime areas versus the old yellow dim bulbs of the 1960s? And why are they providing sidewalks where no one walks. . . aka West Friendly Avenue out to I-73?
Thank you Stokesdale! Every citizen should worry about one developer buying their way out of zoning. Summerfield adopted the exact zoning Couch requested in 2023. What more can a town do than concede and give a developer special zoning HE WROTE? Every town has zoning, and Summerfield bent over backwards. HB5 is an abuse of power and will ultimately squash the authority of locals to govern. Write leaders by going to the Summerfield webpage where they have a Saving Summerfield tab.
I have to wonder if Stokesdale is run by the same anti-development mindset that infects Summerfield leaders. Summerfield, unless the rules changed, would review a development plan, deny it and under their rules, you have to wait a year to submit a revised plan. They never negotiated in good faith. This is going to get interesting. The town should put its money and credit where it’s mouth is: float a bond, buy Couch’s land at full market value and create a nature preserve or more acre plus lots with McMansions, well and septic.
There are a lot of towns against this legislative interference. Summerfield adopted the zoning this developer wanted (he wrote the new ordinance), but he won’t file for rezoning. He has had this land for decades, knowing the rules. Those rules were changed in 2023 just for him. Deannexation is an unjust political favor and everyone should be worried and fighting this along with Summerfield, Stokesdale, Oak Ridge, Lewisville etc etc
David Couch has no interest in selling his land. He wants to develop the land because apartments and rented homes bring in a sustained source of income. Then there are the REITs (Real Estate Investment Trusts.) What REITs are involved with the de-annexation? Are REITs helping to bankroll the legal fees associated with David Couch’s de-annexation fight? More lawyers are being added to Couch’s team. Lawyers do not come cheap, especially Amanda Stiletto (inside joke.) The longtime residents of NC and by extension the NC legislature need to determine what they want NC to look like in the future. By allowing one individual (Couch) to exert influence and pressure on a state legislature to achieve a moneymaking goal for himself should be an anathema to NC voters and members of the NC legislature. The question goes beyond the property rights of Couch. This is not a question of the right to build a shed on a property. This is fundamentally changing the power of one rich person to influence a state government for financial gain for that one person.
Sorry Summerfield and Stokesdale. But Berger is MAGA and we must follow. What would Trump think? He’s a developer and of course he’d be on the side of the developer who wants to de-annex.
Really? What does Trump have to do with de-annexation of Summerfield? You just cannot help yourself.