Guilford County government, the Guilford County Sheriff’s Department and many local community-based organizations have, in recent years, been putting a great deal of emphasis on helping those who go to jail get on the right path once they get out.
A major part of that effort has been carried out by the Guilford County Sheriff’s Office Re-entry Council.
Teens who get addicted to drugs often end up in big trouble and in jail. However, since they’re younger, many consider the prospect of influencing them in a positive way more promising than influencing hardened adults who face the same issues.
On Friday, Oct. 14, the Guilford County Sheriff’s Department announced that it’s seeking community partners in this effort.
Everyone agrees that preventing drug use is a major step in moving people away from a criminal lifestyle and reducing the chance of recidivism. And they know that a coordinated effort is necessary.
Recently, for instance, the council met with Crossroads Treatment Center – a Methadone clinic – to discuss how a collaboration between the two can help address the area’s opioid epidemic and protect youngsters in the community.
The Sheriff’s Department is looking for service providers with a focus on helping people who are reentering society after incarceration. The effort includes mentoring at-risk youth amid the opioid epidemic.
Many groups and organizations share common goals with the Guilford County Sheriff’s Office its ongoing battle against the opioid epidemic.
One current huge killer is Fentanyl, a synthetic opioid, which is often mixed with heroin, cocaine and methamphetamine – and then made into pills that resemble commonly used prescription opioids. Across the country, Fentanyl is the leading cause of death for people ages 18 to 45.
According to data from the Sheriff’s Department, Fentanyl is 50 times stronger than heroin and up to 100 times stronger than morphine.
“Many people are unaware that their drugs have been mixed with fentanyl,” the statement from the Sheriff’s Department warns. “It only takes one pill to kill.”
As one part of the effort, the department’s Re-entry Council is searching for ways to address substance abuse concerns before referring that person to other services – such as employment or vocational training.
The county’s Re-entry Council’s goal is to help people “rebuild relationships, obtain and sustain employment, become engaged parents, and create better lives for themselves, their families, and their communities.”
Sheriff Rogers we can spend every dime of tax payers money on costly rehab centers and hire a those folks at top dollar. I say stop the source in its track. A river will dry up if you take all its source of water. Stop building caskets for victims of overdose. Put the blame at the feet of the drug dealers selling this poison. Shame on you Sheriff Rogers using victims of the tragic deaths as part of your reelection campaign as seen on your GCSO Facebook page.
Four years in office and now the Sheriff’s office wants to partner with the community to work on substance abuse with our young. I wonder, could it be this is an election is near. Sheriff Rogers is now worried about our youth, The same sheriff who has a criminal conviction for alcohol involving an underage person. The same sheriff who has not spoken out about the violence in our schools, who has mot taken a stand on being an advocate for criminal prosecution for the gangbangers stealing and terrorizing neighborhoods. From him you have heard nothing.
Folks, if you really want a change, to see safer schools, safer communities, then forget the false rhetoric coming from Sheriff Rogers. Replace him with Phil Byrd who has the knowledge and experience Rogers will never have. It’s time to not vote color or party, but vote experience, vote to protect your family, your property, vote Phil Byrd for Sheriff.
Isn’t it strange this program is being brought up at election time and when the county (another Rhino story) has millions for drug interdiction. Who else will be paid out of that money and nothing accomplished. Remember in November.