On Friday, Dec. 29, 2023, Metro 911 received a call or calls from the home of Greensboro City Manager Tai Jaiyeoba at 10 Postbridge Court in Greensboro.

Greensboro police officers responded to the call or calls.

In North Carolina, calls to 911 are public records and should be provided to the public on request. Police reports are also public records. In cases of ongoing criminal investigations, police reports may be withheld, but in this case there is no evidence of an ongoing criminal investigation.

The incidents, according to people who have been told about them, involve Jaiyeoba and his daughter. A later incident involved Jaiyeoba needing medical attention. According to a source who wishes to remain anonymous, Jaiyeoba had a dislocated shoulder and needed medical treatment. It has also been reported that Jaiyeoba was seen with his arm in a sling over the holidays, reportedly as the result of a fall.

Is this a case of a daughter trying to embarrass her father, the city manager, by calling 911?

It could be, but because the city refuses to release the police report and the 911 call or calls, that cannot be ascertained by the public.

Mayor Nancy Vaughan confirmed that an incident did occur at Jaiyeoba’s house and that there was a police report and calls to 911. But Vaughan declined to speak further about the matter.

City Attorney Chuck Watts would not confirm or deny any of the information about the incident but did agree that both police reports and 911 calls are public records and should be released to the public in a “reasonable” amount of time.

The Rhino Times made a public records request for the police reports and recordings of the 911 calls on Monday, Jan. 15. According to the City of Greensboro public records request website, “Staff is searching for the records.”

Neither police reports nor 911 calls are difficult to find. Perhaps when the city staff “finds” the records, another request will be made for a record of where staff searched and didn’t find the requested information.