Greensboro Police Chief Brian James has launched the 2022 Chief’s Summer Youth Employment Initiative (CSYEI) for 2022.

James started CSYEI last year with the goal of providing 500 summer jobs for youth in Greensboro and, as a result, 525 youth participated in the program.  James recently told the City Council that while the goal is still set at 500, he hopes to do much better than that in this the second year.

The CSYEI program is for youths from 14 to 21, and the idea is to provide more than just a job but “a structured learning employment training environment” according to the press release.

The website for the CSYEI is up and can be accessed here, .

The eight-week program includes personal skills training for youth seeking employment.  James said the idea behind the CSYEI was to keep teenagers busy and off the streets in an effort to curb violence in Greensboro.

James said, “When we invest in our youth, it improves the quality of life for our city, our neighborhoods and our families.

When James talked to the City Council about the program, there was a lot of quibbling by councilmembers about how the program had been run last year, particularly that some youth who did not live in the targeted areas of East Greensboro may have participated.  It appeared the City Council was considering taking over the program.

However, City Manager Tai Jaiyeoba stepped in and said the program was started by James and would continue to be run by the Police Department.

Some of the entities that participated last year have already renewed their partnerships with the program, including NCWorks-NextGen, Guilford County Schools, Cone Health, Ralph Lauren, Food Lion, McDonald’s and Koury Convention Center.

The first summer job career fair for youth will be held Saturday, April 30 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Windsor Community Center at 1601 Gate City Blvd.

Employers interested in participated may go to and visit the employers portal or may contact Tifanie Rudd at