Former Greensboro City Councilmember and former state Sen. Don Vaughan had one of those weekends where you’d like to ask for a do-over.
Vaughan, the estranged husband of Greensboro Mayor Nancy Vaughan, held a birthday party for their daughter, Catherine, and several of her friends who were all turning 16 in December.
Don Vaughan said there was no alcohol in the house and the guests were served soft drinks and nachos. He said he hired a magician for entertainment and everything seemed to be going well. Then some uninvited guests showed up who were drinking alcohol. Don Vaughan said as soon as he found out there were uninvited guests, he asked them to leave and they were leaving when the police arrived and cited him for contributing to the delinquency of a minor.
Nancy Vaughan was not present, but she said she understood that “There was a party going on for a couple of hours without incident.” Then she said she understood things got out of hand quickly.
She said, “I know Don would never serve alcohol to minors.”
Nancy Vaughan added, “I hate that what should have been a birthday celebration for my daughter has been turned into a media event.
One thing the public learned from the incident is that Don Vaughan and Nancy Vaughan are no longer living together. Nancy Vaughan said that she moved out of the house where the party was held at 902 Sunset Dr. in July 2015.
Nancy Vaughan currently lives at 1617 Wilton Dr.
Fox 8 must have been confused about who lives where because, in one report on this incident, the house next door to Don Vaughan’s house is shown but his house is not.