Guilford County government puts out press releases all the time; however, Chairman of the Guilford County Board of Commissioners Skip Alston almost never does. But, over the Labor Day Weekend, Alston did send one out – one regarding the Black vote in the state in the upcoming election.
“In an unprecedented action,” the release states, “several of the largest and most influential African-American political action committees (PACs) in North Carolina will jointly announce support for candidates in the upcoming 2024 elections, including the races for President of the United States, Governor of North Carolina, and other statewide offices. The announcement will take place at a news conference in Raleigh, NC Wednesday, September 4th at 10:30 a.m. in front of the Legislative building located at 16 W. Jones St.”
The PACs didn’t show their cards in the statement regarding which candidates they will support, but it’s a safe bet that the name Trump is nowhere on their list.
The news conference in the state’s capital will be hosted by Alston, a member of the George C. Simkins, Jr. Memorial PAC in Greensboro – which is one of the convening groups putting on the collective high-profile endorsement event.
Alston said of the plans, “Although each of these PACs made independent judgments about which candidates would best serve the interests of our state and nation, we found that there was substantial agreement among us. The importance of the 2024 elections makes it imperative that we unite and get the word out across the state about our support for these candidates.”
The participating organizations include the Raleigh Wake Citizens Association, the George C. Simkins Jr. Memorial PAC of Guilford County, the Durham Committee on the Affairs of Black People, and the Bladen Improvement Association.
While the Black Political Caucus of Charlotte Mecklenburg hasn’t made formal endorsements yet for this year’s General Election, the group has agreed to a “shared commitment in supporting candidates who prioritize and advocate for the best interests of African Americans across the state.”
The collective PAC’s press release states that the candidates to be endorsed “represent a powerful coalition of progressive leadership, dedicated to advancing the interests of African-American and marginalized communities across the state.”
Several of the candidates to be endorsed are expected to attend the news conference and hang around to take questions from the media afterwards, as well as to share their visions for North Carolina’s future.
According to the PACs, the endorsements are based on the candidates’ “proven track records and their commitment to policies that will uplift all North Carolinians.”
Alston added “These candidates have received our endorsements because we believe they are the ones who will be most effective in working to improve the lives of African Americans throughout our state and the lives of all citizens in North Carolina, especially in our marginalized communities. By and large, they are not new to public office and have demonstrated records for us to evaluate and compare with other candidates.”
In the weeks following the September 3 endorsement event and press conference, the participating PACs plan to join forces and actively work toward getting the candidates elected through grassroots efforts such as voter registration drives, door-to-door campaigning, voter training sessions, and by providing transportation to the polls for voters who need it.
The PACs say they’ll work together to see that every eligible voter has an opportunity to participate in this election and have information on the best candidates to vote for, and that they’re committed to maximizing voter turnout in what they call a “pivotal” election.
The start of voting is just around the corner now: Early voting in North Carolina starts on October 17 and ends on November 2, with Election Day falling on Tuesday, Nov. 5.
Keep voting the way you have over the past 50+ years – and expect things to get better. The very definition of insanity.
Regarding black NC PACs, Alston said ” …we found that there was substantial agreement among us”.
I’m shocked. Shocked, I tell you!
All politics is racial. That’s why the Democrat Party is importing millions of non-whites.
Put your tinfoil hat on. Your repeated lies and misinformation about immigrants are getting boring.
What lies and misinformation?
When you challenge this liar to corroborate his falsehoods… he just disappears.
Chrissy like to smear and slander people, because he’s an odious despicable little creep.
Your denial of the problems and burdens caused by an open border are stupefying, at the least, but downright merciless, at it’s greatest.
These are dangerous problems happening in real time, right before your eyes.
So, Chris, why do you think Democrats support allowing millions of illegal immigrants into the US of A?
Don’t confuse him. It’s not nice. (snark off)
We’re full, send them all home!
Their endorsements most likely will be for career politicians that continue with kickbacks and backdoor deals. Just once I would like politicians try to unite ALL people instead of grouping them into identities to pit against each other.
“Cats and dogs living together…”
NC Black PACs must believe that Black voters are monolithic voters, constituting a single unit. Black female voters, yes. I would hope, and I believe, that does not apply to Black men. Black men need to stand tall and continue to be free thinkers. Black men do not think in unison. NC Black PACs and Skip Alston will not be able to capture Black male votes by simply issuing a list of candidates and expect Black men to obey. As far as the candidate list, it will comprise the usual Democratic candidates who will not offer real solutions to real problems but are interested in power and/or furthering their careers. Sincere voters know that Kamala Harris is not qualified to serve as President. Sincere voters know that Joshua Stein is using NC voters to further his political aspirations to higher federal office in Washington D.C. We need a governor who is interested in North Carolina first, not the next political office he aspires to win. Surely, Harris and Stein will be on Skip Alston’s list. Vote for Donald Trump and Mark Robinson. Black men understand what it is like to be railroaded.
You’re right about Stein. Democrats like to claim identity politics as a reason to vote for a candidate. So they reason that if you’re a black female you must vote for Kamala Harris. It’s inane, like saying that all redheads must vote for a redheaded candidate, but that’s what they peddle.
So let’s use their identity politics with Stein. If you believe the people of North Carolina should have a Governor who’s a liberal Jewish attorney from DC, he’s your man…
I’m curious to see what would happen if a WHITE PAC made such an announcement. Groups like this and their actions only further divide the country and our communities
Check out the major PACs supporting Trump. They are as white as white can be.
All politics is racial.
Big difference. Of course, Trump PACs support Trump. It is in the name: TRUMP PACs. Alston and cronies are supporting candidates for a variety of offices based on what is beneficial to Alston and cronies.
They may be Caucasian but they don’t revel in it and brag of their WHITENESS
Could it be that the supporters for Trump, regardless of color, want closed borders, reduced crime, and a viable economy? Do only Whites want these things? I think not.
There was a wonderful WHITE PAC a few years ago.
You crack me up, Rebel…!
Glad to make you smile Austin. I long for the good ole days, when people worked to support themselves and their family, boys and girls remained boys and girls. Most of all that government wasn’t so damn big and so involved in our lives
Hear, hear! Me too.
I had to emigrate because I was so sick of “Government in your Face” – in the UK, which is now a complete totalitarian country.
Sadly, I see this country being dragged down the same road to tyranny, albeit more slowly.
But… at least there’s a chance for a fight back here. The Rebels and Rednecks won’t roll over like the effete and effeminate Brits.
“…the participating PACs plan to join forces and actively work toward getting the candidates elected through grassroots efforts such as voter registration drives, door-to-door campaigning, voter training sessions, and by providing transportation to the polls for voters who need it. The PACs say they’ll work together to see that every eligible voter has an opportunity to participate in this election and have information on the best candidates to vote for, and that they’re committed to maximizing voter turnout in what they call a “pivotal” election.”
While I dislike the divisiveness engendered by identity politics, this sounds like democracy as it should be, and at its best…
…except, we are not a democracy. We’re a republic.
Actually, we ceased to be a republic when the national parties amended away the prerogatives of the states…
I stand corrected.
Thank you, glad to see someone else knows.
I disagree with your assessment about every eligible voter voting. Busing a warm body to vote is not promoting democracy. Who was it that said, “a proper functioning democracy depends on an informed electorate?” Oh, yes, that’s right, Thomas Jefferson. Warm bodies do not mean informed voters. In fact, I would argue the opposite. Busing warm bodies does not constitute an informed electorate but demonstrates that these voters do not have the wherewithal or desire to make it to the poles on their own. Do we really want to coddle voters? I think not.
As far as being a democracy, we are a democracy that functions as a republic. We democratically elect our representatives to represent us in Washington, that elected body then makes decisions and casts their votes based on the will of the people who democratically elected them. Therefore, America is both a democracy and a republic.
So just what do progressives believe in anyway? Are they behind Guilford county being a “sanctuary” location? These are definitely odd times we are living through.
I know that I’m going out on a limb here.
My prediction is that the press conference by Skippy and bros will announce an across the board endorsement for EVERY demoncrat running in ANY race for EVERY office that is up for election.
I know it’s a stretch and a crazy prediction, but I stand by it.
People please watch this!!!!! It will give you an idea of which way the state is headed as well as the country.
These indorsements will really help me to decide who I am going to vote for. Otherwise, I just would not have been able to make up my mind.
Something tells me that these black PACs will NOT be supporting the black candidate for Governor. How ironic is that?
No, of course they won’t endorse Mark Robinson ! He’s a Christian conservative with lots of common sense, not a career politician ! He will actually uphold the Constitution and endeavor to improve the NC economy and the lives of average citizens.
Great and valid point
The liberal democrats who have allowed Guilford county to become a leftwing “progressive” tax and spend cesspool many other municipalities have become are long gone… Moved to conservative locales that haven’t been ruined.
Wow,even Chris didn’t like Alston’s endorsements. Things coming around.
Hey Skip-the-Hyp:
What we need in NC is a white-only PAC to the advancement of caucasians everywhere. How does that sound to you?
Well, Skip never has been the sharpest tool in the shed.