The Greensboro Parks and Recreation Department is celebrating National Parks and Recreation Month in July, which is a little tough in the midst of COVID-19 shutdowns.
With most of the indoor facilities and playgrounds closed and all “face to face” summer programming cancelled, the usual activities are not possible.
However, that adversity has not stopped the Greensboro Parks and Recreation Department from celebrating – just doing it from a safe distance.
Each Friday in July, the Parks and Recreation staff is hiding a “We Are #GSOParksand Rec” heart-shaped sign at one of the outdoor facilities. Clues are posted on the department’s Facebook and Instagram pages on Friday afternoons. In true 2020 fashion, those who find the sign are directed to take a selfie with it and leave it for the next person to find. The selfies should be emailed to Parks and Recreation. Each week all the photos submitted will be entered into a drawing to win a Parks and Recreation prize pack worth $50.
The signs should not be too difficult to find, if you’re in the right place, because they will be hidden in plain sight with no climbing or off-roading required to find them.
Through July 14 the department is hosting a virtual children’s fishing tournament and it isn’t trying to catch virtual fish. There are three age groups, children 6 and under, 7 to 12 and 13 to 17. The cost is $10 and you must register online to participate. Fish in any city lake and send a picture of your best catch to Parks and Recreation. The longest fish in each category and age division wins. Fishing contests are usually based on weight, but weight is a little rough to ascertain from a photo.
Family Trivia Night will be held every Thursday night.
Parks and Recreation’s first NBA2K Tournament for PlayStation of Xbox will be held July 21 through July 24. Participating is free but registration is required.